hi, i love gamez

Stu Pedaso
15 Jun 2006, 23:29
hi, i got mad skillz and i love teh gamez omg lol wtf

15 Jun 2006, 23:31
Moving to chat..
Is this for real?

Stu Pedaso
15 Jun 2006, 23:32
is what for real

15 Jun 2006, 23:36

hi, i got mad skillz and i love teh gamez omg lol wtf

I think that speaks for itself.
Plus the fact you tried to post an abusive topic.

Stu Pedaso
15 Jun 2006, 23:37
i did not liar. you are picking on me becos i am a girl, aren't you?

15 Jun 2006, 23:40
... yes?

I didn't accuse you of lying, I am not sexist, and I'm not picking on you.

I just your one-line post, which didn't make much sense, was a bit odd.

Stu Pedaso
15 Jun 2006, 23:41
lolz i admit it was a bit odd. sorry mr tron, i won't be mean, you really sound like a nice guy

16 Jun 2006, 02:21
Ooooook. Off topic, but I actually know a guy named Stu Pidass. But seriously, are you for real? :lol: :lol: :lol:

steve the gaming guy
16 Jun 2006, 19:46
..and not to mention, how was Tr0n or anyone supposed to know Stu Pedaso was male or female?

17 Jun 2006, 16:25
Hi stu

19 Jun 2006, 00:14
Hi every1. :D

19 Jun 2006, 08:48
Welcome Stu.

20 Jun 2006, 02:49
stu who? hahahahahaha

(get it? it rhymes!)

The Unknown
20 Jun 2006, 11:09
Hello Stu

20 Jun 2006, 15:43
is she still around?

20 Jun 2006, 17:27
Doesn't appear so :S .

20 Jun 2006, 17:36
I hope we didn't run her off. she didnt sound like she was that old.

20 Jun 2006, 17:53
I think she just posted for kicks and was intending to troll. She didn't seem to have any purpose and was most likely a teenager - not very young.

20 Jun 2006, 20:00
She said she was 22 (in a topic I deleted)..
But to be honest the posts appeared to be from someone aged around 15..

Stu Pedaso
22 Jun 2006, 22:58
steve the gaming guy wrote:..and not to mention, how was Tr0n or anyone supposed to know Stu Pedaso was male or female?

So you're saying he picks on guys then?

Stu Pedaso
22 Jun 2006, 22:59
and I am too 22, Mr Tr0n, don't hate,

25 Jun 2006, 02:01
im the one thats 15. i wish i was older. :cry:

Stu Pedaso
25 Jun 2006, 17:18
don't worry you will get there, unless of course you tragically die of some dread disease before then :(

26 Jun 2006, 04:17
im not going to die of a dread disease but i dont care if i die young becuz then i will have a good looking corpse.

three of my friends from school were killed in car accidents. i kinda miss them and its strange to think i will never see them again. how come people pay so much attention to people after they die and not b4?


The Unknown
26 Jun 2006, 12:18
CheerleaderChick wrote:im not going to die of a dread disease but i dont care if i die young becuz then i will have a good looking corpse.

three of my friends from school were killed in car accidents. i kinda miss them and its strange to think i will never see them again. how come people pay so much attention to people after they die and not b4?


sorry to hear bout your friends. that's gotta be upsetting

27 Jun 2006, 11:54
oops, i posted something and then i am changing it now because i forgot there was a 2nd page here. silly me!

thanks d00d for knowing what i mean.

hey what happend to that foreign girl? she never came back either.

The Unknown
27 Jun 2006, 11:58
CheerleaderChick wrote:which she?

what happend to that foreign girl too? she never came back either. elex is a girl too.

That 'foreign girl's name is Ryori. She is my girlfriend. She is in class now studying english. She is purdy busy studying these days.

28 Jun 2006, 02:04
The Unknown wrote:That 'foreign girl's name is Ryori. She is my girlfriend. She is in class now studying english. She is purdy busy studying these days.

thats a pretty cool name Ryori. Spelled backwords its: Iroyr. I might be dyslexic because i think like that sometimes.

I hope Ry learns some better english. this is the hardest language but i dont have any problem with it. did she have to take summer school or something? we have break now, don't go back until fall.

im working and making some $$$ serving burgers to customers. i get the best tips! this old guy who used to come in all the time siad he likes me because im peppy. ha! i know he just was just thinking of having sex with me. I only went out with him once so thats not going to happen again. besides, he's not very big down there, if you know what i mean. i told him so. he hasn't been back since. i don't care either. i'm still getting good tips. i want a better set of wheels!


The Unknown
28 Jun 2006, 11:30
CheerleaderChick wrote:
I hope Ry learns some better english. this is the hardest language but i dont have any problem with it. did she have to take summer school or something? we have break now, don't go back until fall.

it's a second language for her. She's doing good though. The Buck is helping her out.

28 Jun 2006, 11:39
The Unknown wrote:it's a second language for her. She's doing good though. The Buck is helping her out.

you should be careful and not let someone else help her so much...she might get attached or depending on them. you seem nice tho.

thats what i think.

The Unknown
28 Jun 2006, 12:00
CheerleaderChick wrote:

"The Unknown"

it's a second language for her. She's doing good though. The Buck is helping her out.

you should be careful and not let someone else help her so much...she might get attached or depending on them. you seem nice tho.

thats what i think.

She's in a class. It's not some dude. The buck wouldn't go for that. Don't worry.. i'm protecting my doe.

So CC you got a buck in your life? How's life treatin ya?

29 Jun 2006, 01:49
oh you are the Buck? i thought you were the Unknown! hahahaha that is good. its like you belong together, the Buck and the Doe. I get it!

see i dont really have a regular boyfriend. i went to prom even tho im not a junior or a senior but i went with a bunch of other cheerleaders and plus all the football players. i dont know who to like! i like guys who look good and are big and strong so they can throw me up in the air. that makes my tummy tickle! hahahahahaha

i dont like old guys except for all the money they have. they usually have the best cars too.

i want a college boyfriend. they are older and smarter than most of my classmates.

how did you meet the Doe? did you find her in another country and bring her here? maybe i might find somebody from another country too. :?

29 Jun 2006, 02:55
CheerleaderChick wrote:Hi every1. :D
Hi CheerChick

29 Jun 2006, 03:15
hi christina! guess what, my name is really christy! u can call me that or cc. were are u from? i dont no all about these games but ppl are nice here.

cheers! hahahahahaha


The Unknown
29 Jun 2006, 12:15
CheerleaderChick wrote:oh you are the Buck? i thought you were the Unknown! hahahaha that is good. its like you belong together, the Buck and the Doe. I get it!

CC you are the only one out of all of these intellectual idiots that gets it. They always want to turn my love for my little doe into something horrible. I guess that's how it is when you are alone and bitter.

CheerleaderChick wrote:
how did you meet the Doe? did you find her in another country and bring her here? maybe i might find somebody from another country too. :?

no actually I met her thru a friend. I got invited to hr place for a gaming night. It was actually love at first sight. We are living together now.. I wont go any further. I dont want to give davidw anything to use against me with his sick twisted brand of amusment.

29 Jun 2006, 12:32
AGAIN, you mention David, when he hasn't posted in here for ages (if at all).

And it's not "the doe" bit that's wrong, it's more "property" part etc.
Saying "I'll defend myself and my property"... if property means yourself, then you're just saying "myself and myself"... Which makes no sense.... Anyway...

I won't comment on CC's posts... I think it's best all 'round.

The Unknown
29 Jun 2006, 12:35
Tr0n wrote:AGAIN, you mention David, when he hasn't posted in here for ages (if at all).

And it's not "the doe" bit that's wrong, it's more "property" part etc.
Saying "I'll defend myself and my property"... if property means yourself, then you're just saying "myself and myself"... Which makes no sense.... Anyway...

I won't comment on CC's posts... I think it's best all 'round.

Again, it's funny that you didn't mention all the posts he attacked me on yesterday... why is that? because your are part of his little hate crew...that's why.
You don't even have the common courtesy to reply my PMs... I figured it all out now..

29 Jun 2006, 12:42
I slept for 12 hours last night, with a smashing headache yesterday (which by the way was bringing me close to vomitting and was causing me to shake slightly... Others may have called it a migraine). It was also one of the dusiest day's I've had at work, and I got only a few times to visit.
I then am plagued by work all morning and get a few minutes to come on here.. And you think in all this I can reply to a pointless question to you asking me who I think David is?

I don't know who he thinks he is..

The Unknown
29 Jun 2006, 12:46
sorry to hear about your migrain. They are indeed painful.

29 Jun 2006, 23:33
here is what all of your fighting back and forth reminds me of:

please grow up.