Anyone here play board games?

The Unknown
12 Jun 2006, 15:22
Anyone here play board games?

13 Jun 2006, 03:40
yes but they are mostly boring.


The Unknown
13 Jun 2006, 11:00
What games? If you don't mind my asking.

13 Jun 2006, 11:46
Hey its ok to ask.

MOnoply is fun at first but then you run out of money.
Life is the same way.
Chutes and Ladders is still fun because you throw the dice and try not to go down the slide. I like the big big big slide almost at the end. I also like roller coasters alot!!!!

do you count cards as board game? I used to play card games with my uncle but then my mom found out and now he cant come over anymore.

Have you played any of these?

13 Jun 2006, 15:43
we used to play midnigth monopoly on the weekends.

Its pretty fun. Life is pretty lame though.

Not sure about your other games.

The Unknown
13 Jun 2006, 20:50
Daisy wrote:we used to play midnigth monopoly on the weekends.

Its pretty fun. Life is pretty lame though.

Not sure about your other games.

midnigth monopoly? is that anything like regular monopoly? you'll have to pardon my ignorance, I've never heard of it.

13 Jun 2006, 23:45
I'd do a quick google search for it, but I'm too tired.

I'd guess it'd be like midnight-snacks, or some sort of 'couple' game ;) ... On the other hand it may be glow-in-the-dark pieces/board and stuff.

The Unknown
14 Jun 2006, 11:03
It sounds interesting to me. I'll try searching for it too. Daisy, let's us know, the suspense is killing me! :wink:

14 Jun 2006, 18:11
At midnight you have to settle your bills :lol:

The Unknown
14 Jun 2006, 19:45
makes sense now that you mention it. :lol:

14 Jun 2006, 22:32
I don't play boardgames. Most of them (save games like Chess and Go et-cetra) are childish. Chutes and ladders is for babies, actually. I do enjoy piecing puzzles together, though. I only work with 1500+ piece puzzles though. When I am done I shellack them and give them away as gifts. I have kept a few of the better ones and they hang on the wall in my computer room.

steve the gaming guy
15 Jun 2006, 02:21
chess!! yeah! :P

15 Jun 2006, 06:01
We once did a 2000 piece puzzle of the Taj Mahal overs winter recess

15 Jun 2006, 08:39
I can't stand puzzles.. They're just so boring..
If I want to get a pointless picture, cut it up, and put it all together again - I'm sure I'll draw on a piece of A4 paper and put it up with scissors.

The only puzzle I've found interesting was this 10-piece thing, which was all different sizes and you had to arrange it so it went into a specific shape... It came in 10-20-50 and 100(or 1000) piece set's, and if you did the best one's first, you could win £10,000 or something.

Chess is OK, if you can think ahead etc.. Never been able to - perhaps I wasn't taught 'correctly'.

Snakes and ladders is cool.. Then again I haven't played it in about 13 years.

I don't play many games anymore - let alone board games.

15 Jun 2006, 09:39
Chess is one of those subjects with a wealth of material. I have 14 books on the addictive game, which accounts for 0.001% of the literature out there. The quickest way to learn some skillz is to read Bobby Fischer Teaches Chess. This book is designed to make the knowledge stick by allowing you to perform maneuvers abstractly (in your head). A problem is presented pictorally, and you're rewarded with a right or wrong, also pictorally, on the next page.

The Unknown
15 Jun 2006, 11:11
steve the gaming guy wrote:chess!! yeah! :P

It's funny you should mention chess. I had a friend teach me the basic moves just this weekend. I didn't lose to badly, and managed to keep it from being to boring for him. I have to learn more about it.

How long you been playing chess steve?

15 Jun 2006, 11:34
Chess is excellent :D

It's hard for me to find a decent opponent though. I've been playing since a child and there's only one or two I know who can beat me, although they sometimes massacre me :cry:

15 Jun 2006, 11:53
My BF is really good at chess. It was funny to see him go down hill as he fry his brain though. :?

steve the gaming guy
15 Jun 2006, 15:48
Learned as a child and beat the person who taught me. 8) ...not that I'm bragging.
Most of the chess games I play are me teaching people how to play. I don't know many chess players around here. I try not to play online too much anymore. Too many chess programs to cheat with.

15 Jun 2006, 20:10
I was taught by a Russian.

he was useless though. He traded on his nationality.

I also suspect he was a Ukranian, what a wanker

15 Jun 2006, 22:22
By nationality I'd be Ukranian although I was born and raised in Canada. Also, the person who taught me Chess can't beat me now lol. There are others that are so much better than me though, but I rarely meet them.

The Unknown
16 Jun 2006, 11:48
Anyone have any good websites that you'd recommend for learning chess better? I've become addicted to this game, yet I'm such a newbie it's hard to find anyone that'll play with me.

16 Jun 2006, 23:51
I wooldnt want to get a completed puzzle. Whuts the point?

That seems stoopid. :(