Also a noobie

23 Apr 2006, 17:17
hello, I'm new to this site also, I was hoping to get some ideas and meet some others interested in same things.


23 Apr 2006, 17:32
Hello n00b!

I guess that depends on what interests you.
Quite a flood of new people the last couple of weeks.

Hope you enjoy your stay at the Quest hotel. The mint's on your pillows are of course complimentary - but your smelly bath collection is included in your final bill and bath towel's need to be checked in and out at your closest checkout!
.... Have a nice day.

23 Apr 2006, 17:36
Thank you.

24 Apr 2006, 16:54
Greetings and welcome rockyroad. I wonder where all of these new people have come Alex doing a promotion somewhere for Quest?

25 Apr 2006, 10:10
There has been a lot of interest in text adventures lately, I've had a few emails over the last few weeks from people linking to different games. That's how I found this place.

27 Apr 2006, 21:13
And it could be how we found each other Lucy.

MOD EDIT: This PERVERT has been sending me VERY RUDE PMs! Do not talk to this pervert!

21 May 2006, 00:53
Hi there. I found this site becuz looking for some wayz to build a new game myself. It's harder than it looks!

R U all from England or something? I am from the USA. You know Chicago?

OK, thanks!

21 May 2006, 04:34
Oh I'm sorry! I didn't know. I just used this cartoon picture and didn't know it was going to be so big!

I will try to find another picture.



21 May 2006, 13:02
Welcome to the forum's.
I'm sure I missed out on deleting a post here - but I hope it wasn't too uncivilized.

Most of us here are pretty polite.

22 May 2006, 04:10
I can C that Tr0n is really polite and some of the others 2 xcept Ovagan.

Tr0n, U R the 1 who fixed my pic because it was waaaay 2 big. U so cool 2.




22 May 2006, 11:37
Is that a compliment or not?

22 May 2006, 13:09
yes, it is.

23 May 2006, 04:30
I am almost 15 so I am not a baby 12 years old. So there! Ha!

Hey Tr0n, yes that was compliment about you! You say funny things about towels at the hotel and check out of your closet. That made me laff so hard! I was saying you are my favorite so far. And David to. I think I like everyone here.

Cheers! (I don't really drink. Much! )

23 May 2006, 12:10
That message was really zany - but thanks for the compliments.

... Just make sure you know where your towel is!
[H2G2 reference+1]

24 May 2006, 02:21
heeeheeeeheeeee...that WAS all really funny! :lol:

i looooooooove these little emoticons:
:D :) :( :o :shock: :? 8) :lol: :x :P :oops: :cry: :evil: :twisted: :roll: :wink: :!: :?: :idea: :arrow: :arrow: :arrow:

24 May 2006, 15:39
This is the first thing I found when searching for how to make my own game, way back in early 2002!

I don't come here very often anymore, as i've advanced my knowledge in game development, and am working on a graphical 2D online RPG game.

27 May 2006, 04:01
you must be really smart. who are you?

29 May 2006, 01:35
please dont fight. ever since my rents yoused to do that now it scares me. :cry:

30 May 2006, 07:28
no, we fight all the time, esp with the trolls. we're like one big happy family! it only seems like we've only been fighting since you came ,as you haven't seen what's been said before.

just ignore them and you'll be fine. please don't use the few as an example of the whole, as that would be unfair to the rest of us. ;) so have you starting learning programming yet, as that is what the forum is about.... if you need any help, you ask me or tron as we know everything and actually come on regularly (sp?).

30 May 2006, 12:43
thanks elexx!!! you are so sweet!!!!

ok i am going to play around with that game program again.

oh btw i didn't mean to start fights either - if it was me.

31 May 2006, 01:39
This isn't half as bad what when codingmasters/007Bond was here.

31 May 2006, 01:52
excuse me? what does that mean plz.

07 Jun 2006, 15:14
Wow, looks like I missed a troll fest while I was away! I think it might be time for me to step in and use my mod wisdom here!