Jennifer Wren
29 Mar 2024, 21:20

My game is finished and published. If you want to play it, I hope you will find it fun.
Discover with a beloved sibling the world you created together in your dreams after following a cat to the world you could make your own every time.. Watch the world unfolding, and catch the things that fly upon the wind. Collect dye plates to remember the world and recreate it in a mosaic map.
I did not do most of the art work and I did not do all of the writing, because that would have been boring. Instead I argued with Microsoft copilot about how things would be done and we did the work together, with me as the editor. I was promised this was all original work with or without my conscientious touches, though. Not that it matters. I think its another really nice game.

12 Apr 2024, 03:36

The game is great
I have some concerns over the timing of clearing screen, because it clears the message so fast, I could not read the story fully or post you a few error messages that I received
But I realized the fast pace of clearing screen makes the game feels more alive, so perhaps, this is intended

It might be helpful to let players know their quest progression as well

Jennifer Wren
17 Apr 2024, 23:09

I'm glad you thought it was a great game. Yes.
It is a bit fast. However, there is an item that stops time. It is introduced and collected in the map room. I believe I also recommend using it on the game page, but maybe after April 11, when I never look into these forums and should. Quest progression, In the map room, it says there are ten tablets to collect to do the 🧩 puzzle. If you are not concerned with accuracy, since I am not learned enough to actually check that at this point, and you just want to make lacey flowers for fun, you can use any of the dye plates as soon as you have collected them. I am still chasing down the bugs myself. I know it's sometimes hard to speed read error messages, though the spyglass can help. I've made some corrections that have already vastly improved the game, but there may still be something that hasn't gotten caught. So thank you anyone who calls my attention to those details.

19 Apr 2024, 08:16

The spyglass is amazing, I can now read the stories and enjoy the masterpiece art
I can now see I have ten tablets, so perhaps my real issue is what is going to happen after collecting them, I am seeing nothing happening, which might be intended

I tried "you just want to make lacey flowers for fun, you can use any of the dye plates as soon as you have collected them." but I dun really understand how to use the dye plates, there are only look at buttons for me to click at

Click to expand

Character: Eleven, map, look at
Error running script: Unknown object or variable 'size'
Error running script: Error evaluating expression 'GetAllChildObjects(game.pov)': Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
Error running script: Error evaluating expression 'ListCombine(ScopeReachableNotHeldForRoom(room), ScopeReachableInventory())': Value cannot be null.Parameter name: collection
Error running script: Error evaluating expression 'not ListContains(ScopeReachable(), Virus)': ListContains function expected list parameter but was passed 'null'

(Grid 2)
Error running script: Error compiling expression 'searchObj.parent = null': Variable does not refer to an object: 'searchObj'
Error running script: Error evaluating expression 'not HasObject(searchObj, "parent")': HasObject function expected object parameter but was passed 'null'
There is so much snow up here that you have to be careful you're not breathing it. Soon, everything is covered in huge snow drifts, and the landscape has changed.
Error running script: Error evaluating expression 'canAdd': Unknown object or variable 'canAdd'
Error running script: Unknown object or variable 'canAdd'
Error running script: Error adding key 'Spyglasses' to dictionary: An item with the same key has already been added.

Error running script: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
Time stands still.
Error running script: The given key was not present in the dictionary.
Error running script: Error evaluating expression 'GetAllChildObjects(room)': Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
Error running script: Error evaluating expression 'canAdd': Unknown object or variable 'canAdd'

No picture? Perhaps intended

(grid25 @ torrents)
Error running script: Error compiling expression 'game.pov.parent.alias = NoCircle': Unknown object or variable 'NoCircle'

(Perhaps on first close of dye plate crate)
Lots of errors

Also, thanks for inspiring me, I can now make a different type of fishing game similar to your spyglass and keep clicking to get the different fishes before they runaway

Jennifer Wren
01 May 2024, 21:59

The fishing fun game sounds exciting. I would love to try your game. The ten dye plates can only be used in the map room. There is a command limited to that room and instructions are part of the map room room-description. It is a puzzle, but it isn't graded or checked because I didn't want to spend that much time looking for the code that would do that for my game. I have a new game up, too. It is a quirky horror. I don't know if it is actually scary or not. I hope it's alright. I can't see my images online, yet, or hear the music. It might be my PC battery, or not. You can download it if you want to see it. I tried that, and that works.

Jennifer Wren
01 May 2024, 22:09

If you see the names for the dye plates in the instructions, which I am not looking at, so I think I know what I'm saying, I hope so anyway, just type the name given for the imprint you want on the imaginary tile add a period then add the title of the next print add a period after each "tile" you want in a row, up to five, then, add the little uptick mark to start on the nextline and decide what the first tile of that row should be. There are five rows of five in an accurate map, but you can just add as many to each line and have as many lines as you like. For a simple flower, I think you would add a SE tile. NS tile. SW tile.^. NE tile. Hmm- Lake tile. NW tile.^. WE tile. NS tile. WE tile.^. WE tile. NS tile. WE tile.^. WE tile. NS tile. WE tile.^. or something like that. I think no spaces is recommended but I don't know if it affects the outcome.

02 May 2024, 03:06

Lol, that is incredible, it is like I have unlocked a hidden feature,
your code for a flower might be:

Although in game, it doesn't seems to tell me the uptick mark trick

06 May 2024, 07:58

I think some of the coding errors can't be fixed, as my fishing game have these errors too,
I think the error happens when the object disappears from player's view, but the object's function code have not execute yet, therefore when it executes, it can't, because the object have disappeared

In general, there should be no effect on player's gameplay as it can be deemed as the object has run away, but somehow these errors just looks scary and I can't really stop the warning messages from happening

Jennifer Wren
24 May 2024, 18:32

I know there is a way to correct for error messages. When I got the code to go through the exits with objects or with the player, and the code for changing the colours of the gridmap midgame, they came with an editable code saying what to do when there isn't an exit, so, if you know which script is causing the error message, and what it interacted with, someone else should know exactly how to word a script to change the error message or just not display it. If you find out how that's done, you'll have to let me know, since I'm having the same issue for all I know. By the way, I have a new fantasy game up. If you want to be ong the first to try it out , I'm always happy to get your feedback on my games.

24 May 2024, 19:18

I think some of the coding errors can't be fixed, as my fishing game have these errors too,

If spurious error messages are bugging you, maybe you could do something like (Javascript code)…

$(function () {
  var originalfunction = addText;
  addText = function (t) {
    if (t.match(/>Error running script:/)) {
    } else {

or compressed and questified for inclusion in the UI Initialisation script:

JS.eval("$(function(){var t=addText;addText=function(n){n.match(/>Error running script:/)?console.log($(n).text()):t(n)}});")

(Off the top of my head, this should move all lines starting with "Error running script:" from the output to the console, so you can press F12 if you want to see them when debugging but they don't show up when playing the game. This makes it less likely players will be able to report bugs, though)

Jennifer Wren
26 May 2024, 22:05

'''JS.eval("$(function(){var t=addText;addText=function(n){n.match(/>Error running script:/)?console.log($(n).text()):t(n)}});")'''

I used this in my UI initialization script to no avail. Am I supposed to do something more with it? I would love to have this thing. I would also like my new map to behave, but I don't know why it doesn't. I do know it has something to do with whether or not something is in a room, which is a tab, but the error message says "there is no list."