
12 Aug 2018, 01:40

Anyone can find their way through a maze then they are moving using N,E,S,W directions...
But can you find your way out when you are limited to turning left or right and moving forward???
AND, on top of that, you don't know which direction you are facing when you start...
AND, you randomly start in one of the first 2 rows of a 10x10 maze...
(Later I plan on random maps too!)

15 Aug 2018, 20:12

9 plays and 7 downloads...
Is some people lost? or waiting for the version where something happens???
If you need the map, PM me for it...
But, the next version will play on different maps...

22 Sept 2018, 02:31

33 and 22 now...
Adding 3 new mazes and room pictures that will show you what you see down the passage you are facing.
This was mainly a test to see if I could change the N, E, S, & W directions to the direction you were facing.
I may (most likely) use this in a cavern system attached to a quest from a local town...

10 Nov 2018, 04:11

This has not died... just got problems with creating the hallway view so that you can see the next 6 rooms...
Then I cn add the others "players" in the maze...
Instead of "F","L" and "R"... it now uses the arrow keys...

11 Nov 2018, 23:48

New update with added hallway pictures:
Adding other players and puzzles next...