28 Apr 2022, 21:01

Hello everyone. You might be looking at the reviews in my game saying "Oh my god. It's cool. 4000+ points. Woohooo" and be wondering to yourself, "But, I only have below 2000. Those lying motherf-"

Well, as of writing this after releasing version 2.5 (the illustrated update), that can very well be *cough most likely be * due to my insufficient amount of hints.

I will try to open up this exciting second half of the story to all of you with this walkthrough below!


Okay. So. The first thing that happens is you're sitting on a bench waiting for a bus with your good ol' mate, Jeb. _You say he chews really loudly_. After that, you challenge him by saying, _"Try me. I bet I can understand."_ REMEMBER THIS.

After that, Jeb shoots you. The game starts back up again but with a crap ton of new choices and paths you can take. You should take this time to explore as many paths as possible because it progresses the story and because it's fun... Right?

One SPECIFIC PATH you NEED TO TAKE is ["So weather, huh?"]=[Start talking about clouds/Ask him out(either one works)]=["Heh, right"]=[this right here.]=[FIGHT!]=[Fight]=[Dodge]=[Doritos.]=(etc.)
Restarting the game from here presents you with a version of the beginning where Jeb isn't sitting with you. Keep playing until you restart again to the normal beginning.

Once you have taken this specific path AND reached 1400 points or more, the next path will be unlocked. Jeb will tell you to go back and did what you did "the first time" before shooting you again. That means, the next step is... ["You chew really loudly."]=["Try me. I bet I can understand."
If you do this BEFORE you've reached 1400 points and or taken the path above, Jeb will shoot you and tell you to come back later.

Okay, now Jeb is going talk to you about to his time hopping abilities. The easiest way to go about this is to say "Yeah, I don't get it." because unless you've finished this game before, I can guarantee you that you don't. Jeb will tell you to go back to a time where he wasn't there.

He's talking about the path the specific path you took earlier. ["So weather, huh?"]=[Start talking about clouds/Ask him out(either one works)]=["Heh, right"]=[this right here.]=[FIGHT!]=[Fight]=[Dodge]=[Doritos.]=(etc.)

Now, you should be at the popcorn field. Congrats! This is where you start making the big points and can actually get a satisfying ending (unless you get the bad ending. It resets all of your progress, but it's still pretty funny if you find it).

Heres an answer key to the quiz that Jeb makes you take:
Q1: Doritos
Q2: Stapler
Q3: Walrus

I'll let you decide your fate from here on out. And I promise you. Death is inevitable. So have fun dying!

29 Apr 2022, 15:19

You lying motherfu.... :)

01 May 2022, 02:00

no u