Need Beta-Testers for 2020 IFComp Entry!

Sebastian Bradley
12 Jul 2020, 22:57

Hey everybody! I'm developing a text adventure called "The Lunch Lady Returns" based on a creepypasta I submitted to a few years ago. It's a horror/black comedy-style survival game about a group of students in detention who have to escape a murderous member of the kitchen staff at their school. The creepypasta itself got pretty popular on youtube (Creeps McPasta read it in a video that has over one million views) so I thought it would be fun to give the story an update and release it in a new medium. I will also be entering the title into this year's IFComp, which takes place starting in October.

I'm pretty new to this site and to the IF community in general, so I could really use some feedback on this project. If you're interested in testing out the game, feel free to shoot me an email at and I'll respond with a link to an unlisted version.