Richard Headkid
31 May 2021, 00:18


This story has been CANCELED!

The Pixie
31 May 2021, 10:47

Looks like fun, but I got:

Next time, try turning on the light.
Your score is 0 of a possible 45, in 19 turns.

Turning on the light was the very first thing I did!

Richard Headkid
31 May 2021, 13:23

Turning on the light was the very first thing I did!

Oh. Thanks for the feedback!

That bug is now fixed and the revised game has been uploaded.

31 May 2021, 17:48

Surprising! Seems very familiar :-)
When I play the game on a tablet with Firefox or Chrome, the keyboard fades in and out several times when I type a command

Richard Headkid
31 May 2021, 18:01

Surprising! Seems very familiar :-)


When I play the game on a tablet with Firefox or Chrome, the keyboard fades in and out several times when I type a command

I thought all Quest games do that on tablets (and on mobile)?

They all do it to me on my tablet (and on my cell phone), and it frustrates me so badly that I can't play games that way.

01 Jun 2021, 05:30

I thought all Quest games do that on tablets (and on mobile)?

Ok, then forget it. I checked your game with the tablet for the first time

Richard Headkid
01 Jun 2021, 16:32

I checked your game with the tablet for the first time

I'm not certain about that happening in all games.

Does it do it in other games on your tablet? (I think it starts happening once scrollToEnd() actually scrolls the page down.)

01 Jun 2021, 19:21

Briefly tested other games do not have the problem. There, the keyboard is deactivated/activated a maximum of twice. In Trump against the world it happens much more often in some places.

Richard Headkid
01 Jun 2021, 19:54

Briefly tested other games do not have the problem. There, the keyboard is deactivated/activated a maximum of twice. In Trump against the world it happens much more often in some places.

Interesting. Very interesting.

I wonder what deactivates/reactivates the keyboard. . .

Richard Headkid
01 Jun 2021, 19:59

Doesn't that have something to do with $("#txtCommand").focus()?

function scrollToEnd() {
    var scrollTo = beginningOfCurrentTurnScrollPosition - 15;
    var currentScrollTop = $("body").scrollTop();
    if (scrollTo > currentScrollTop) {
        var maxScrollTop = $(document).height() - $(window).height();
        if (scrollTo > maxScrollTop) scrollTo = maxScrollTop;
        var distance = scrollTo - currentScrollTop;
        var duration = distance / 0.4;
        // Added by The Pixie on behalf of alexandretorres
        if (duration>2000) duration=2000;
        $("body,html").stop().animate({ scrollTop: scrollTo }, duration, "easeInOutCubic");
    // Added by The Pixie; this is a fall back, as the above seems not to work on some browsers
    // This is tested is playercore.js, but not here!
    $('html,body').animate({ scrollTop: document.body.scrollHeight }, 'fast');

Richard Headkid
01 Jun 2021, 21:07


I use OutputTextNoBr() quite frequently when each bit of text is printed to the screen in this game, and that calls scrollToEnd() each time (I think), and that calls $("#txtInput").focus() each time, which I believe makes the on-screen keyboard close and reopen?

There is other odd behaviour when playing on mobile, too. That's why I have some code in the game which (is supposed to) end the game if it detects a mobile browser.

Richard Headkid
01 Jun 2021, 23:56

Due to the type of most of the positive feedback I've received, I have decided to cancel this game.

It was meant to be satire, but it was seen by many as a form of praise (and support).


Thanks for testing it out, though, guys! I fixed those issues (except for the mobile keyboard thing), and I shall change this into a totally different game (again) with which you guys will already be slightly familiar (again).

02 Jun 2021, 18:22

I use OutputTextNoBr() quite frequently when each bit of text is printed to the screen in this game, and that calls scrollToEnd() each time (I think), and that calls $("#txtInput").focus() each time


02 Jun 2021, 20:19

I often find Richard Headkid's and KV's ramblings quite amusing.

Richard Headkid
02 Jun 2021, 21:22

I often find Richard Headkid's and KV's ramblings quite amusing.

Well, one of us is crazy, and the other is a figment of the other's imagination. So, this makes sense (I think).
