ECTOCOMP 2017 - open for judging!

01 Nov 2017, 11:13

ECTOCOMP 2017 submission period is over, and that means you, the reader, have an amazing set of SCARY IF to play!

Here's the full lineup:

La Petite Mort
Something in the Night, AnssiR66
Who To Haunt, Katie Benson
Bloody Raoul, Ian Cowsbell
Do it, Santiago Eximeno
Revenge, forta
make build --deity, josh giesbrecht
little, Chandler M. Groover
Primer, Christina Nordlander
Corrupter of Dreams, Robert Patten
Civil Mimic, Andrew Schultz
Uxmulbrufyuz, Andrew Schultz

Le Grand Guignol
The Boot-Scraper, Caleb Wilson
All Visitors Welcome, bitterkarella
Saturdays, verity v.lee
dripping with the waters of SHEOL, Lady Isak Grozny
Fog Lights and Foul Deeds, Tom Sykes
The devil tree, aiwulf
Futility, aiwulf
Going Down, Hanon Ondricek
Where we'll live for nine days, pseudavid
The Elevator Game, Owlor
The Rats in the Bulkhead, Bruno Dias

Voting is now live at the page for each category:
Le Grand Guignol
La Petite Mort

And for any Spanish speakers here, don't forget to check out the entries to this year's ECTOCOMP: Español Edition as well!

The Spanish lineup is:

Le Petite Mort
La venganza, forta
Vale, voy - Johan Paz
En la oscuridad, Dark Mike
Cinco divertidos juegos para Halloween, Santiago Eximeno
Retratos sobre la Violencia Española, Ruber Eaglenest

Le Grand Guignol
Somos el espejo, Miguel Muñoz Martín
Arkham Investigator, Delacannon

Don't forget to make some nice comments on the games. Feedback would probably be very welcome to polish this gems. You can drop it here or in each comments section for each game at itchio.

Also, remember that you have just this week to play, judge and vote.

We are incredibly grateful to everyone who's contributed - this year's lineup is fantastic, thanks to all of you!

Go! Play! Enjoy! Vote!