A tool for creating "chat based" stories

04 Sept 2017, 12:56

I wasn't sure whether to post here, because the following isn't technically interactive fiction. However, it is based on Squiffy so felt it was worth showcasing.

In a nutshell chat stories have become quite popular recently - basically stories that take place in the format of an instant messaging conversation between two people. However, to read you normally have to download an app, and the most popular apps are, in my experience, fairly awful experiences that demand money if you want to read more than a few lines.

So, I thought I'd throw together an completely browser based system, that would allow people to read, create and share their creations.

It's still a work in progress, but you can try it yourself at: MyChatStory.com

The stories themselves are powered by a modified version of Squiffy, hence me posting here.

Appreciate it might not be everyone's cup of tea, but feel free to have a play. The stories themselves are best played on a smartphone, but will run in any modern internet browser.

04 Sept 2017, 17:58

That's pretty cool, and it's an http site, so we could probably use an iframe to include one of those games inside of a Quest game!

Thanks for sharing!

04 Sept 2017, 18:09

I don't know if this works, but I ended up making "questions"/"topics" in the first room, given I didn't get a tutorial...

Edit: I put a bunch of topics in a room as objects, and let the player "speak" to them. Not too bad for someone who didn't get a tutorial...

04 Sept 2017, 18:50

^ Wrong thread?

04 Sept 2017, 21:02

@thetruespin Right thread. I thought you were talking about conversations. I guess I'm confused.

05 Sept 2017, 07:54

Sorry, I understand now. My mistake.

05 Sept 2017, 10:09

(^up there) I put a bunch of topics in a room as objects, and let the player "speak" to them. Not too bad for someone who didn't get a tutorial... But man, I didn't realise this was your own website! (Lol) I read that this wasn't what I wanted (a chat tutorial...) but I thought it was code/an idea for something else... Like a chat-based game, or something... Lol, tldr, mixed with ADD and autism, in action...