Some helpful tips and pointers

13 Jul 2017, 15:10I'm slowly getting the hang of text-based games so far. I have created two games. I was wondering if anyone could give any helpful pointers\tips on how I can get better?
A link to my games:

13 Jul 2017, 19:36Practice...

13 Jul 2017, 19:51Light and Darkness was a well written story.

13 Jul 2017, 20:24Sid the fox... Different.
The first play through was "confusing"... I'll try mapping it for the next play through.
The maze of rooms did not link directly back from where they came... for a maze, that works, but not a house.
Opening the door did not add a connecting room, it's like the door went nowhere.
Add more "color" and detail to the room descriptions will make the game feel more "real".
Another door was "locked" but I could open it with out a key...
The monsters were not able to block the player's movement in any way.
It should prevent the player from getting past until something is done...
The only exit should be back from where the player came from.
The lamp made no difference in the dark room(s)...
A good start, re-work this one... add a heartbeat sound effect and spooky sound tracks and this one would be a blast.
Have the heartbeat speed up as the player moves around, speed up for spooky encounters...
And if it gets too fast...
"You die from fright... I guess you will be haunting the house from now on as well..."
IE: player opens a closed door... add a sound for a creaking door...
As for the start:
You are on the porch and you re-read the note...
Right address, spooky house, at midnight...
You can open the front door or go home...
Go home ends the game... CHICKEN!!!
after you open the front door and enter the first room, a gust of wind slams the door behind you (add slamming door sound here!) It is stuck and you can't open it. Time to find another way out...

14 Jul 2017, 14:55Okay. I get right to work. Thank you for the feed back

14 Jul 2017, 18:21To make a game replayable, add some random features...
(but I can't think of what to randomize right now)
One thought, when I got out of the house from Left Room 3, going north put me in the light switch...