An Evening At The Tower Of Xaarn - DEMO

28 Feb 2017, 19:48

Hi all,

I'm working on my only second ever IF game. I've posted a small demo of what I've done so far.

Please feel free to send me any constructive criticism or feedback.

Thanks all!


01 Mar 2017, 03:49

Here is the link for those interested.

01 Mar 2017, 03:55

I get an error when I try "open doors".

I would use the first time script for your room descriptions.

I'll add more after I get a chance to play from my PC.

01 Mar 2017, 06:55

Thanks for the feedback Xan. I'm sorry, I'm being thick. Can you elaborate?

01 Mar 2017, 16:56

When I type 'open doors', at the tower entrance, I get this response:

Error running script: Error evaluating expression 'DynamicTemplate("CantOpen", object)': Error compiling expression 'Can't do that.': SyntaxError: Unexpected character: 'Line: 1, Column: 4

You should use the 'First Time' script for your room descriptions. When I cross the bridge, I get this response

Ok. After a long walk across the bridge, you are all finally stood outside the great and terrifying tower of Xaarn. It's massive Oak doors stand sixty foot high. They're locked with vast steel chains. Each link of these chains is as big as a really big man. 

What do you do next?

which makes sense, but when I want to 'look' again I get the same response (also, it should be its, not it's). If you use the 'First time' script, I will get the first message just one time. In the otherwise part of that script, you could put something like this in instead:

You are standing outside the great and terrifying tower of Xaarn. Its massive Oak doors stand sixty foot high. They're locked with vast steel chains. Each link of these chains is as big as a really big man.

And at the doors I have run into a problem.

> push doors

You can't push them.

> open doors

Error running script: Error evaluating expression 'DynamicTemplate("CantOpen", object)': Error compiling expression 'Can't do that.': SyntaxError: Unexpected character: 'Line: 1, Column: 4

> w

You can't go there.

> e

You can't go there.

> n

You can't go there.

> u

You can't go there.

> d

You can't go there.

> se

You can't go there.

> nw

You can't go there.

> sw

You can't go there.

> ne

You can't go there.

> l

Ok. After a long walk across the bridge, you are all finally stood outside the great and terrifying tower of Xaarn. It's massive Oak doors stand sixty foot high. They're locked with vast steel chains. Each link of these chains is as big as a really big man. 

What do you do next?

> unlock doors

You can't unlock them.

>climb chains

You can't climb them.

> unlock chain

You can't unlock them.

> pull chains

You can't pull them.

> x chains

Two massive steel chains that prevent the door from opening and closing. The links are as big as really big men. The chains appear to be glowing.

> break chains


> touch chains

You can't touch them.

> i

I don't have anything.

> enter doors


> enters tower


> x tower

I can't see that.

> l

Ok. After a long walk across the bridge, you are all finally stood outside the great and terrifying tower of Xaarn. It's massive Oak doors stand sixty foot high. They're locked with vast steel chains. Each link of these chains is as big as a really big man. 

What do you do next?

I'm sure there is more to test than this here, right? Let me know.

01 Mar 2017, 18:32

Thanks Xan. I was fiddling around with the templates so I'll try and rectify the error. To proceed you need to either ask Ruzaldo about the chains or use Ruzaldo on the chains.

01 Mar 2017, 18:46

Game updated with fix for open door error and corrections to first room.

01 Mar 2017, 22:53

Didn't even realize there was a Ruzaldo. Perhaps putting that in the room description would be helpful, especially if you are using timed text with a clear screen intro.