Fantasy Life

04 Dec 2023, 21:45

Fantasy Life is a sandbox RPG where you create a life for your character in a randomly generated world. As of right now its just a trading simulator but a full-fledged RPG is the goal.

You start off entering your desired world settings: World Size, # of Civilizations, and # of Settlements.
Next you choose your leveling system: XP, or Point.
Then, you create your character: Race, Handedness, and Role
Finally, you're placed in a random part of the world and free to do whatever... just keep up with your needs so you don't die.


-Wood Cutter


Dynamic Economy
Item prices differ from location to location based on need. Item prices are updated in game on a daily basis.

I have a short video outlining what was in the v.11.14.23.

I'm going to upload updated versions of the game on my GitHub weekly. I haven't uploaded it to the website yet as I want to add in some more features and polish before doing so.

11 Dec 2023, 19:01

What's New

Now you can play as a Planter. You start off with 3 seeds and 3 water.

When you enter a location you can purchase farm land. Price is dependent on the size of the land and how fertile the location's ground is. Larger land means that you can plant more seeds. Successful planting of a seed is dependent on your planting skill.

Once you have your seeds planted you can add water to begin the growing process. The type of seed and the farm's fertility determines how long it takes the seeds to grow. Each day you'll have to make sure there's enough water for the farm to grow (1 Water = 1 Seed).

You can harvest from the farm once the seeds are grown. The amount you get back depends on your planting skill.

Consuming certain items (Fruit, Vegetable, etc.) will give you a seed.


One thing I've noticed is that the game is way harder when playing with the XP leveling system because your chance of succeeding at anything is very low and you can't change you skill level like with the Point system. Instead of starting with all of your skills at level 1, certain skills will be at level 10 depending on what role you choose during character creation. In the future, I plan on making it where choosing your race will further add to certain skills.

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