Released early dev version of my text based RPG for feedback and thoughts

02 May 2017, 19:23Hi, I have recently put my text based RPG online.
I'm wondering if anyone is interested trying the test server out and providing feedback on how they found the game, and if anything can be improved.
I have small interactive tutorial at the beginning that teaches you some key commands then lets you explore a small world. it's still in development so be kind. :)
02 May 2017, 19:38Just loaded the main page - looks very slick. Will report back.

03 May 2017, 02:51MUD???
Active, live NPC's???
Will we meet other players while adventuring?
Sounds interesting so far!!!
But, I but you don't speak English first...
The character generator, on the dice roll is not English.
I guess you got the languages crossed here...
(still exploring...)

03 May 2017, 03:25One problem I can see, and hopefully not a problem for most people, I am on a satellite internet connection.
I see a (computer wise) long delay between send and response...
(I know you cannot help there)
One idea, I know you don't have plans for graphics, but...
On your map display, would it be possible to have a medieval style scrolling map background?
Something where it looks like you have a map so you can see where you are, but still have the map boxes so that you can tell where you can go...
I can create a picture if you need a clearer description.

03 May 2017, 07:55Thanks for having a look DarkLizard.
Will we meet other players while adventuring?
Yeah definitely, to test it open the game in two tabs and log in. you will see each character and be able to interact with them.
Say Hello will display your character saying hello to everyone. You can also give them items or cast spells on them. type the skill command to see spells.
The character generator, on the dice roll is not English.
Sorry that's just fake text until i figure out what to actually add there
I see a (computer wise) long delay between send and response...
Ah that can happen, as it has to communicate with the server. I can look in to added messages to let you know it is doing something.
On your map display, would it be possible to have a medieval style scrolling map background?
Something where it looks like you have a map so you can see where you are, but still have the map boxes so that you can tell where you can go...
I know exactly what you mean, I have plan to do this but not right now, I will have maps on the website to use closer to launch.
03 May 2017, 10:43Can I ask what this is built in? Is it a custom engine?

03 May 2017, 12:00Yeah it's a custom engine using C# and signalR for web sockets which allows the multi-player aspect by putting all the connected clients in the same world

03 May 2017, 17:48I see a (computer wise) long delay between send and response...
Ah that can happen, as it has to communicate with the server. I can look in to added messages to let you know it is doing something.
Adding a message would just slow it down and be distracting... (Don't do it...)
At log-in to the server, are you going to have a list of the players in the game?
But, showing messages:
"Player A has entered the realm."
"Player Z has left the realm."
in the main window would be more of a distraction than helpful...
It would need to be a separate server message window.
Another, on the map display, move the current room to the center of the map box.
And I don't think the directions (N,E,S,W) is needed in the boxes, but maybe a room name, and maybe an indicator for visited/ not visited.

03 May 2017, 19:38There is a command: Who which will display connected players.
I was thinking about showing players logging in and out but I think i will only show brand new players that log in so others know to give them a helping hand and/or welcome them on the global channel .
Global channels will probably be in their own window, as that could be distracting. Players can switch them on and off though.
Room name is a nice touch, I might have to add it under the map so they fit e.g
- North: A dark corridor
- East: Another Exit
Thanks for the suggestions!