Last One For A While You Giys

Jennifer Wren
01 Jul 2024, 01:56

This is my pirate ghost ship ghost island game featuring a match three, a memory match, matches, tea leaves, and sequence mazes that are spelled out because I didn't know the code for in any order. There is also poetry in it. I hope you will try it.

02 Jul 2024, 02:09

Have a good break ~

Jennifer Wren
02 Jul 2024, 19:18

I have a new kitten occupying me. 🐾❤️🗝️

02 Jul 2024, 22:52

That's just amazing!

Jennifer Wren
12 Jul 2024, 18:35

Sorry, you guys. I just noticed two weeks into the next month, that I had deleted one of my player attributes somehow and the game would not even strat because of it. I bothered to re-add the attribute and everything should actually work, now. I hope so, anyway. Let me know if it doesn't, since no one said anything to me, when it didn't, up until now.

13 Jul 2024, 07:16

One of the bed makes the player stuck
Planting my first seed gets me stuck
Completing a card game does not show a poem

I have no phone and can only play with desktop quest so that may be the reason, but generally I can't move past the game progress

Jennifer Wren
13 Jul 2024, 14:18

The poem isn't automatic. There it should appear in room objects. I will look into it, though. It worked on my PC. Maybe, I got the files mixed up. I kind of hope not. I just fixed the beds. So, I almost think, yes, the more finished file is missing, now, but maybe not. It could be your connection isn't prepared for animation of course, the bed and seed both lead to 1 second per frame animations. But I will look into the seed. and poem. It could need UpdateObjectLinks? But it did work at home. I think I have fixed everything, now. Let me know. I notice the pictures take a while to load sometimes, or at least the game needs to warm up.

13 Jul 2024, 14:46

The second bed is stuck, plant a seed is still stuck
Poem finally work
Is the animation from external link? If the animation is inside the quest app, I downloaded it and I still get stuck after a few pictures

Jennifer Wren
13 Jul 2024, 22:47

It wasn't showing the command and panes. The script said to open them (Show) and yet it had blank on the tabs which usually isn't a problem. I chose show from the drop down menu but yeah it might still have something wrong with it. It is only as few stills long. It goes to the two plants 19 &20 is what I think they are labeled as. I will look into the panes and command bar, because I did have to move things around because of the timer. I mean, I had the bird show up and disappear before the seedling started to sprout 🌱 and then it never came back. I'm always finishing these things in my sleep. If I do find something else wrong with the code, It will take me an hour or two to correct it because I have to walk down to the free internet with my PC.

Jennifer Wren
13 Jul 2024, 23:11

I found the same problem with the seeds. I had to move Show Panes and Show Command around, but for the life of me I can't see what was wrong with whe4e they were. However, I have tested the new .quest, and as soon as I update, it will work again. Thanks so much for letting me know. If anything else doesn't work let me know again. I have honestly played the game, but somehow I managed to mess it up late at night thinking I was fixing it. I like thinking that more than I like thinking the file I was supposed to be working with got deleted. That's all. It seems complete from here for the time being. When I find out it's not, it will be complete again.

14 Jul 2024, 11:31

Thalassa's Thicket

The second bed is stuck, planting a seed finally worked, and I see a bird!
It is weird that when entering the bird maze, I can't return back to my previous room, which perhaps I am required to solve this maze first, in which I had tried many ways of walking, each travel meets all 9 rooms only once, the only sign I am given is that "You are not lost", perhaps you could update the status as "perfect path completed 1/6", it definitely felt like I didn't even complete one of the perfect paths despite trying so many times

And I am guessing I was supposed to solve the matchstick games as well to progress in the game but I wouldn't know how, but it is alright for me, the game already felt fun for me already, especially for the cards game

You told me long ago to test out The SPINEs of Leothwold update
It seems to be the same, but perhaps, it is a few pictures + a secret, which then there are indeed some pictures that might not be loading, which of course could be my internet lag, but just letting you know since you asked

Jennifer Wren
16 Jul 2024, 01:12

There is a.word that says Awaken underneath the dream storyline. Click Awaken and click Awaken It works for me. As for the maze. If you can't understand the instructions, look at the map in your in entry yes you have to follow the maze six homes and follow the two rooms of linear play after thAt to unlock the return. It is worth it though. Let me see if something is .issuing in the maze. I had thought it was too easy.

Jennifer Wren
16 Jul 2024, 01:17

The matchstick game is just a match three that gives you matches or takes them away. You can use the matches to make tea or to play with matches. Match three does not have a completion. Getting over 50 matches makes the game more complex but the instructions say all that. Just press quit when you don't want the board up.

Jennifer Wren
16 Jul 2024, 02:18

When you enter the cavern maw, the very first room of the maze, the last thing it says every time you enter it, is This is the beginning of path #. it is a (shape including direction) No need to check the -hint hint - map

Other than that, I fixed the sequence check function. Really wrong is what that was. I had three wrong numbers at the end of the list. Not an easy mistake to make, so, sorry. As for the bed, it was a problem with lag, so I moved part of the sleep script to the awaken script and now everything works perfectly. I have to walk a few blocks to upload the game.

Seriously, daeun, thank you for letting me know when those things weren't working for you. I hadn't understood at first because the bed script should have run, but didn't, and I didn't realize the sequences check wasn't correct because I had read what you said as there not being a map or route change every time the path is completed. Of course that wasn't happening since the script had that inaccuracy in it. I do feel bad. Oh well, it's still just a game. You never have to play, but I hope you will again soon, because you haven't made your first cup of tea. And that means you haven't already read your tealeaves even once. You haven't collected a single charm. You haven't read the incredible book in the hidden chest. I will upload i the game soon. I just have to get ready to go out. As for Spines, I had just added the monastery and a few different places to spend money, as well as some music snips, so they would have been further into the game, nothing mandatory. Like the maze, maybe I should add a warning to it.

16 Jul 2024, 02:28

Got it!
I will wait for the update then

Jennifer Wren
16 Jul 2024, 02:37

it's up!

16 Jul 2024, 02:54

Thalassa's Thicket still having unsolvable games

Maybe, it is just me, but The SPINEs of Leothwold does not seems to include "added the monastery and a few different places to spend money, as well as some music snips"

Dun worry, you can take your time to try to verify them, I will retest at a long time later

I myself, have run into issues with my own game too =D, so I will be busy for now

Jennifer Wren
16 Jul 2024, 03:38

Spines does have those added to the game already. They are not everywhere on the map they happen only after you travel up to the 2000 year game area. I'm looking at it and it is there. I have it on mine anyway. It should so be the same.
As for Thalassa's Thicket, any other unsolvable games in Thalassa's Thicket? If it is the bed, it is lag. I will double check the maze, but the first sequence is in working order. I don't know which games don't work for or you yet, but I understand your need to work on your own game. I am playing Thalassa's Thicket and it is playing through without hitches on my phone. I had it freeze after playing Fidget Gadget the match three game that makes matches up to Fifty something matches when making a negative match that coste the upgrade, but the way I see it, it is impressive that it plays at all over the phone with my own connection. I can barely pressIm not a robot in this forum, so, a freeze at that time is not unexpected. The second bed plays well. It is just a looped animation with a changing story, so that every time you sl3ep you can have a different "dream" or story. It plays well now, but the problem before was lag, so you may be getting lag, but I'm not anymore. I fixed the maze. If it still has something wrong with it, I will find it. Mind you, it won't be easy to clean house over the phone and I need to clean the cabins to find the seeds.

Jennifer Wren
16 Jul 2024, 04:03

The maze works. The beds work The cards work. I mean they disappear a little late but the bells ring on time. The matches game works. I don't know why there is sometimes a bit of lag with the animations online. It isn't too consequential, though. The maze was great fun, whether that was in spite of it being via the phone or more likely because of it. I missed all the sound but I'll live. I made it to the peak and broke the lock. And then I accidentally pulled down on my touchscreen and everything started over. Oh, well, it's not broken, just heavy for some connections where the animations are.

16 Jul 2024, 10:22

The SPINEs of Leothwold
About "added the monastery and a few different places to spend money, as well as some music snips"

  1. apple tree picture seems to be not loading, I dun seem to see any monastery picture either
  2. I dun see any money in status, I am seeing only name, hunger, thirst, life, spine, possibly timer
  3. I turned on full volume on pc but isn't really hearing anything

Thalassa's Thicket

  1. [SOLVED] second bed can now be awaken by player
  2. [SOLVED] match three, i am so dum, just realized what you mean, I dun have to solve this game, as long as I have positive numbers, I get to use matchsticks
  3. [SOLVED] bird maze, I found all 6 paths
  4. When inside bird maze, I can't return to cabins. After completing bird maze and going north, I can't return to cabin. But I guess, perhaps this is intended
  5. Unable to seep tea, it keeps telling me that water is too cold, despite me having positive number matchsticks, and clicking many objects on the menu, and completing all 3 card games. But I dun think seeping tea is that big of a deal, I guess

Jennifer Wren
17 Jul 2024, 00:38

heat cup of water then steep with tealeaf. After maze, did you explore the new location and break the Lock? As for Spines, where are you looking for the monastery? It's possible the apple tree picture just isn't loading. I'll take a look at it. There are no sound effects, and there should be, I should have thought of that, maybe I'll add them some day, now that I've thought of that, however there are music snips at certain parts of the story denoting a higher level. If you ever find the monastery, which is in there, there is a chapel and you can here some singing, to just visit that, and look at the open hymn book. There are other pieces of music. That is not the only one. I can't remember adding any sound other than music. I might, though. Thank you for the idea.

As for the Return to cabins, It was a typo and I fixed it just now, so, maybe, I did really want people to be stuck in the middle of nowhere with both ng but poetry to save them, but I am no sadist, I saw the error of my ways and repaired the script.

Jennifer Wren
02 Oct 2024, 00:50

Sorry. I left player in mid-game. I'll fix it. I can't imagine how long it's been like that. I won't fix it tonight because I'm off the grid, but I'll fix it soon.