Who bothers to categorise new games?

07 Jan 2024, 12:17

Published 2 games on Jan 1st and no one can be bothered to categorise them?! A new system needs to be implemented so we don't have to wait.

29 Jan 2024, 20:44

I still have access to categorize games but I’m almost never on. Once a month or so just to pop in. Unfortunately, I kind of lost interest due to the overwhelming swamp of vore, furry, and miniature games flooding the site.

But… your games are classified now. Good luck.

30 Jan 2024, 04:01

I feel like the website owner is purposefully not categorizing them in order to let us test and review those games, so the game owners have a chance to fix any errors or to add more content before they are refuted categorization.

However, from the perspective of new game creators joining in, mindlessly waiting for categorization is a sign that the website is not being maintained and perhaps the best course of action is to find another website.
All of my games have been published, so I am telling you, the website owner is still here.
So what I would recommend is that the website owner states that it requires about 1 year for a game to be categorized and about X% of games will be refuted categorization.

I have been trying to create v2 (version 2) of each of my games so that I can skip the categorization process, but rewriting my games from scratch so I could simplify and understand the code is harder and much slower than I thought, but I am still continuing though.

30 Jan 2024, 04:32

As per XanMag's words, there are lots of fetish games and quick games.
Since nobody wants to test or categorize them, they ends up in limbo and perhaps even slowing down the categorization of other types of games.

A possible suggestion is to create sandpit 2 and sandpit 3, except that they are not called sandpits, they are called fetish category and quick games category, they do not require categorization since they are made from a niche line of game creators for a niche line of gamers with a specific fetish.

30 Jan 2024, 11:05

I remember back last year when I first arrived with so much enthusiasm at having found a website that specialised in hosting text adventures. I got quick to work on creating two games 'Where is Everyone?" and 'Alone in the Void'. One sci-fi and one horror. Waiting for them to get categorised was astonishing, I think with the first one I waited two weeks. That, coupled with the constant barrage of shrinking games, I pretty much left the website disillusioned. I really hope some day someone takes over who not only has the available time required but the passion to get things back on track.

09 Feb 2024, 19:18

Okay, I actually dug down the deep rabbit hole mystery.
There are a lot of complaints in the forum about games not getting categorized, unable to save games and contact us errors.

But I don't think the original owner is even here anymore.

If no suitable new owners come forward by 28th February 2017, then sadly I will have to start the process of shutting down the website and forums. Initially they will become read-only, and I will look to export the data elsewhere (the IF Archive or the Internet Archive) before closing the sites completely.


But luckily, a group of people took over this non-profit website.

I am now happy to announce that we have a new team in place!


So consider the facts

  1. This website earns $0.
  2. The original owner is not even here.
  3. The new owners are actually a group of people doing different tasks without getting a salary.

So for the complainees,
perhaps now you know the why.

Now you must be thinking, hey row a boat.
You can find all the other IF game making apps here.

But, not really, you can actually see that most of them do not even have a playing arcade, there is no literally no button to upload your game if you have ever make a game using their system.
And the ones that do have a playing arcade and allows you to submit games have strict requirements:

Hosted Games Editorial Requirements

  1. Games must be at least 30,000 words long; the word count includes code.
  2. Games must not contain deeply offensive material, such as scenes that glorify sexual violence or racist attitudes.
  3. Games must undergo beta testing on our forum at forum.choiceofgames.com
  4. Games cannot infringe on other people’s intellectual property; we can’t host a Harry Potter or Star Wars game.
  5. The title of the game cannot contain the word “choice.” We reserve the word “choice” in game titles for games distributed under the Choice of Games label.
  6. The title of the game must be 30 characters or less. This is a hard requirement of the Google and Apple platforms.

So I checked someone else's small game = 1063 words.
My uncompleted game = 2265 words.
One of my biggest completed game = 17,895 words.

In short, there is nowhere else to go.
https://textadventures.co.uk/ have always been dominating the IF systems all over the years.
Fortunately, you are always allowed to go into this forum to advertise your game.

10 Feb 2024, 07:41

Both the original owner (Alex) and the new owner (Luis) are not here. Luis took a backseat nearly ten years ago and there is no admin directly maintaining anything. Nobody has access to make site changes, updates, or fixes. There's a few volunteer mods like myself and XanMag that have been here since before the site was sold, but frankly I'm beyond burned out since nobody else cares. The Pixie is still around, but doesn't have full site access (only Luis has that, and he isn't here except to restart the server when someone says it's down) so no updates or maintenance can be done. Site functionality has always been at a minimum. There isn't even a userlist or list of mods. I had to tell The Pixie I'm still around and my account has mod powers.

Don't expect any of this to change. The site will keep coasting as it is, people can still upload, games will be categorized a few times a year, and one day things will break and nobody will fix it.

11 Feb 2024, 04:15

I am going to guess the original owner (Alex) have figured that the site might shutdown one day, hence, his obssession with Quest 6

Quest’s long-term future lies with Quest 6, but it would be good if we can find somebody to maintain Quest 5 for the time being, not least because even if/when Quest 6 ships, it will still be using the same .NET-based Editor that Quest 5 uses.


Which is now taken over by Pixie

Better for authors
Authors can upload games to their own web site
Authors are learning/using JavaScript, the computer language of the internet, rather than ASL, which is exclusive to Quest 5
Authors can change absolutely anything in the game system; everything is accessible
Authors can create games on Linux and Mac, as well as Windows


and one day things will break and nobody will fix it.

  1. Then it is recommended to download all game files for anyone that is interested in saving the whole website by backing it up, my guess is Pixie have already backed up all the top rated game files.
  2. Someone can always recreate textadventure.co.uk, but no, I do not know how, so lets ask the bot.
  3. Bot:

(Daeun: Most likely to be more expensive as they are serving you.)
Using a Website Builder:
Platform: Choose a website builder platform like Wix, Squarespace, or Weebly.
Process: Sign up for an account, choose a template that suits your needs, and customize it to include features such as user registration, game creation tools, and forums.
Advantages: Easy-to-use drag-and-drop interface, no coding skills required, quick setup.
Disadvantages: Limited customization compared to coding from scratch, may not support all desired features.
Content Management System (CMS) Approach:
Platform: Utilize a CMS such as WordPress, Drupal, or Joomla.
Process: Install the CMS on your web server, select a theme or template, and install plugins or modules to add features like user accounts, game creation tools, and forums.
Advantages: Flexible and extendable, large community support, wide range of themes and plugins available.
Disadvantages: Requires more technical knowledge than website builders, may require additional customization to achieve desired functionality.
Custom Development:
Platform: Build the website from scratch using programming languages like Python, JavaScript, or PHP.
Process: Plan your website's architecture, design the database schema, develop frontend and backend functionalities, and integrate features such as user registration, game creation tools, and moderation systems.
Advantages: Complete control over the website's design and functionality, tailored to specific needs.
Disadvantages: Requires advanced programming skills, longer development time, and potentially higher costs if hiring developers.
Daeun's solution: Discord (Ew, I know.)

If worse comes to comes worse and there is no website expert willing to continue the website, any ordinary person may open a discord group instead.


  1. Discord is most likely free.
  2. Does not need a website expert.
  3. No need to buy website link. (I heard they increase prices every 2 years as they know your website become more and more famous, this statement requires verification.)
  4. Total control and independence.


  1. Game cover image are too big sized in discord chat.
  2. I do not know how to move up posted games yet, it is needed to push up games with more thumbs up or popularly liked ones.
  3. I do not like discord appearance, the same can goes to many other members.
  4. A discord group is generally a downgrade of a website, it is perhaps a last ditch strategy to hold the ship before the ship sinks, and perhaps waiting for THE ONE, to save us, and split apart the sea.

Daeun's conclusion:
I like https://textadventures.co.uk/
gaming arcade website as it is.

As long as https://github.com/ThePix
is up, anyone can download the quest editor and rebegin the quest for creating a whole new textadventure website or gaming arcade.

Jennifer Wren
22 Feb 2024, 23:28

I have some games that were classified as fantasy which they were, but then , I found out they needed some editing of typos I had missed, and they lost their classification. I also have a new game, that might be edited for better quality on phone use, but I would still need to learn something, first. Could anyone classify my new game, and re-classify the ones I re-uploaded after fixing the bugs? They are final to my knowledge. Well, the most recent might not work perfectly as a phone game - I have to test that again, (but it can be categorized, since I have no internet.)

Jennifer Wren
23 Feb 2024, 00:44

I do actually want to upload a new file because I have improved it slightly, tomorrow morning.

(I would really also like to add the gridmap to the phone option, and do not know how, if that can be done, too.)
It is finally ready updated and complete. Please take a look at my games for categories. Honestly, I'm sorry I didn't notice a few things. My eyes are a little old.

Jennifer Wren
24 Feb 2024, 00:13

Thanks!!! I am glad to have y games categorized, again. If you categorized the recent one, I uploaded a new file without hecking without thinking. I know I said I wouldn't, so, if you are too busy to look at it again, I can wait. I know I'm being trouble. Thanks. I am actually quite happy about the other games!

Jennifer Wren
05 Mar 2024, 03:06

If anyone is up to it, I have edited and made public a game that hadn't been up long enough to get categorized. It is only a chapter 2 of something longer, but it is stand alone as a story that starts in media res and ends in a to be continued ambiance. Here is the link. I am not in a hurry. There's no deadline.


15 Mar 2024, 20:53

Honestly, I fully understand the situation of the website moderators. It's a huge job running this site. But, even if it has problems, it still works, and so does the desktop version. Quest is an amazing tool, and I'm grateful to its creators for making it. It has helped me learn to code, and create a game I'd been thinking about making for years. I've generally shifted to directing it primarily toward use on the desktop version, as hey, in the days of popular text adventures, there was no online anything. With Wine, you can port your game to Mac, Linux, etc if you use the game runner, or use JS with the new kit to create your own apps on any platform. We still have these highly active forums, which have been a great reference for solving problems. I am grateful for whatever time the mods give us in doing anything with the site, at whatever level.

Jennifer Wren
28 Mar 2024, 22:48

If someone is willing to categorize my new game. It is both a fantasy and a romance, but I want to categorize it as a romance, if I can.
Here is the link. It has paper in it, otherwise, it plays over the phone, but it was made more for PC, because it is a lot less boring and more appealing that way. I think all the bugs are out of it, but if I find them, again, I will do whatever I have to. I think it is a nice light game.

Jennifer Wren
03 Apr 2024, 01:00

If anyone would be willing to categorize me game as a puzzle and romance or puzzle and fantasy, I would settle for either. I will be fine if you categorize my game as puzzle and simulation, too.
Whatever fits the best.

Jennifer Wren
05 Apr 2024, 22:43

Thanks, to whoever did actually categorize game. I guess one category is enough for it, if only because I don't have a paid account. I am quite happy just being up there. 🤗

Jennifer Wren
03 May 2024, 07:59

Hello, again, just in case no one has seen my seperate game announcement, I have another game up and would love if someone could classify my game as horror. If you have already put it on your list of things to look at thanks.


Jennifer Wren
24 May 2024, 16:25


This is a Fantasy. I hope it gets seen. Thanks again for being there when you are. I know its an extra.

Jennifer Wren
08 Jul 2024, 19:00

This game is called Thalassa's Thicket. It is a mystery to me. I hope someone will categorize both this as a mystery, and Spines of Leothwold (in the post above this one) as fantasy. If you actually have to play the games, they are both endless. Spines has three hidden treasures, all of them are in the hotspringß, in the present past and future. You can do one of five things with the money every time you play. There are other things you can do, but they are free play. Thalassa's Thicket: clean the cabins, explore cabins, sleep in every bed, plant seeds, chase bird to peak, read tealeaves, explore pirate ship, find treasure, find more treasure. It really is an unsolved mystery. I hope you enjoy it. Neither game has adult content.

14 Jul 2024, 14:45

Anyway, for who is interested in the history of textadventures, I found a few more insightful forum posts

It is tedious to categorize game

These words might have more inner meaning to it, they might not be referring to playtesting of games, and perhaps, it have somewhat to do with the inputting of games into the correct categorization, I am just guessing, for them to categorize games, they can't simply click a button, perhaps they have to copy and paste the game's code or transfer a file into the main server, which of course is a tedious process, and better done in a batch every few months as they had explained

The Pixie is the only one that is able to delete games or accounts at the moment

This would mean the Pixie is at least the second in power in this website

Games run on a separate server to the web site

So my guess was indeed correct, I am 10,000 km away from the uk, but somehow I am not lagging in forum yet I am lagging in arcade, they are indeed different servers

So there is a super long forum thread

So, I asked a bot to summarize it, which is going to be prone to mistakes, so take it with a ship of salt

Here are 10 important points summarizing discussions, feedback, and key aspects of the forum history, integration, features, and user concerns:

  1. Forum History: phpBB used since 2003; current form launched in 2007 without integration.
  2. Integration Effort: Forums now integrated with main site for single sign-on convenience.
  3. Migration and Compatibility: All existing forum posts migrated with old links redirected.
  4. Single Sign-On: Users use main site login for both site and forum access.
  5. User Profiles: New posts use main site profiles; old posts retain original forum details.
  6. Moderator Roles: Main site moderators automatically become forum moderators.
  7. Feature Set: New forums support Markdown/HTML, post editing/deletion, and responsive design.
  8. Future Implementations: Attachments planned; interim solution with imgur suggested.
  9. User Feedback: Positive reception for integration; initial aesthetic concerns noted.
  10. Technical Support: Initial bugs acknowledged; ongoing adjustments based on user feedback.

These points highlight the forum's evolution, features, user integration concerns, and ongoing community feedback.