IFComp entry

01 Oct 2018, 16:13


My IFComp entry is now live if anyone is interested. Thanks to KV and forum members for their help as ever.



01 Oct 2018, 21:56

Good luck NecroDeath!

For any one who wants to support, you only need to play 5 games in the contest to be a judge! Here is a link to all ifcomp entries.


Also, a link to my entry (are we the only two questers?)


03 Oct 2018, 02:43


04 Oct 2018, 01:25

I know I could probably find the answer to this by clicking the link but I'm takin' the lazy route today.

To be a judge, do you have to actually finish/beat the 5 games to be a judge?

04 Oct 2018, 02:09

I managed to make it through your intro.
First off, if I am suppose to use my phone to 'read' the poster; you should probably include a noticeable QR code on the image. I looked at the poster and was told looking at things is normally important but it's just an intro. That basically infers that nothing in the room is important. Second. I would recommend making your intro without repeatedly explaining it's an intro. A good intro should provide all the information you need to start playing the game while feeling like you have already started playing the game.

Side note. Personally I find images in text adventure games detract from using ones own imagination. Maybe that's just me?

If I finish playing the game later I will post more of my thoughts.
I hope you find this information useful.
Good luck.

04 Oct 2018, 11:11

Hi Svarii,

I think you have got my game confused with J_J's game. There is no poster or phone in mine.


04 Oct 2018, 12:17

You have to have played 5 games to completion, or the 2 hour point.

04 Oct 2018, 12:22

Also necrodeath sorry for hijacking your thread. That wasn't my intention. But heads up that on the intfiction forum someone got stuck on your game and needs a hint on how to progress.

04 Oct 2018, 14:22

No apologies necessary, thanks I saw the post - he contacted me by twitter and has progressed now.

05 Oct 2018, 00:02

Yeah. I got the authors mixed up. My bad.

Also thanks for letting me know about the 2 hour thing. I might play 5 games so I can vote now.

05 Oct 2018, 16:59

Cool! I didn't know you've finished yours. That's great!!!

11 Oct 2018, 05:25

I like the mouse picture!
I don't remember if I played your game.