Kiss Land (discontinued)

21 Jun 2018, 01:32

(I will post progress updates here later.)

21 Jun 2018, 03:32


Have you been here this whole time lurking or have you recently come back?? I THINK I remember you from WAY back when?

Nope. Wrong and wrong. You’re the space invaders guy! :)

Looking forward to the new game.

21 Jun 2018, 04:15

Nice intro!!!

29 Jun 2018, 14:04

Few weeks ago I got my hands on an old laptop so I was more than glad to come back to coding and set up a frame for the game I want to release sometime this year.

The summer season is here so I will be unable to do anything properly until at least September but I am glad I managed to code some stuff

Randomly generated planets and space


Basics of space combat


03 Aug 2018, 07:23

this is quite intresting

03 Aug 2018, 23:55

I'm not seeing a game, if it's listed.
But it seems interesting.

02 Sept 2018, 14:23

Development of this unreleased game is resumed.

Also I have to post something in this thread so it wont get locked.

18 Oct 2018, 18:35

Well, when I tried to import my aslx files from my old computer to my new computer with a new Quest version, everything got corrupted and broken, with 10 new weird errors at every page and script.

Therefore I have decided to discontinue this project and start from scratch on something else.

This means I will try to re-learn loop scripts that I have been using since 2016.
I could of course, try to fix the above mentioned issues but I am currently lacking in the motivation.