Post-Halloween Challenge

01 Nov 2017, 03:21

I offer a challenge and hope some accept...

In the light of RH's little Halloween Game, I propose a little challenge to any interested.

Create a Halloween-themed game/experience that can be completed in less than 20 minutes. It can be scary, funny, candy-filled, text adventure or gamebook, a simple story, a CYOA, parser game... whatever. The only thought is that it be kept QUITE short. We don't have many solid, little games that can be played in a quick sit-down session. Sometimes I just want a sit-and-go type game. Let's crank a few out. The last I recall that kind of fit this bill was Spondre by Jay (and I am not suggesting anything of that quality or magnitude).

Captivating. Well-crafted. Thoughtful.

What do we say? I'm in because I am always looking for a fun little challenge!

Started mine about an hour ago so...


01 Nov 2017, 05:39


Did the Dumb Halloween Game count?

Captivating. Well-crafted. Thoughtful.


Well, that's a resounding 'no.'

Okay, I'm in!

(And I'll be submitting something more solid than an escape the room / rise from the grave quickie this time, too (maybe).)

01 Nov 2017, 11:22

Very short.

EDIT: There is a much better version now. This link takes you to it, not the old version.

01 Nov 2017, 12:54

I just changed Rolling with RH around a lot...

01 Nov 2017, 17:20

Sounds good... and fun...

02 Nov 2017, 08:37

Rolling with RH updates:

  • No more JS countdown to bog everything down
  • Works the same, whether you're playing online or offline
  • Now you can PAUSE the clock (in case you have to pee or something)
  • Added some scenery objects

(The game still sucks, though. No update can fix THAT!)

02 Nov 2017, 12:39

Just updated Rolling with RH again.

Added all sorts of stuff! (Most of it is scenery, so good luck finding it!)

DL, I hope you don't mind me borrowing some of your stuff. (You'll have to find it in the game to see what it is!)

02 Nov 2017, 18:07

Go for it...
You can even add a friend to the Fox... (Kitsune... she is a fox with hypnotic skills and 9 tails...)

02 Nov 2017, 21:10

Kitsune... she is a fox with hypnotic skills and 9 tails.

That's sounds cool!

I would use her, but I'd just f--k it all up. I'll wait until you write her into something.

03 Nov 2017, 02:45

I plan on adding her to Wumpus 4...
My ideas could prove to be "interesting" to say the least!!!

03 Nov 2017, 04:33

Update: Just got to tidy up the ending and add sounds. A day or two away tops from publishing "Good Night." insert creepy music

03 Nov 2017, 07:08

Got mine started...
Dark Halloween...
Trying something new... the player can die... but it should be worth dying just to see...
Why is there a fence around grave yards???

Because people are dying to get in!!!

04 Nov 2017, 04:22

I didn't create mine in 20 minutes but I have a Halloween event/holiday in my game called "Hallow's Shroud"



04 Nov 2017, 12:04

Good Night


Creepy audio...

Sounds groovy!

Dark Halloween

I played a sample of this. (I got it from one of DL's clones.)

Can't wait for the rest!

Hallow's Shroud

I played a little of this. (Anonynn is a story-crafting genius!)

Rolling with RH

Have you tried:

  • Examining the road?
  • Entering XYZZY?
  • Quitting the game?
  • Swinging from the TP?
  • Squeezing the TP?
  • Searching the tree?

Richard Headkid
08 Nov 2017, 14:07

Dumb Halloween Game has been updated.

  • Added the AGAIN command
  • Switched from the > prompt to the text input box
  • Added a few things to the HELP/HINT response

08 Nov 2017, 18:50

FYI... Dark Halloween is coming along, lots to do and see...
I'm sure it will fit in the 20 minute "requirement"...
(The hardest part is the spell checking...)
A question from another source...
Do witches use a spell checker?

08 Nov 2017, 20:25

I got this error.

kick roll of toilet paper

You toss the TP up in the air and kick at it. You miss, of course (like always).

You play it off cool for a second, then you pick it back up.
Error running script: Error compiling expression '"0+"game.seconds': SyntaxError: Unexpected token "game___DOT___seconds"

09 Nov 2017, 04:12

Error running script: Error compiling expression '"0+"game.seconds': SyntaxError: Unexpected token "game___DOT___seconds"

I dislike that error.

It seems to happen when Quest is printing the output from the last command at the same exact time it's trying to print the 'You have this much time left' message.


There's gotta be a way to avoid that without having to use a status pane...

09 Nov 2017, 04:58


I had game.secondsDisplayed = "0+"game.seconds, when it should have been game.secondsDisplayed = "0"+"game.seconds.

Good find, jmne! Thank you!

Rolling with RH has just been updated:

17 Nov 2017, 08:13

Dark Halloween... Now available for your reading enjoyment...
Not finished, still not sure how I want to end it...
The clues are there... but you may need to re-play it to understand them...
(And some till still need explaining...)

Richard Headkid
21 Nov 2017, 01:07

Just updated Dumb Halloween Game.

I haven't finished DL's game yet, but he hasn't finished making it, so we're "on the same page". (Nyuck, nyuck, nyuck!)

21 Nov 2017, 01:15

Just updated Rolling with RH.

21 Nov 2017, 10:12

Dark Halloween is finished... May have a miss spelling or two...

I'm sure I got everything covered...

22 Nov 2017, 03:23


You've finished DH?

I shall play!

22 Nov 2017, 03:51

It's misspelling.... no spaces.

22 Nov 2017, 07:50

Never said I could spell...
Maybe... It's Mrs. Spelling???
You know, the English teacher???