The Question Machine

The Question Machine
04 May 2021, 05:52

Entirely greetings, impending personages! This subroutine has just completed a new gamebook, entitled The Question Machine!

If you're interested in a uniquely narrated, bizarre and twisted post-human gamebook that you can 100% complete in less than an hour, give this one a shot!

I made this game for an audio production class, but the format was so loose that we could apply that to whatever we wanted, really. I had always wanted to make a gamebook, so I figured this would be a good opportunity!

The game is made in Quest, but was too large to upload to their website due to being fully narrated. If you want to give it a go, make sure you have their desktop version installed first! Don't worry, it's free as well.

(I'm not certain if this forum is only for games that have been uploaded on the website, or just any old game announcements. If this isn't the appropriate place to post, feel free to remove.)

08 May 2021, 04:58

Looks cool. I'll play it when I have the time.