Thaumistry, from Infocom author Bob Bates, is now availabe

31 Oct 2017, 14:15

Hi all,

I don't know if this is the right place to announce this, but I have completed my Kickstarted text adventure game called Thaumistry: In Charm's Way. I wrote it in TADS 3, (not Quest), so I don't know if this group is interested in it. But it's a classic, funny, puzzle-driven, Infocom-style text adventure. It even has free CyberFeelies(tm) you can download. You can check it out at It's also available on Steam.



31 Oct 2017, 14:18

Thanks for dropping in and letting us know!

There's at least one Infocom-head here!

I love Sherlock: The Riddle of the Crown Jewels, by the way!!!