Pixie's Quest - new game from QFQ and an open 'thank you' to THE MAN himself!

Quest Forum Questers
17 Oct 2017, 22:40

Hello, members of the Quest community!

  • Text Adventure Link - http://textadventures.co.uk/games/view/jymfhimg00c5cvrdqna7xa/pixies-quest

This game is a thankful tribute from QFQ to The Pixie. If you aren't aware, Pixie does just about everything for this site! Some of his high-demand jobs include:

  • Maintaining Quest
  • Submitting guides, writing how-to documents, and writing libraries for others to use
  • Solving the many problems that other Questers have while trying to create games and doing so in a manner that is both friendly and helpful. To clarify, almost all of these problems are problems people have coding, not in the limitations of Quest!
  • Troubleshooting games, updating Quest, reviewing & beta-testing others games, and even finding time to make a few games for others to enjoy (and they are good ones I would like to add)
  • I'm sure I have missed many other things this Quest Master has offered over the years and I'm sorry that I have

Bottom line, this guy doesn't get enough credit. So...

So, this is the best we could come up with to show our appreciation to the ever-so helpful and greatly appreciated Pixie. Here is to the selfless philanthropy that is Pixie. Thanks again!

Pixie's Quest

  • Text Adventure Link - http://textadventures.co.uk/games/view/jymfhimg00c5cvrdqna7xa/pixies-quest

FYI - people who are NOT Pixie can still enjoy this game, but there might be a few things that some people won't quite understand. That will NOT take away from the winnability or the enjoyability of the game!

17 Oct 2017, 22:43

Thank you, Pixie, on behalf of all those that you have so graciously helped!

Happy gaming!


17 Oct 2017, 22:55

Thanks, Pixie!

18 Oct 2017, 00:35

While we're at it, I'd also like to thank:

DarkLizerd & XanMag
For collaborating

mrangel & Doctor Agon
For coding help

Alex Warren
For creating Quest, Squiffy, etc.

For being such an awesome beta-tester, and for help with a few codes

For allowing us to use his likeness, and for help with a few codes

18 Oct 2017, 01:19

FYI - people who are NOT Pixie can still enjoy this game, but there might be a few things that some people won't quite understand. That will NOT take away from the winnability or the enjoyability of the game!

(Enter HINT if you get stuck.)

18 Oct 2017, 01:19

Oh (expletive), don't ask HK about his favorite story! Whatever you do, don't ask HK about his favorite story!

18 Oct 2017, 01:36

HK's response: Stats



HK's response was taken directly from here:


18 Oct 2017, 01:38

"For allowing us to use his likeness..."

Yep. Nailed it. =)

18 Oct 2017, 03:59

Anyone know what this does?

s = GetFileData (filename)
current_object = null
game.setUp = false
foreach (line, Split(s, "\n")) {
  line = Crop(line)
  if (not line = "" and not StartsWith(line, "#")) {
    bits = Split(line, "=")
    if (StringListItem(bits, 0) = "new") {
      if (ListCount(bits) = 2) {
        create (StringListItem(bits, 1))
        current_object = GetObject(StringListItem(bits, 1))
      else {
        create (StringListItem(bits, 2), StringListItem(bits, 1))
        current_object = GetObject(StringListItem(bits, 2))
    else if (StringListItem(bits, 0) = "find") {
      current_object = GetObject(StringListItem(bits, 1))
      if (current_object = null) {
        error ("Failed to find " + StringListItem(bits, 1) + " in the game world. Things will go badly...")
    else if (StringListItem(bits, 0) = "exit") {
      create exit (StringListItem(bits, 2), null, null, null, StringListItem(bits, 1))
      current_object = GetObject(StringListItem(bits, 2))
    else if (StringListItem(bits, 0) = "parent") {
      newParent = StringListItem(bits, 1)
      if (newParent = "game.pov") {
        current_object.parent = game.pov.name
        game.setUp = true
        list remove (bits, "game.pov")
        list add (bits, game.pov.name)
      else if (newParent = "game.pov.parent") {
        current_object.parent = game.pov.parent.name
        game.setUp = true
        list remove (bits, "game.pov.parent")
        list add (bits, game.pov.parent.name)
      else if (newParent = "here") {
        current_object.parent = game.pov.parent.name
        game.setUp = true
        list remove (bits, "here")
        list add (bits, game.pov.parent.name)
      else if (newParent = "player.parent") {
        current_object.parent = player.parent.name
        game.setUp = true
        list remove (bits, "player.parent")
        list add (bits, player.parent.name)
      current_object.parent = GetObject(StringListItem(bits, 1))
      if (current_object.parent = null) {
        error ("Failed to find " + StringListItem(bits, 1) + " in the game world. Things will go badly...")
    else if (StringListItem(bits, 0) = "to") {
      current_object.to = GetObject(StringListItem(bits, 1))
      if (current_object.to = null) {
        error ("Failed to find " + StringListItem(bits, 1) + " in the game world. Things will go badly...")
    else {
      if (LCase(StringListItem(bits, 1)) = "false") {
        set (current_object, StringListItem(bits, 0), false)
      else if (LCase(StringListItem(bits, 1)) = "true") {
        set (current_object, StringListItem(bits, 0), true)
      else if (IsInt(StringListItem(bits, 1))) {
        set (current_object, StringListItem(bits, 0), ToInt(StringListItem(bits, 1)))
      if (not game.setUp) {
        set (current_object, StringListItem(bits, 0), StringListItem(bits, 1))
      else {
        set (current_object, StringListItem(bits, 0), game.pov)
msg ("Done.")
  <function name="Crop" parameters="s" type="string"><![CDATA[
    start = 1
    end = LengthOf(s)
    for (i, 1, LengthOf(s)) {
      if (Asc(Mid(s, i, 1)) < 33) {
        if (start = i) {
          start = i + 1
      else {
        end = i
    return (Mid(s, start, end - start + 1))
  <command name="px_update">
    <pattern>load #text#</pattern>
      LoadFile (text)

18 Oct 2017, 06:38

Did we mention GitHub?

Main repository




Quest Forum Questers
18 Oct 2017, 06:56

The QFQ avatar is just a "bluer" version of the icon from the Quest 6 repository on GitHub.

(We blue it ourselves, with a little help from The GIMP!)

The image of "the Quest Towers" is from Quest 4.1.0.

18 Oct 2017, 07:11

Yes, thanks for your great work, Pixie! And thanks for great game, Quest Forum Questers!

18 Oct 2017, 07:50

Thanks for testing it, Pertex!

...and sorry about all the bugs we had creeping and crawling around in there!

NOTE: Pertex found one heckuva bug while testing the game out for us. This led to a brainstorming session. (The Pixie and mrangel were really the only two involved.) Now we have an unofficial modification of the clearScreen function, which is good news for all Quest creators and players.

Thanks, guys!

While we're thanking people, I believe jmnevil54 may have been the first person to play the released version...

Thanks, jmne!

Another note: Any errors found are surely mine. You can let the boss know about them, if you'd like.

The Pixie
18 Oct 2017, 08:00

Thanks everyone!

I have not played that much of it, but there is a lot of technically impressive stuff in there, like the title screen and the various cheat commands. A good showcase for Quest. But I have to admit I am rubbish at playing text adventures...

Doctor Agon
18 Oct 2017, 08:29

Thankyou Pixie for keeping Quest going. Thankyou as well for all the tutorials and help-sheets. Long may it continue.

18 Oct 2017, 10:02


It's all good. Just keep asking me questions if you get stuck. Or, just keep looking at me. I like that too...

18 Oct 2017, 11:25

It's the least we could do, Pix!

> rubbish at playing text adventures

You've got a hint system and a wiki.

You can do it!!!

If you get stuck during XM's parts, just ask for help on the forum*.

Here's the link: http://textadventures.co.uk/forum/quest


Thanks for the kind words, by the way!

(99% of the scripts are yours, though. So you're technically tooting your own horn.)

18 Oct 2017, 15:16

Did you seriously make a wiki just for this game?

...Not that I'm complaining, I created my own wiki for Harley, my favorite Pokémon character... You're in good company...

Also, I'm confused about what this game is about. Walk around the building, look at some things... That's it? I also noticed you used the forum into the game. Really nice by the way, very smart. But is that supposed to help The Pixie for something greater, or something else?

19 Oct 2017, 02:59

More to frustrate him than anything else...
Some areas are easy, some are hard, some require skills beyond the average player...

19 Oct 2017, 04:28

The point?

As a gamer, to live a day in the life of Pixie, to walk a mile in Pixie's shoes, to better understand and appreciate the crap stuff that Pixie has to deal with in solving our mundane little problems (without complaint and with diligence) that we I should be able to solve ourselves myself (at least that is how I wrote my parts of this game).

As a game designer, to sample the group project waters, to determine the best route in creating a game by a group with different viewpoints and styles, to learn Quest a little better (or a LOT in KV's case - that guy did more in a few weeks than I did in 18 months!!), and, basically, to enjoy the process. I had a lot of fun. Oh yeah... some of these little in-game nuggets will be viewed as a prequel for the master group project...

19 Oct 2017, 05:35

Did you seriously make a wiki just for this game?

Oh, definitely.

It's pretty much the online game manual.

I thought people may not be able to figure out exactly what to do (and what all CAN be done), so I made a wiki in an attempt to cover all of this (and so I can use it as a reference later, when I don't remember how to get through the game myself).

You can enter HINT at any time during play for clues concerning nearly everything in the room.

There are also Quests. You just enter QUEST (or click on "Active Quests" in the pane) to see a list of all active and completed Quests.

The Quest PX you are carrying receives alerts during play. These alerts will definitely help you along the way.

The PX does other things, too. You can view all of your bookmarked forum posts, and get a list of available commands.


If you're playing online, the posts don't really work. You just get a screenshot of the important part of the post you're viewing. If you're using the desktop player, you are actually visiting this site in the game.

If you are playing on a mobile device or tablet...

You're missing out on quite a few bells and whistles, but it shouldn't effect things too much.

Playing in the desktop player is what I highly recommend.

The online player doesn't act quite right after loading a saved game. Things that should be centered are no longer centered and other little things like that. (What's up with that, Pixie? Can I fix it? (It's a mystery to me. I'm just using <center>...</center>.))

There's a crappy map of my world on the wiki, which lists all the important items in my parts of the game.

There's a page that tells you how to score all of my points, as well.

Another page is called "The Things You Can Do".

If you speak to KV, you'll be presented with a menu of the things my NPC will respond to. (Some of these responses will help you along your way.)

What else?

You can enter REAL HELP for some actual help.


I also noticed you used the forum into the game. Really nice by the way, very smart.

Thank you, thank you. We're glad you like it!

But is that supposed to help The Pixie for something greater, or something else?

You will need to examine one of the forum posts to progress through one of the puzzles.

That's the only clue I'm allowed to give concerning that bit.

The point?

Let's not get existential.

Okay, seriously...

More to frustrate him than anything else...

(laughing maniacally)

Some areas are easy, some are hard, some require skills beyond the average player...

Again, enter HINT. Especially during my complicated/confusing/stupid parts. If you're dealing with a glitch (or a crate), just keep on entering HINT. I will guide you right through everything.

DL and XM have pretty much summed everything else up...

Pixie goes above and beyond, so we had an idea: let's make a tiny, little 'thank you' game for Pix!

(The game began writing itself about halfway through the process, hence its current size.)

NOTE: All of the enjoyable bits are XM and DL.

If you're mumbling profanities and wondering why you're even wasting the time playing this 'game' during a certain sequence, that's one my contributions!

Seriously, though, I'm pretty sure that just knowing he has helped someone is more than payment enough for Pixie, but we thought an actual token (or certificate) of appreciation would be a nice gesture. Something that he can actually have in his inventory (if he can make it past all the BS we've got set up for him to deal with along the way).

19 Oct 2017, 05:54


I stole 99% of the scripts and codes I used in the game from Pixie's posts.

So, if something's buggy, or if you catch an error here and there... It's Pixie's fault!!!


19 Oct 2017, 19:02

Thank you The Pixie...
'Cause you know... you take time out of your busy schedule, fixing text game bugs and things, to work on that system I asked for...

Richard Headkid
20 Oct 2017, 08:04

This game sux, and the guys who wrote it sux.

20 Oct 2017, 19:54

You shouldn't be insulting yourself, RH/KV!

21 Oct 2017, 05:08

He's multiple people/personalities, so it's impossible for him to insult himself, laughs.

This is an excellent game that I need to get around playing, and studying... hehe

And goes without saying, but I better join in and say it anyways, lol:

@ Pixie (and rest of the new and old team, too):

thank you for all of your hard work and dedication, in making quest and in keeping it going, and for helping us with quest, game-making, and coding. You've helped so many poeple, from those who never made a game before, to making a game, and those who never coded before, to being coders.

21 Oct 2017, 08:17

"My split personality is having an identity crisis."
- M. Mathers, III

21 Oct 2017, 09:24

reminds me of the Jim Carrey movie: me, myself, and irene // ht.tp://www.imdb.com/title/tt0183505/

21 Oct 2017, 09:33

Eminem was probably watching that movie when he wrote the line.

21 Oct 2017, 20:30

You guys did really great with this! Thank you for sharing it! I left a review ^_^

21 Oct 2017, 20:44

Hey, Anonynn!


I hope you've been well!

22 Oct 2017, 23:01

I have been! Just stressed out a lot! Hope you have been well too!

25 Oct 2017, 01:08

The game has been updated.

You can save the game correctly online now.

(Sorry about that.)


Yup! I've been well, thank you!

The Quest Forum Monster
14 Dec 2017, 04:35

Hello, Forum People!

Monster just post this from inside Quest game on desktop player!

(Monster rejoice!)

06 Jan 2018, 15:30

Has anyone found the creator in this game yet?

08 Jan 2018, 03:07

I'm still hunting...