New The Legend of the Secret of the Smelly, Stinky Fish
24 Jul 2017, 02:26Hi.
This is my "The Legend of the Secret of the Smelly, Stinky Fish."
I just want some to play test this. I heard it was an option, and I'd really like some feedback.
It's Fantasy, I guess, and it also has combat. I haven't counted them exactly, but there are 100+ rooms, not altogether, of course. It is not a dungeon crawler, technically.
It is also a maze. Or, I tried to make it maze-like.
Trust me, it's not hard.
I still need to work on the ending, and work on some of the grammar.
If you see a room go from something like "Cave 3 R 4," to Cave 3 R 10," it's supposed to do that. The rooms are named after the order they were created in.
24 Jul 2017, 03:35Quick little romp down to level 9.
My input.
- In the opening room when you get the fish and then look again at the room, it says the fish is still in the room.
- I'm not sure what it would take, but I think mentioning the monsters that show up in the room would be beneficial?
- Also, is it possible for you to close exits if a monster is in the room with you? It would add a tremendous amount to the game if you could do that. When I got down to level 9, I simply just started clicking to try and wiggle my way through the maze and I totally started ignoring the monsters.
- Could you also only allow the purchase of each item from the shops one time? It would up the difficulty level.
- The orc and the ogre should be proceeded with the prefix 'an' not 'a'. Also, the ogre does not have a description when examined.
- Also, I noticed that when just running through the maze, it seemed that every time you entered a room that had a monster in it, then one more monster was added upon re-entering. Is it possible to go back and forth and continuously reset the monster in the room and rack up an infinite amount of gold and level?
Not a bad start. I will fully review once I have completed it. Best of luck.
24 Jul 2017, 21:53There are 6 caves.
I thought about locking the rooms, but that would leave the problem of which rooms...
I thought about a menu system.... decided against it.
I'm still working on it....
24 Jul 2017, 22:58Yeah, the locking system only works if you have a name for something. Doesn't work if you have random monsters spawning.
Fixed the message thing with the fish, though.
24 Jul 2017, 23:21I guess I could hook up a system where things are locked by an integer or a Boolean....
...It would be easier just to set up a menu.
31 Jul 2017, 20:44I updated the game. Now it has an ending.
Still going to be working on it for many hours.
10 Aug 2017, 19:52Finished!
...Now to go through the trouble of uploading it...
14 Aug 2017, 02:38Oops. I made the monster unbeatable.
Be right back...
15 Aug 2017, 20:40Okay, NOW the game was fixed! There was a mix-up with the name changing and the this.dead, and the game was confused.......