435 Well Street Demo

E.Z. Play
26 Mar 2017, 22:37


A game about an abandoned house at the end of a dirt road, the family within that mysteriously went missing, and your findings as you search for answers to what happened.

It's only a demo for now, the game is still a work in progress. This is one of those games where searching thoroughly is recommended. I'm hoping this will be a fun game and not too hard or too easy.

Planned features for the full game are:
Multiple solutions to problems. Didn't grab something you should have a couple rooms back? No problem!
NPCs that could be helpful or not, it all depends on who you talk to

26 Mar 2017, 23:09

Not sure what feedback you want for an unfinished game. But you could start by giving objects descriptions. For example, in the living room:

x armchair
I can't see that.

x rocking chair
I can't see that.

x toys
I can't see that.

x table
I can't see that.