text adventure Kickstarter, Thaumistry - from Bob Bates (of Infocom and Legend)

03 Feb 2017, 21:30

I didn't see any one has mentioned this yet. It looks great, and is close to meeting it's initial goal. Emily Short did a nice write up: https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/2017/02/01/if-only-thaumistry-and-southern-monsters-on-kickstarter/

I'm excited to see a text adventure of this caliber on it's way. I miss the Infocom days. Looks like he's using TADS and has some nice plans for stretch goals including full mobile support.

jkj yuio
04 Feb 2017, 16:14

Yes, i do hope he reaches his goal.

I think he should have illustrations though, and that would be a better use of the stretch goal funding, if he gets it.