**House of the Raven**

Craig Dutton
08 Apr 2017, 11:15

It's been exactly two years since I published my last game and that wasn't intentional.

It's a short game set in a creepy house with a creepy scientist performing creepy experiments. You just have to escape (without having to be creepy about it.)



08 Apr 2017, 14:15

This looks like my cup of tea, a proper parser game, will give it a playthrough this evening

Craig Dutton
11 Apr 2017, 10:19

13 Games have been categorised by other people since I published my game on Saturday 8th April! Yet using CONTACT US on this site does diddly squat.

I'm writing here now, so if a Moderator is anywhere around to read this, can they please see to my game, thank you.