Looking for Beta testers

30 Jun 2019, 06:59


As a way of learning Quest I've ported my game Pathway to Destruction over. I've had a few battles, but it has been a very rewarding experience. Now I've tested it to death myself and would really appreciated some help. If anyone is willing to give it a try I would really welcome the feedback/comments.

Pathway to Destruction is a sci-fi/time travel game about a technician who is working on a new transportation project when something goes wrong. Finding yourself thrown into an empty and desolate future, finding out what went wrong is your first priority.

If you're interested let me know in this thread or PM me and I'll send the link.

Thank you in advance.

30 Jun 2019, 14:33


30 Jun 2019, 20:25

Sorry, missing that in the description. I'm a parser man, so TA.

02 Jul 2019, 04:21

Sign me up!

The Pixie
02 Jul 2019, 06:48

I will take a look too.