Translation/localization of your text-adventure to other languages (offering free service)

26 Jun 2016, 06:18
Hi everyone,

I'm Lerik, 29 years old, cosmopolitan, polyglot and adventure games enthusiast. :-D

I'd like to offer my game localization services for your game/s. It would be free, no charge-- it's something I will add to my resume as a game-localizer and translator. The languages I'm working with are Spanish, French and Russian. If there are audio voices in your text adventure game then I'd probably want to include voice acting as well (we're a female/male duo). Nevertheless, if there aren't any voices to do, that's also perfectly fine.

I only ask that you make it easy for me, hopefully you have all the game text in one single text file so I won't have to do any monotonous technical work and I can focus on the translation. Also, I probably won't do all the 3 languages that I offer to a single game, so it's best that you will pick the one that you would like to see your game translated to when you send me an email.

I want you to understand my personal motivation: I'm very passionate about a language-learning method that I call "Language-Gaming", which is playing games in the language you want to learn (of course it's mostly for advanced students unless you can change subtitles in the game to be in your own language). I've been doing that for about 10 years now. So, ideally, every decent game/text adventure ever created should have a few good localizations to it.

Feel free to email me/PM me.

languagequesters (at)
