The Watchkeepers

Father thyme
18 May 2016, 05:48
Would appreciate any feedback or constructive suggestions on 'The Watchkeepers' . Several have played it. No comments yet.

18 May 2016, 06:50

I've gone ahead and moved it out of Uncategorized for you, hopefully it'll get noticed and played more.

I don't play much parser IF anymore but soon I'm trying to set aside a day for it, and for writing some long overdue reviews. Some of yours are definitely on the list, everything I've seen of your work is so unique and impressive. :)

18 May 2016, 10:43
When I start the game online or offline it looks like this:

I don't think I want to play this game

The Pixie
18 May 2016, 10:49
I was just about to say the same, but without the picture.

Father thyme
18 May 2016, 12:49
Sorry about that folks. The display width was set at 100 for some unknown reason.perhape I meant 1000. I have altered it to 950. I did not know this as it came up perfectly on my screen. Hopefully this will cure it. I was jiggling about with the width to get optimum display. On a previous game someone told me and edge was cut off ,although it looked fine on an iPad here.

The Pixie
18 May 2016, 13:41
Still an inch wide column for me, I am afraid.

18 May 2016, 14:36
Whops, I should've looked at it last night. I moved it from my phone just as I was about to pass out without actually downloading it first. I'm having the same problem though.

I just downloaded it and the width is still showing as 100 when I go to View > html dev tools

Father thyme
18 May 2016, 15:42
I have now cancelled custom width. I don't know if that makes a difference. It still looks fine on my iPad. That's the only screen I have available at the moment. My game showed 950 wide before I did that. The game was assessed and catogorised a few days ago. So it must have been ok then. Any advice would be appreciated.

18 May 2016, 16:29
Still having the same issue, but I don't think your updates are being applied. On the game page it says the last update was May 14th.

Father thyme
18 May 2016, 17:38
Just checked that. Tried again. I think that one went through. I think I was doing it wrong before.

18 May 2016, 23:34
Weird. I fired it up a while ago (a day or three ago) and things were fine? I'll play tonight and give feedback.

19 May 2016, 04:07
It's working now. I just got home and I'm absolutely exhausted though, no IF for me tonight.

20 May 2016, 21:00
I sent you a "lengthy" first beta review via PM. Please check it out and get back to me. Thanks!