
Tam HD
14 May 2016, 10:38

Written my first Quest game and this is my announcement.

Hope you like it, or at least try it.

Still uncategorised, but hopefully this will be resolved by the moderators.

14 May 2016, 16:36
I will test it and place accordingly, but first I would like to see your screen size issue fixed. I played it on my phone and, as far as it appeared on the mobile device, it was fine. I am having issues on my PC. Not sure but it might have something to do with your 'padding' under one of the game tabs. Also, there are some minor things I would like to suggest (that certainly aren't game breaking, but it would smooth out the experience).

By the way, the little that I played seemed promising. So, 'grats on that! PM me if you want more specifics. Or, if you would rather I'll post critiques on this thread.

If it isn't placed by this evening, I'll place it. Thanks and keep writing games!

Tam HD
14 May 2016, 19:15
Many thanks for the comments,

I would like pointers on the padding as it runs ok on my pc, but input from experienced Questers is always welcome. Please suggest away on the minor items.


Tam HD
14 May 2016, 19:57
OK, so I've re-padded my padding and the game should run better on all pc's, (he says hiding under the duvet)

15 May 2016, 23:40
I sent you a rather lengthy post. :wink:
Check your PM.

Plus, I need to know how to properly release the rat... Thanks!