My games now on textadventures: Draculaland, Portcullis, Aunts & Butlers

04 May 2016, 18:54

I write IF using my own javascript engines, and I've just put three of my games on this site. They are:

"Draculaland" - a comic horror adaptation of Dracula, using a point-and-click interface designed to give the feel of a parser game. Came 4th in the Ryan Veeder Exposition for Good Interactive Fiction. ... raculaland

"Portcullis" - a retro-styled swords-and-sorcery castle crawl with some semi-autonomous NPCs and multiple paths through the game. A winner of the 2016 New Year's Minicomp. ... portcullis

"Aunts and Butlers" - a Wodehousean farce in which your goal is to get into your curmudgeonly aunt's will. Came mid-table in the 2006 Ifcomp. ... nd-butlers

I've got a couple more games, one in the present Spring Thing, which I'll move over if this goes well. Nice to find this place.

Share and Enjoy!

04 May 2016, 22:03
Welcome, RJ! I'm glad you stumbled on to this site.

FYI to all, I've played 2 of 3 of these games and they are easily among the top 10 I've played in the last two years. Loved them both. Planning on playing the third tonight.

Glad to have you here.

11 May 2016, 13:21

I've added "The Xylophoniad", a comic Greek myth parser game which has co-won this year's Spring Thing IF festival: ... ylophoniad