"Deeper" released!

The Pixie
20 Jan 2016, 11:46
So here it is:

http://textadventures.co.uk/games/view/ ... tcg/deeper

It is a dungeon crawl, featuring a randomly generated dungeon. There are around 200 different monsters you can meet, and a few dozen weapons you can fight them with, as well as numerous spells, scrolls, potions and other items. There are 14 ancient artifacts to find, and plenty of other treasure. And you can potentially keep going forever!

20 Jan 2016, 16:47
Whoa. A little tougher (and more polished than my first play through!). See your PM.

Well done!

21 Jan 2016, 07:26
I love it. It's tough indeed in fact I have not found the trade caravan yet so I cant buy healing.
You write that there is a spell to map the level but if you just type map you can see it
Boah, I was just attacked by 5 Animated corpse in level 4. No chance to survive.

The Pixie
21 Jan 2016, 08:34
I put in the CHEAT command when developing the map functionality, and left it in whilst testing, and then could not decide whether to take it out, and just have the spell or not, so left it as a cheat (or Easter Egg?).

Is it too hard? Should it be made easier?

21 Jan 2016, 13:50
Puhh it's really hard! Today i haven't managed it to go to level4. Did you change the monster values? Yesterday I only found single enemies, today I discovered rooms (in level 2!) with 5 monsters. If you really want to explore the complete map you will die fast.
Perhaps it would be a good idea to recover some hitpoints if you change the level? And dropping some healing potions?

There are a few issues in the game:
-The heading of the spell pane is 'broken'
-There is a problem with the equiped state of weapons:

> equip Trusty dagger
You draw your Trusty dagger.

> equip Sabre
You put away your Trusty dagger and draw your Sabre.

> unequip dagger
You put away your Sabre.

> unequip Sabre
You put away your Fists.

- In the upgrade menu when changing the level it's possible to deselect all options. If you click 'ok' then you get an error.

The Pixie
22 Jan 2016, 10:02
Thanks for the comments, version 1.1 is now out. You now get a third of your hits back when you go down to a new level. See if that helps!

22 Jan 2016, 17:27
much better! But where can I find the trader? I visited level 7 but I can't find a shop where I can sell my loot or buy an armour.
The adherer is nasty.
I got two errors, I hope you can find the problem with this messages:
> attack wizard
You swing your Sabre and hit, doing 11 points of damage. The wizard falls to the ground.
Error running script: Error compiling expression 'GetInt(game.pov, this.resetattribute': SyntaxError: Unexpected end of fileLine: 1, Column: 53

> south
A big Goblin turns to look at you.

This large room looks to be a guardroom. To the west is a crudely-made hole in the wall. There is an archway to the south. To the north is an ornately-carved wooden door. To the east is a narrow archway.
You can see a Fire zombie, a Fire zombie and a Goblin.
You can go west, south, north or east.
Fire zombie has seen you, and is going to attack!
Fire zombie has seen you, and is going to attack!
Error running script: SelectAttack failed for fire_zombie1 - found no attacks!
Error running script: Error compiling expression 'attack': RootExpressionElement: Cannot convert type 'Object' to expression result of 'Element'
Error running script: SelectAttack failed for fire_zombie2 - found no attacks!
Error running script: Error compiling expression 'attack': RootExpressionElement: Cannot convert type 'Object' to expression result of 'Element'

The Pixie
25 Jan 2016, 11:04
Errors now fixed, version 1.2 uploaded.

To find the trader you need to go back to the surface (it is the caravan you can see at the start). You can find spells to get you there and back faster, by the way.

23 Jun 2016, 18:05
First game I played on Quest, and it is a lot of fun, classic dungeoun crawler. However...I would highly suggest a way to heal. Maybe a rest function that heals you with a chance of being attacked while you rest?

The Pixie
25 Jun 2016, 14:32
I am working on an update. I managed to lose versions 1.2 and 1.3, no idea where they are, so I am back to version 1.1, and trying to correct the same issues, as far as I know what they were. Hopefully other issues will be resolved.

27 Jun 2016, 08:02
Game is interesting, you definetly need to keep working on it.

My advice is: make it's dictionary huge and a bit more robust. I type 'look around' and it doesn't understand me. I type 'look' and it's fine.
Also, I can drink healing potion even without being injured. You have 2 options: make it unallowed OR write something different from 'You drink the healing potion, and suddenly you feel fine.'

I'll try to play it again and maybe will provide more feedback.

Keep it up.