Help creating game.

07 Jan 2016, 18:13
I was wonder if you could play my game, which is only still very short and in the building process to give me more ideas and things which I could do to make it even better.

The link to play the game is:

Many Thanks.

07 Jan 2016, 19:20
Just a heads up, callum. I suspect the forum's admin will move your post to its correct section here (viewforum.php?f=5) so don't think it's been deleted:

I'll reserve my comments until it's been moved.

10 Jan 2016, 19:56
First off, I like the idea of a game that involves escaping from a place. It seems like most of the game's mechanics are working, which is a good thing. Here are my thoughts/comments as I was playing:

I noticed that some of the room prefixes are a bit off, e.g. the first room starts with 'You are in a Welcome', and another with 'You are in an One Below'. You can change this by disabling 'use default prefix and suffix' in the 'setup' tab of each room, if you like.

When I went into the Store Room, it made me laugh a bit when standing on a nail removed 99% of my health - I'm not sure if that was intentional, but if so, it was a humorous addition. If health gains/losses are going to be a main feature of the game, though, it might be nice / less frustrating to have some sort of warning beforehand (a description in the main Welcome area mentioning that the Store Room is dark for example).

In the canteen, I found that I couldn't take, use, eat or look at the banana (I picked up the other items). I also found that when I went into the Air Lock, I couldn't go back the way I came - going south resulted in the message 'You are in an End Game'. I assume this area is unfinished, though, so that's fine.

In general, it'd be nice to see more descriptions of what the rooms/objects look like, as at the moment, I don't have much sense of 'place' whilst playing. I liked the details you included about the key in the office being rusty, though, as well as the message about feeling warmer when picking up the coat. More of these sorts of details would be a good thing. :) It seems like you're off to a good start, so it'd be nice to hear how things progress. Hope this was helpful.

18 Mar 2016, 14:17
The idea of the game is cool but as @ChrisRT said, it needs quite a few changes.
I like how it has some freedom in commands, for example: you can either type "south" or "go south" and it's the same. Would love to see more of it but make sure to add more features, like health, inventory, etc
Hope that helped! have a great day!