A Stranger, Unregarded
16 Dec 2015, 07:49A Stranger, Unregarded is an old-style fantasy adventure game. But very extensive (over 300 locations) and very hard yet also fair: there is no getting killed for random reasons. You can get killed, but only if you make a mistake; and there are clues for everything, if you're paying attention.
Please give it a try:

16 Dec 2015, 11:37As I say to everyone who goes with the default layout settings - and this is just my preference - I find it very uncomfortable to read things when the text/parser reaches the base of the browser window. I feel this is unnatural, especially when you consider that no one would choose to read any other forms of text at such a position on the screen. When we're reading text on a website, we don't continue reading until our eyes reach the very base, we scroll the text up when our eyes get to about halfway down the browser window. This is precisely why my games have a 300px margin added to the bottom.
Secondly, as someone who lived on these games in the 80s, I take them rather seriously - probably too seriously - and because of this you almost lost me right from the start, when you explained in the intro that I could play as a chicken, fox or lion. Thankfully I gave it a go and was very relieved to find that these were simply difficulty settings, as in easy, medium, hard. I think you need to reword your intro to make this clear.
Lastly, I'm not a fan of the hyperlinks, but again that's just my preference.
And the positives.
I get a great nostalgic buzz from your game - similar to another I recently reviewed - and got good vibes of the feelings I used to get when playing them as a teenager.
The descriptions are very well written and logical, so much so that even without the map I think I could picture my whereabouts and position.
Many are not a fan of the hunger and thirst, but I like them, and got a real sense of relief when I found the spring. The berries were fun, too, as they had my finger hovering over the enter key after typing 'eat berries', as I half expected them to make me ill - kind of like Snow White and the apple.
I threw a few 'testers' in there, as I do with all games, to check that I could Xamine things that you'd mentioned in the description, and was pleased to find I could.
Clearly a lot of time and effort has been put into this, and I look forward to returning. It's one of the few games I have any intention of trying to complete.
16 Dec 2015, 12:11
16 Dec 2015, 12:25Watcher55 wrote:Your suggestion of the bigger bottom margin is interesting and I'll look into it.
Game (top of left pane) >> Interface tab (main window) >> Tick Set Custom Padding
As I say, only my personal preference, so don't feel obliged.
Discovered the following error(?)
The woodland continues to the north, south and west, while through the trees to the east you spot what seems to be a clearing in the woods.
Perhaps of more interest is the ancient pyramid rising above the trees, visible to the northeast.
> ne
You can't go there.

16 Dec 2015, 14:12I was always crap at these games, even as a kid, but I tried everything in my power to gain access to the pyramid, which seemed to be the only exit to the rest of the game.
And I was playing on easy!
16 Dec 2015, 15:51
16 Dec 2015, 20:22
16 Dec 2015, 21:29Watcher55 wrote:Clue to getting past the warrior: you have to exploit the local mythology. Yeah, a bit subtle but I don't like spoilers.
Nope, I give in.
I thought I was making some progress when I offered her the orchid and she took it, but I just don't know what I need to do. I've read the inscription, I've found the worm (which I ate), I found the bottle (the orchid wouldn't fit into the bottle so I smashed it).
If the clue is there in the game, I'm certainly not seeing it.
17 Dec 2015, 07:06The clue is in the inscription on the west side of the pyramid. You need to read the entire inscription and basically work out a way to fulfil the prophecy:
"For he will restore beauty unto the Land
And shall feed the hungry
For shall he not love thee?"

17 Dec 2015, 10:51Okay, I think I got it now. I tried to give her berries after she took the orchid, but I couldn't find the location where I'd first found them.
17 Dec 2015, 11:35

17 Dec 2015, 11:43I'll be interested to see if it was just me who couldn't fathom out how to get past the Amazon.
19 Dec 2015, 03:14Note to OurJud: you might already have corrected this, but to avoid wasting your game time, the thing you ate (besides the berries): don't. You need it.

19 Dec 2015, 13:12Watcher55 wrote:
Note to OurJud: you might already have corrected this, but to avoid wasting your game time, the thing you ate (besides the berries): don't. You need it.
Oh! Will there be another one there if I go back? Otherwise I'm stuffed!
19 Dec 2015, 22:35
19 Dec 2015, 22:40Watcher55 wrote:Oops. I'm afraid you'll have to start over again, sorry. Fortunately it's much quicker replaying than doing it the first time...
It's okay. I ended up downloading it and starting from scratch, anyway, as the online version was lagging so badly and sometimes even refusing to take commands.

24 Dec 2015, 06:00Also, some minor things I noticed you might want to be aware of. At the Amazon, your pronouns were off for some reason. There was confusion in the her/she message. I think 'put twine on needle' gives a misleading message as compared to the 'tie twine to needle'. Also, upon resume of saved game, my inventory 2 was empty where there was once a spell. I had to go back to the lair and read the bookx3. Then I tried to memorize it again, but it said you already know that spell. So, from this point on I copied (Ctrl+C) the name of the spell and when I want to use it, I pasted it. You might want to consider adding 'armor' to your alternate names for the 'suit of armour'. Memorize vs. memorise. I think I am outnumbered here, but for us Americans, it's nice to have the "correct" way to spell words as an option!

Anyway, so far so good, but I seem to be stuck something nasty. Again, help would be appreciated. You can obviously PM me if you don't want to post spoilers. Thanks!
25 Dec 2015, 05:311. Amazon pronouns: thanks, I get confused about articles and gender and sometimes forget to use variables (the Amazon's sex changes to opposite the player's)... I'll check.
2. Put twine on needle probably should be synonymous with tie... another thing for me to check.
3. Unfortunately the save/resume is a Quest thing; the spells are based on something I think Pixie posted; either I broke it or it just doesn't work properly. Have to think about a work-around, hopefully better than it no longer being in "spell inventory".
4. Armor vs armour - and here I thought we Aussies were save on a UK site... OK, will have to consider barbarian spelling alternatives

5. No, you're not supposed to die if you change your mind about entering the thorns... a bug there.
6. Getting past the wraith does indeed require a weapon (which you might also find useful for unlocking the drawer). I'll give you a clue; as it's a spoiler I'll mask the colour (or color!) - highlight to read:
You've been to the "lair". Consider the wizard's taste. Consider what really doesn't fit in and act accordingly.
Thanks again for your thoughtful comments.
26 Dec 2015, 09:16thanx
26 Dec 2015, 09:46Once you have met the troll, by the time you go back to the bear it will be awake and it will automatically follow you (or kill you, if you haven't made it love you yet).
27 Dec 2015, 03:43Fixes issues identified by XanMag and handles trying to enter thorns etc while wearing armour (or armor!) better (you still can't get through).

27 Dec 2015, 17:39Spoiler: I also don't know how to wake the bear after meeting the troll
28 Dec 2015, 02:01The bear wakes automatically after you first fight the troll (not just visit him); I have now made it impossible to escape the troll without first fighting him.

28 Dec 2015, 13:28Watcher55
28 Dec 2015, 22:08
29 Dec 2015, 04:01Watcher55
29 Dec 2015, 04:47

29 Dec 2015, 09:14Watcher55
29 Dec 2015, 11:19The bear is supposed to wake up once you return to its pit having fought the troll. However it is only waking up if it is wearing the amulet. On the bright side, if it woke up without the amulet it would kill you.
30 Dec 2015, 08:58
30 Dec 2015, 11:24
20 Jan 2016, 05:19Very minor - When you go back into the stinky water room after taking the water, you get this message: "...since there's an {object: toad} lying in it..."
Two errors that need addressed I noticed:
When in the "arrow room" of the cave, there are two objects there in the pane but not mentioned in the text (or at least I don't think) - Siren12a and Siren12b. Curious I clicked on them. I think there was Look at and take - I tried those and got 'nothing out of the ordinary' and 'you can't take it'. There was also an 'enter' option. I clicked that. I got this error:
Error running script: Error evaluating expression 'DictionaryItem(coordinates, coordinate)': The given key was not present in the dictionary.
I typed 'undo' and entered the other one. Got the same error. Not sure exactly what the issue is, but it obviously has something to do with mapping. Unless I missed something, I don't think you intended those two items to be visible in the panes?
The second issue... and quite honestly, this one kind of bothered me. I got to the roof with the hole in it, saving frequently along the way when I felt it was safe to do so. I dropped down into the room and was IMMEDIATELY killed by the wolf. I realize what I need to do to kill him, but now I need to restart the entire game because there is no way to get back to that room other than the hole in the roof. My opinion, (again, unless I am missing something obvious here)... is to create some bit of code where the man/wolf retreats into a different room when you drop down to the bedroom (or simply lock him in the 'doored' room. It seems like I must have left the bedroom to the north when the wolf was in that room. Now I cannot go back in there without insta-death. Am I right? Anyway, here is the message I get when going down into the hole:
"Wheeeeeee! You fall onto the bed!
You are in small bedroom, once luxurious but now fallen into disrepair. The only furniture now is a small open cupboard on the wall and a large bed in the centre.
Something has made a hole in the roof above the bed, but this room is quite high and the hole is about 12 feet off the floor, well out of reach.
No! You delayed too long! The beast is upon you, and your scream is cut off as its teeth sink into your throat!
Your world goes dark.
On a side note, is there a way to save multiple files after you have downloaded the game? I type 'save' and I got the option to name it. Every other 'save' I type after that is an immediate overwrite. Am I missing something here?
20 Jan 2016, 11:49Watcher55
20 Jan 2016, 11:53Yes, toad and Siren things are bugs. The Siren things are supposed to be rooms - maybe I accidentally set the exits to View or something.
Wolf - I suspect the turn script for being chased must be terminating if you manage to run out of the area (e.g. to the bridge). You aren't supposed to be able to do that (if the wolf gets out, you aren't supposed to escape). So it would just end up on the prowl. I am tempted to make that a feature not a bug (let you outrun the wolf... but leave it prowling... though you'd have to be allowed to kill it). But that's probably more effort than it's worth.
21 Jan 2016, 13:001. Toad and persistent vampire - can't reproduce. Maybe your saved game is corrupted, or maybe you're playing an old game (given that saved games stay the version they started life as).
2. Gravel slope - fixed.
3. Siren12a - rooms within rooms. Didn't know they'd show. Fixed that.
4. Wolf - fixed so you can't leave the wolf roaming free.
Unfortunately a limitation of Quest is saved games can't be loaded into new versions - they carry their version with them. Fortunately it is much quicker to replay than to do in the first place. But sorry about that.
Note that if you have a saved game prior to letting the wolf out you can probably play from there successfully, though it depends on how old your game is.
24 Jan 2016, 02:03Watcher55
24 Jan 2016, 02:42You need armour and a sword to get past the wraith. The sword is hidden in the wizard's lair; to get there you need to find the room with the fireplace.
You need to put the worm into something it can't get out of.
13 Feb 2016, 18:15First of all, amazing game. It's taken me quite a while to find a game like this again, great job!
Secondly, I am currently stuck in your cave maze. I've mapped it out, and can't seem to progress any further.
Can't even seem to get a hint. A little help would be much appreciated. Thnx
13 Feb 2016, 21:48Watcher55
13 Feb 2016, 23:27
28 Feb 2016, 17:02OurJud wrote:I'm in! Loving this game.
I'll be interested to see if it was just me who couldn't fathom out how to get past the Amazon.
You're not the only one. I have read all the spoilers and clues you posted a while ago, but I can't figure out the third step! I would really like to move on to the rest of the game, (highlight for spoilers below)
The warrior has the orchid, has the berries. Then I have tried: "Love the warrior," "embrace the warrior," "smile," "give worm to warrior" I have tried releasing the worm as a show of good faith, I have tried just walking past the warrior... all to no avail. Am I missing a third item to give him? All I have is a worm in a bottle and the rags I am wearing.
28 Feb 2016, 17:20Lighnagain
28 Feb 2016, 18:47I have the spell, and I have tried it in every room but it only seems to affect my armour and the sack... I don't know what to do about the statue, and I have read everything there is to read in the book. In a previous hint post, it was indicated the sword for defeating the wraith is in the wizards lair, but I can't figure out how to obtain it, or even where in the room it is.

28 Feb 2016, 18:48Lighnagain
28 Feb 2016, 18:51XanMag wrote:Break statue.
Ah! I tried "pushing" it, but alas, didn't think of straight up breaking it. Thank you!
10 Mar 2016, 00:12rcsjr1951
10 Mar 2016, 00:16Lighnagain wrote:"OurJud"
I'm in! Loving this game.
I'll be interested to see if it was just me who couldn't fathom out how to get past the Amazon.
You're not the only one. I have read all the spoilers and clues you posted a while ago, but I can't figure out the third step! I would really like to move on to the rest of the game, (highlight for spoilers below)
The warrior has the orchid, has the berries. Then I have tried: "Love the warrior," "embrace the warrior," "smile," "give worm to warrior" I have tried releasing the worm as a show of good faith, I have tried just walking past the warrior... all to no avail. Am I missing a third item to give him? All I have is a worm in a bottle and the rags I am wearing.
Have you tried climbing any of the trees? Perhaps you can get something helpful from one of them.
10 Mar 2016, 00:37rcsjr1951 wrote: am completely lost as how to deal with the Demon Lord. Any suggestions. I will be glad to share hints with anyone who has not made it this far. So feel free to message me or leave a post. Thanks
I'd need more information about how far you've got with the Demonlord. What happens when you enter his throne room? Assuming you survive that, what have you tried and what happened then?
10 Mar 2016, 00:41Lighnagain wrote:I have read all the spoilers and clues you posted a while ago, but I can't figure out the third step (to get past the Amazon)! I would really like to move on to the rest of the game
I will obscure this clue to avoid spoilers:
You are right about the need to love the warrior - think of a concrete way to demonstrate or express your love.
10 Mar 2016, 02:53Watcher55 wrote:"rcsjr1951"
am completely lost as how to deal with the Demon Lord. Any suggestions. I will be glad to share hints with anyone who has not made it this far. So feel free to message me or leave a post. Thanks
I'd need more information about how far you've got with the Demonlord. What happens when you enter his throne room? Assuming you survive that, what have you tried and what happened then?
As soon as I enter the room I get a brief description of the Demonlord and then he flicks his finger with deadly accuracy and my character dies ending the game.
10 Mar 2016, 02:55Watcher55
10 Mar 2016, 05:40From the Wizard's book:
Beware the bane of confusion, which confuses the mind of all who possess it,
Yea, even those who know it not.
For it possesses those who possess it, and they shall be truly lost!
10 Mar 2016, 22:58Watcher55
11 Mar 2016, 07:45The bane only affects you if you possess it. But nobody with the knowledge and power of the Demonlord would accept it. So you have to sneak it into his possession.
12 Mar 2016, 00:14Watcher55
12 Mar 2016, 00:55The sword should look different assuming you got that puff of cinnamon, but you must have already worked that part out and waved the sword to get 15 ft tall. But if you have that, and you've left the (flipped back to its dangerous form) bane in the treasure room, you should now be able to face the Demonlord without him just shooting you down the second you walk in.
12 Mar 2016, 03:51Watcher55 wrote:Obscure clues are my middle name! I figure people get more fun out of figuring them out than just being told. What exactly do you mean by the sword doesn't look the same? Do you mean in some unexpected way? Some further obscured discussion:
The sword should look different assuming you got that puff of cinnamon, but you must have already worked that part out and waved the sword to get 15 ft tall. But if you have that, and you've left the (flipped back to its dangerous form) bane in the treasure room, you should now be able to face the Demonlord without him just shooting you down the second you walk in.
Yeah! I had loaded a previously saved game thinking that it was further along than it was. When I went back and checked on the urn I found my mistake. I can now face the bigger problem without getting destroyed the second I walk in. I'm still trying to figure out how to get past him. Was there something else that I needed to do before leaving my amazon friend behind?
12 Mar 2016, 04:08rcsjr1951
12 Mar 2016, 20:24
Watcher55 wrote:If you fully explored the last set of caves (the ones with the pool), you should have all you need.

12 Mar 2016, 22:19
13 Mar 2016, 19:57
Now... in the desktop app, my Enter key doesn't work. "Is your character male or female (M/F)?" - I'd love to tell the game which I am but it doesn't know I'm trying to answer!
I can't be the only person to have had the problem? Broadband speeds are impossibly slow here, so I won't be able to play much further online; just got past the wraith and it's already very laggy. Help!
14 Mar 2016, 09:44
I've never heard of the problem you describe with the Return key. What version of Windows are you running?
16 Mar 2016, 19:40I found the GitHub link from this forum, and put the question there, but it doesn't look like anyone has replied to any issues there for quite a while.

I succumbed and went back online - but my games don't save! AAAARGH. I get "Game saved successfully" but when I play again, I'm back at the beginning. Is there a way of telling it to resume saved game instead of restarting? (I hope I'm not being dim, haven't seen how to do this.)
Very frustrating. I'm hoping it isn't a Sign from the Universe that I oughtn't to play games in my valuable leisure time...

16 Mar 2016, 19:41
16 Mar 2016, 19:46
16 Mar 2016, 20:15Watcher55 wrote:What version of Windows are you running?
Turned out to be a good idea - the compatibility troubleshooter seems to have sorted it! :thumbsup:
16 Mar 2016, 21:11
Error running script: Error evaluating expression 'GetAllChildObjects(newParent)': Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
Error running script: Error evaluating expression 'ListCombine(ScopeReachableNotHeldForRoom(room), ScopeVisibleNotReachableForRoom(room))': Value cannot be null.Parameter name: collection
Error running script: Error evaluating expression 'GetAllChildObjects(room)': Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
Error running script: Error evaluating expression 'GetAllChildObjects(room)': Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
Error running script: Error evaluating expression 'canAdd': Unknown object or variable 'canAdd'
Error running script: Error evaluating expression 'GetAllChildObjects(room)': Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
Error running script: Error evaluating expression 'GetAllChildObjects(game.pov)': Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
I also had the "exciting, eh" response repeating itself more and more times, while working out how to bait the hook. (Which I'd left in the water while getting at the bait. As you do.)
Not a big deal as it's still possible to carry on regardless, but still a glitch so I'm letting you know.
16 Mar 2016, 21:21You'll get the "exciting" response as long as the hook is still in the water without bait, and it will stay there until you take it out under those circumstances. Or do you mean you have but you're still being nagged?
20 Mar 2016, 19:03
20 Mar 2016, 20:36rcsjr1951
20 Mar 2016, 22:26asor123 wrote:I am stuck in the house with the warewolf and the harpy. Help! I've gotten the crossbow and the steel arrow - but it's not silver so it won't kill the warewolf. I've tried killing the harpy, giving her things, pushing past her... I have moved the slab to get the treasure, found the scroll in the hole in the ceiling... I've been stuck for quite a while now.
Examine your bow and read the instructions.
Until you find something made of silver you will not be able to defeat the wolf. Leave him locked in his room.
As for the harpy don't try to engage it while on the bridge.
20 Mar 2016, 22:27Until you find something made of silver you will not be able to defeat the wolf. Leave him locked in his room.
As for the harpy don't try to engage it while on the bridge.
21 Mar 2016, 03:01*Am I supposed to get or do anything other than the imperial stone thing I grabbed?
21 Mar 2016, 09:22asor123 wrote:Thanks! Now I'm stuck in the cave maze with the vertical line, x, y, star, circle, etc. I haven't any clue what they mean. :/ Any clues?
*Am I supposed to get or do anything other than the imperial stone thing I grabbed?
You did not come across someone sleeping in the caves?
21 Mar 2016, 14:46Watcher55 wrote:"asor123"
Thanks! Now I'm stuck in the cave maze with the vertical line, x, y, star, circle, etc. I haven't any clue what they mean. :/ Any clues?
*Am I supposed to get or do anything other than the imperial stone thing I grabbed?
You did not come across someone sleeping in the caves?
Oh right. I did find the sleeping woman. She didn't follow me or anything. The way out is still locked and ringing the bell doesn't do anything this time. I am hoping to get the chance to try more today. I'm afraid of giving stuff away because the troll took my sack of coins for nothing. Ha
21 Mar 2016, 18:02Watcher55
21 Mar 2016, 22:07asor123 wrote:I am thoroughly stuck. Woke sleeping lady, got imperial topaz, got large ruby, killed vampire... portcullis is sealed shut.
What did the sleeping person end up doing? Further hints obscured:
If you don't do anything hostile, when the person leaves they will give you a piece of paper. Examine it and act accordingly.
22 Mar 2016, 00:35

22 Mar 2016, 00:38Watcher55 wrote:"asor123"
I am thoroughly stuck. Woke sleeping lady, got imperial topaz, got large ruby, killed vampire... portcullis is sealed shut.
What did the sleeping person end up doing? Further hints obscured:
If you don't do anything hostile, when the person leaves they will give you a piece of paper. Examine it and act accordingly.
She isn't doing anything. It says, ' there's a strange woman getting ready to depart.' I've waited and tried talking to her but she's not doing anything.

22 Mar 2016, 01:21Watcher55
22 Mar 2016, 01:21asor123
22 Mar 2016, 01:27rcsjr1951 wrote:I found it helpful to make a map with each symbol in a box and then kept track of where each exit took me. It is not random. Someone else is also in there and if you wake them in the proper manner they will leave you something for your generousness that will enable you to leave this section and get into the really hard section. Be sure to save your game under a distinct name before interacting with the other person.
Ok, thanks. I'll try that and see if I can figure anything else out.
22 Mar 2016, 01:35Watcher55 wrote:She takes a few (not too many) turns to get ready. More: So if you do two or three things after she speaks to you, such as examining her or talking to her or even looking at your own stuff, she should finish and leave. It is a bit of a test of patience and not deciding to attack her after all!
I left after 3 actions when I first found her; now I've waited and looked and examined for twenty+ 'turns' and she hasn't left. Did I mess it up by leaving the first time?
22 Mar 2016, 01:41asor123
22 Mar 2016, 02:30Watcher55 wrote:Hmmm. You might have, sorry. Never tried that. Hang on a bit and I'll test.
Oh, and I just downloaded Quest a couple days ago (because I liked your game so much and the online version was so laggy) so I should have the newest versions of everything, if that helps.
22 Mar 2016, 03:20asor123 wrote:I left after 3 actions when I first found her; now I've waited and looked and examined for twenty+ 'turns' and she hasn't left. Did I mess it up by leaving the first time?
Sorry, if you leave and come back and the timer "matures" while you're out, you're stuck. I've fixed that in the latest upload (1.11) just done, but unfortunately owing to the way Quest saving works, that doesn't help you (loading a saved game loads the entire thing, so any changes in a new version are lost). So you'll have to go back to your most recent save before that point.
22 Mar 2016, 03:22asor123 wrote:Oh, and I just downloaded Quest a couple days ago (because I liked your game so much...
In that case please write a glowing review when you're done

Assuming you aren't too annoyed by the problems with sleepy-head

22 Mar 2016, 13:52Watcher55 wrote:"asor123"
Oh, and I just downloaded Quest a couple days ago (because I liked your game so much...
In that case please write a glowing review when you're done![]()
Assuming you aren't too annoyed by the problems with sleepy-head
I most certainly will! Thank you for your help.
Bummer about being stuck. Happy to help you work out any 'bugs' though.

I'll be starting the game over; because I like it that much.
23 Mar 2016, 20:39I made it to the red curtain of energy ( the pentagram ) and the dragon and could NOT figure out what to do so I'm guessing I must have missed something or missed a clue.
23 Mar 2016, 21:13asor123 wrote:Question about the rainbow maze! I found ...
Where did you get up to with the spire? More: There are some things it insists you get before you can get anywhere with it (otherwise you're doomed later). If it's telling you something like you have to be "ready and wise" you must be missing something and you mightn't have explored the whole maze (or you might have failed to take something you need).
Not sure about the doors, but: There is a minor "map" puzzle of a corridor with a door in the middle. You can't unlock the door but you get to it from either side... so you're supposed to work out that you don't need to unlock it! (Yeah, I know, weak, but it made more sense in the original version where there was no online map drawn for you!) If that's not it, you'll have to describe the doors.
Re your other issues: You have to get past the dragon to get through the pentagram. Getting past the Dragon and the Hellbeast are linked puzzles.
23 Mar 2016, 21:52The door I cant open is the one in the marble corridor west of the indigo cube.
I'm guessing that I missed something I need for the hellbeast and dragon. ?
24 Mar 2016, 06:39asor123 wrote:That's what the spire is telling me so I'll go back through the maze...
Some more clues for you:
I forgot about your question about the crystal cube. It's no big deal, but it does make it easier and quicker to jump in and out of the rainbow maze (mainly useful if you're chasing a full score and want the golden key back).
It is important you map the rainbow maze. I recommend making your own map, with the squares in the same positions as on screen and marking each valid exit with a little stub, that you later link to their destinations as you explore. That way you can't miss anywhere.
And yes, you must get to the top of the sapphire spire in order to reach the final portions of the game.
25 Mar 2016, 07:18Watcher55 wrote:Can you tell me exactly what you were doing that resulted in those script errors? They don't normally happen so you must be doing something I haven't tried.
You'll get the "exciting" response as long as the hook is still in the water without bait, and it will stay there until you take it out under those circumstances. Or do you mean you have but you're still being nagged?
Sorry, stuck in a wormhole for the last nine days (nine being a sacred number, y'know) and haven't gamed or forumed.
Yes, I did feel a fool when I realised about the unbaited hook - but the error was multiple "exciting, eh" responses to only one mistake. As many as 18, once! Here's an example (from before I remembered glass is fragile, d'oh):
> take worm.
It must really like the bottle, as now you can't get it out!
Fishing is exciting eh? Still no action on that empty hook.
Fishing is exciting eh? Still no action on that empty hook.
Fishing is exciting eh? Still no action on that empty hook.
Fishing is exciting eh? Still no action on that empty hook.
Fishing is exciting eh? Still no action on that empty hook.
> use hook on worm.
Fishing is exciting eh? Still no action on that empty hook.
Error running script: Error evaluating expression 'GetAllChildObjects(room)': Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
Error running script: Error evaluating expression 'GetAllChildObjects(room)': Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
Error running script: Error evaluating expression 'canAdd': Unknown object or variable 'canAdd'
You can't use it that way.
Fishing is exciting eh? Still no action on that empty hook.
and after a bit more trial n error (there is a reason for my username

> take worm. bait hook with worm. catch fish
Fishing is exciting eh? Still no action on that empty hook.
Error running script: Error evaluating expression 'GetAllChildObjects(room)': Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
Error running script: Error evaluating expression 'GetAllChildObjects(game.pov)': Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.
It is a slippery customer, but you manage to grab it!
(I don't think this counts as a spoiler, but if you do think so I'll edit and hide it.)
No more similar errors after I had something to eat. Maybe hunger addled the character's brain...?

No idea about the "Sorry, your session has expired and the game has finished" error, that came out of the blue (online).
25 Mar 2016, 16:21Watcher55
25 Mar 2016, 23:57Muddle
27 Mar 2016, 07:51Watcher55 wrote:Muddle: an unbaited hook will keep complaining as long as it is still in the water. However in the last version uploaded, "take hook" will remove it from the water, so it is more like what you'd do and what then happens in real life. I also slowed down the timer so you don't get nagged quite so frequently. Unfortunately I haven't been able to reproduce the script error even doing those commands, so I can't figure that one out.
OK! So was I getting "exciting eh" simply as time passed, without using another turn? It was the number of them that puzzled me. Looks like the script error is going to go down in history as One Of Those Things.

Now I'm stuck again... been past the bear and got everything (I believe) and found dead ends, and I'm sure I need to kill or otherwise go north from the bear, and so far can't.

And by the way... are the various scree slopes simply another kind of wall, or is it possible to scramble up them in the right circumstances?
27 Mar 2016, 11:57Muddle wrote:OK! So was I getting "exciting eh" simply as time passed, without using another turn? It was the number of them that puzzled me. Looks like the script error is going to go down in history as One Of Those Things.
Now I'm stuck again... been past the bear and got everything (I believe) and found dead ends, and I'm sure I need to kill or otherwise go north from the bear, and so far can't.![]()
And by the way... are the various scree slopes simply another kind of wall, or is it possible to scramble up them in the right circumstances?
1. Yes, it's just on a timer, like you're hanging around there.
2. You said you've been past the bear but can't go north from it? Do you mean you've only been west from it? You need to think about how the bear could be there and what that might mean. Hint: You need to turn the bear into your friend.
3. The various scree slopes are generally one way only (down!).
27 Mar 2016, 20:47Watcher55 wrote:
1. Yes, it's just on a timer, like you're hanging around there.
2. You said you've been past the bear but can't go north from it? Do you mean you've only been west from it? You need to think about how the bear could be there and what that might mean. Hint: You need to turn the bear into your friend.
3. The various scree slopes are generally one way only (down!).
1. OK

2. Ah, I thought I could go north from there! And I have already thought about [your hint] and guessed what will help - but what I thought would satisfy him didn't. (I also tried nifty footwork and that definitely didn't make a difference!)
3. OK

27 Mar 2016, 22:20Muddle wrote:2. Ah, I thought I could go north from there! And I have already thought about [your hint] and guessed what will help - but what I thought would satisfy him didn't. (I also tried nifty footwork and that definitely didn't make a difference!)
The bear is a complicated problem: It is now too nasty to be befriended by normal means, so you have to use magic to befriend it. But it is also too strong and nasty for you to get near it while it is conscious.
27 Mar 2016, 22:56Hm.
I'll ponder.


12 Apr 2016, 07:52Watcher55
12 Apr 2016, 08:14DavyB wrote:Enjoying the game and plan to submit a review (my first!) after I've finished it. I'm in the final stages but it's a struggle to make the lamp oil last long enough. As no one else has mentioned the lamp, I just wanted to make sure that (a) it is indeed a major part of the challenge, and I haven't missed a fresh supply of oil, new lamp, new source of light, etc.? and (b) I have to nurse the oil supply from the point when I first light the lamp?
Hi DavyB, glad you're enjoying it. Yes the lamp oil will run out and you don't want it to, so you will need a replacement light source. However the game is "kind" on that issue and it doesn't start counting down until you reach a point where you should be able to find the replacement in plenty of time.
Hint obscured: If you're in the "final stages" you must have already killed the werewolf, which you need to do to find what you need.
12 Apr 2016, 09:13DavyB
12 Apr 2016, 13:33Watcher55
12 Apr 2016, 22:02DavyB wrote:Sorry, now stuck and out of ideas. Hidden details : it looks as if I should be throwing something at the ogre on the bridge over the lava and I have something to throw from the caves but alas no success.
Obscure clue: If you have the iridium ingot, you know what you need to know.
Less obscure clue: You must be smart enough to get past a basilisk, but ogres aren't too bright.
13 Apr 2016, 09:34
13 Apr 2016, 10:32
13 Apr 2016, 22:31DavyB wrote::D Excellent! That was enough. The Demonlord is no more. Review on the way.
Thanks for the review, which was tough but fair

14 Apr 2016, 07:42Watcher55
16 Apr 2016, 01:15Kneeling
13 May 2016, 04:11From the discussion here, the later parts of the game should be interesting.

13 May 2016, 06:14Watcher55
13 May 2016, 06:34"I'm totally and utterly stuck between a rock (dragon) and a hard place (hellbeast)."
It would be giving too much away to answer that in full view in the comments, so here are some obscured clues:
Subtle clue (highlight to read): Nothing living can stand before the Dragon, and no magic can defeat the Hellbeast.
Less subtle clue: You need to release the Hellbeast, lead it to the Dragon, then lead it to where magic cannot exist.
13 May 2016, 06:38Kneeling wrote:I got past the Amazon with relatively little trouble, but how do I get past the roaring fire? Am I supposed to have something to carry water in? Sorry if this is a part of the game that should be simple.
I guess it is too late to obscure anything, but hey, I can't help myself. Select to read more info here:
There are clues in the descriptions that the fire is not real, so you just have to take your courage in your hands...
But for the cautious, if you put things in the fire you'll find they do not burn.
14 May 2016, 20:03Watcher55
14 May 2016, 23:35Kneeling
17 May 2016, 09:02Watcher55
17 May 2016, 11:11Did you kill the siren?
17 May 2016, 12:29By the way, loading saved games online makes the map look like cubist oatmeal, but clearmap/remap seems to work splendidly.
17 May 2016, 21:27blackknight
23 May 2016, 12:06Watcher55
23 May 2016, 21:11Kneeling
04 Jun 2016, 15:31Watcher55
04 Jun 2016, 22:28Watcher55
05 Jun 2016, 02:14Kneeling
08 Jun 2016, 17:15Watcher55
09 Jun 2016, 03:00Watcher55
09 Jun 2016, 03:01jfr
10 Jun 2016, 01:41UPDATE: Nevermind, I realized you could keep climbing anyway after seeing another post
10 Jun 2016, 09:40jfr
11 Jun 2016, 01:23Watcher55
11 Jun 2016, 02:11Kneeling wrote:Well, I attacked the ogre and fell off the ridge. Then I found the Amazon, and have tried various things like surgery, CPR, giving her things, carrying her through the bat cave, going back through the hellbeast and dragon places and stuff like that.
If something's good enough to heal a mortally wounded animal or someone who fell off a cliff, perhaps it might work somehow on the recently dead.
11 Jun 2016, 02:32jfr wrote:How do you get past the bear?
The bear is a complicated puzzle. Hopefully these obscured clued will put you on the right track:
Clue 1: You need to explore the forest to the west of the bear pit.
Clue 2: You have to befriend the bear, when the only thing it will let you give it is food, but giving it food won't befriend it.
14 Jun 2016, 05:14Watcher55
14 Jun 2016, 07:19Lighnagain
15 Jun 2016, 00:51Watcher55 wrote:I don't think so. Which water are you talking about? Certainly there are parts where if you are too slow doing something (too many wrong turns or dilly-dallying around) you can die before you get to where you need to go.
Obscured so that I can be very detailed...
So my save point is after the portcullis has fallen. I have defeated the vampire, explored the caves, and I believe that the rusty key opens the gate on the other side. However, I am at a save point with only 11% health, so when I fall down the chute I go to I think 4% health. Then moving to the next room (with the bucket) drops my health to 2%, then trying to get to the next room (with the water) kills me.
15 Jun 2016, 01:32Lighnagain
15 Jun 2016, 22:25I did figure out that if I make my armor super heavy it drains my health, but I may have already done too much damage at that point.
16 Jun 2016, 01:19Lighnagain
16 Jun 2016, 04:16Watcher55
16 Jun 2016, 06:05Clue 1:You need to meet the Blue Wizard
Clue 2:The Blue Wizard is in the top of the sapphire tower inside the rainbow maze. Obviously you've explored the rainbow maze or you couldn't even get to the Hellbeast.
Clue 3:You have to give the Wizard a gift he would find very valuable, i.e something of magical value.
Clue 4:If you explored well, you will have found that in the western portion of the "Egyptian Area" - exploring west where you go north to the werewolf
16 Jun 2016, 14:52Lighnagain
16 Jun 2016, 17:37Watcher55 wrote:I'll obscure this as it gives a bit away:
Clue 1:You need to meet the Blue Wizard
Clue 2:The Blue Wizard is in the top of the sapphire tower inside the rainbow maze. Obviously you've explored the rainbow maze or you couldn't even get to the Hellbeast.
Clue 3:You have to give the Wizard a gift he would find very valuable, i.e something of magical value.
Clue 4:If you explored well, you will have found that in the western portion of the "Egyptian Area" - exploring west where you go north to the werewolf
I started to follow your advice Didn't realize I was supposed to get into the Spire before dealing with the hellbeast/dragon situation but I can't go east out of the east-west corridor just to the west of the domed area. It isn't a matter of the game freezing in the online version--it processes East; but doesn't run script or move the character. Just nothing.
17 Jun 2016, 00:24Lighnagain
18 Jun 2016, 20:01Watcher55 wrote:Sorry, I don't have easy access here and that sounds strange. You should certainly be able to get where you're going. Possibly east is a synonym for another direction and the other direction will work.
It was weird, but I just started over again.

Got absolutely murdered by the demon guard thing, so then I tried to find clues--and the "help demon" command reminded me to heed the wizard's words. Problem is, I don't have them written anywhere, and I am playing from a save point today. Could you just remind me of the wizard's words? I would really like to figure out the solution without needing extra hints!!
19 Jun 2016, 00:29The Wizard tells you that you cannot defeat the demon in battle and instead you must command it, but you don't have the power to do so.
Yeah, a bit obscure, so: Think about the crystal star and the things you found in the rainbow maze.
03 Jul 2016, 17:58OK so the new forum layout just launched, so forgive me if my attempt to obscure doesn't work... Well I feel like an idiot. I assumed that the diadem had some relevance, and with the star having the depiction of the bar sinister over the demon, I assumed it would be the key--but I tried "command demon, wear diadem, use star..." all to no avail. Only to realize that when I restarted my game due to the not being able to go back east issue, I forgot to re-attach the two.
03 Jul 2016, 19:16Nope, it seems I can't get two steps before I get stuck. More hints please! So I have gotten past the demon guard, as previously mentioned. Into the treasure room, which appears to have no exits, but I did drop the bane of confusion (in it's natural state) so that it would be absorbed by the treasure. Then I headed down into the pentagram room... and there is a field of energy I cannot dis-spell around an urn I cannot touch. I go to the path behind where the hellbeast was, only to loop back to the field in front of the hellbeast's lair. As far as I can tell, there are no other exits aside from the way I came? Which I cannot exit due to the issue stated previously of being unable to go east from that room. (I did try every other direction to see if it was "called" something else, as you suggested, but none of them work. They all say "you cannot go that direction" with the exception of E which just populates blank.) I'd appreciate a nudge!
04 Jul 2016, 03:56i can't get past the troll. ive done as suggested in the spoilers but it does not seem to work.
12 Jul 2016, 12:17Sorry, I no longer seem to be getting notifications on this thread. Also sorry I haven't worked out to obscure the text with this new system...!
The treasure room exit is to the east and that is shown on the compass, but I failed to mention it in the room description.
Re the urn, and also your inability to get much past where the Hellbeast was, you need to go down the narrow tunnel leading south from the Landing (the Landing from where the staircase descends to the west toward the treasure room).
12 Jul 2016, 12:19pinkpingwin, re troll there was a new bug introduced when I fixed an old bug (isn't it always the way...). The latest version fixes that. Sorry but saved Quest games restore the code too, so you'd need to start again, though that won't take you long the second time.
17 Jul 2016, 17:25Watcher, thank you for the hint. I had already been there.... just failed to realize that was anything but treasure. >.< Moving right along now!!
18 Jul 2016, 00:41Stuck at the Demon Lord. Big and bad, but not sure what to do with it.
18 Jul 2016, 00:44Nevermind :)
19 Jul 2016, 14:38All right, I give up. I'm completely at a loss with the bucket, water, and tree scenario. Getting water from the top to the bottom seems impossible, and there's only one water source at the bottom. How do I get the tree to grow a second time?
19 Jul 2016, 23:45Think of what other source of water you might have available :-D
20 Jul 2016, 15:20Yep, that's where I'm lost. The dead frog is one, the water at the top is another, and the water in the walls is a third (supposedly?), but I can't collect the water on the walls, I can't get water from the top to the bottom, and once I collect the water from around the frog, there is no more to be had. I can't find any other sources of water here.
20 Jul 2016, 23:45All that is correct. The answer lies within!
03 Aug 2016, 19:25Hello Watcher55,
Just wanted to provide some final thoughts about the game! I've already left a review--but some minor things I thought you may find interesting for consideration: So in my review I mentioned something about a suggestion that I immediately recanted, and that was about the stone basilisk. I wanted to examine it after I turned it to stone, then I died. And that bothered me, insofar as I believed the mythology of the basilisk to be once it is turned to stone its magic is extinguished as well; so I presumed it was a coding error that there wasn't a if(basilisk is dead) then(new script for examine). However, as the basilisk then became the weapon for the next puzzle, I take it back entirely. But maybe running some sort of script to acknowledge that the basilisk is stone, but still deadly upon re-entering the room? Secondly, in the end when running out of the collapsing cave, the room descriptors state that the upcoming room is 10ft tall. However, the magic of the sword grew me to 15ft, so I assumed I had to shrink again to escape--but I died. EXTREMELY minor detail, obviously. I simply tried running out without shrinking and it was fine. The biggest issue I had throughout was finding the right verb to use in each given scenario. I feel like most of the games use the basic "use [blank] with [blank]," and while I applaud your demand for more specific uses, there was some amount of grasping for the exact word. For example, when trying to melt the wax, you had melt and burn both available, but burn didn't work. So I started thinking maybe I had the wrong tactic, or perhaps was using the wrong object, instead of hunting around for synonyms. The previous is a concept I am struggling with while I am working on developing my own game; in that I am interested in complex and specific verbs, but I'd also like it to be functional with a variety of verbs. I actually don't care for the "use [blank] with [blank]" concept myself, because I feel it leaves a lot to assumption that the player knows why they're using it in such a way, but I definitely am struggling with an elegant solution.
ALL IN ALL: Really enjoyed the game. Many thanks for your multiple hints, and thank you especially for being creative and enigmatic in your hinting! I love these games but I am pretty bad at them, all things considered, so it kinda sucks when people just give the solution away when all I need is a baby nudge.
Also, in this new forum set-up, to obscure text simply type "<.font color=white>" (without the period) and it will work. To finish the font color, simply type </font.>
03 Aug 2016, 23:11Thanks Lighnagain. I made a couple of comments on the game page too, before I saw you'd posted here.
I see the "Forum Help Guide" to the right here gives an even better way to hide spoilers now.
I will look into the things you suggest.
Some notes purely FYI (hidden):
I thought burn and melt both worked on the wax, so I'll have to look into that. Maybe I changed my mind! I had a bit of an internal debate about the best way to escape the collapsing cave. In the end I decided it made more sense that to escape you'd want the extra running speed of being a giant , as opposed to stopping the health drain by going small. Clearly I didn't quite think the cave heights through enough though!Re "use", I don't like Use for the reasons you say. It is really only there for people using phones or tablets, where I think clicking on the options is far easier than typing text, and the "proper" commands require a second object, which with the number of objects requires a long list later in the game. So "use" is very context-sensitive, and a bit of a cheat. If it were up to me, I'd eliminate the click-on-listed-commands option entirely; but then I think the game would be less playable. Since for a long game like this, playing online is currently difficult and you can't download on phones, the best decision might be to demand typed answers. On the other hand, the online game method is being changed radically, I understand...
With regard to implementing typed in commands, sometimes you can define multiple synonyms in the one command; other times with partial synonyms I use two commands that handle some objects the same and others differently. All you can do is try to think of what commands people are likely to think of, within reason. The other thing I found is that to allow people to type in commands for an object that doesn't have the verb specifically, I add a command (e.g. "giveto") that calls the verb handler if it has one, else handles other objects appropriately.
04 Aug 2016, 02:50I have added a clue that the you-know-what is still deadly.
I couldn't find any descriptions about 10ft high corridors, though one is 10 feet wide.
16 Aug 2016, 12:42Hi, I've enjoyed the game so far, I've been up the sapphire spire and got the staff, but I can't open the iron gate in the marble hallway, apparently I'm missing a key that I can't find anywhere. The wizard did mention a key in his speech, but he didn't give me anything. Not sure if it's a glitch or if I missed something.. (Also I was wondering whether there was anything to explore in that little cave with the pool of saltwater, the first one after leaving that cave system with the Aussi, and I do hope this mummy with the ring mentioned in one of the posts is past the marble hallway because otherwise I must have missed it ) A hint would be much appreciated!
16 Aug 2016, 22:43Hi tonton.
Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar, and the cave with the pool is just scenery. If everything was really a clue that would make it too easy ;-)
The rest is obscured, though just hints rather than answers:
The Mummy
The mummy is in the eastern part of the "Egyptian" area (to the east of the corridor leading to the werewolf). You don't actually need to find the mummy to finish the game, but you do need it to get full points.Iron Gate
That is just a geometric puzzle, much like the locked doors in the top of the pyramid.Siahpoosh
05 Oct 2016, 10:45hi watcher55,
i'm stacked! :(
i do not know what did i missed,
till now i'm on 74% progress,
i saw the glowing stone( but i did not pick it)
i opened the gilded gate and turned the key to its original form,
i entered the royal blue room,
i have the cylinder,
i have the hand mirror,
i left the crossbow on the safe place,
in one of my recent tries, i found a jade statue and a star shaped thing.
i am somewhere between dragon, hell-beast, sapphire spire, the earn with wax.
i tried to not mention and reveal anything since i do not know how to hide my text.
i have to mention: every-time i want to continue the game i start from beginning, because loading the saved game result not showing the map, and "remap" will only show the current room, so i need to use remap on each room i am going to enter.
loading save game will also cause you have a supper slow game, "clearmap" will solve the problem but you will need the "remap" that make you suffer.
05 Oct 2016, 10:59HI Siahpoosh,
Yes, the map issue is a problem which hopefully will be fixed in the upcoming rewrite of Quest. Once you are "finished with" a section it doesn't really matter if you can't see its map, but of course the problem is knowing you're really finished... Don't forget that in the olden days, you had to draw your own map. Perhaps that is the solution: draw (or print) the map and use your hardcopy as your guide if you have to return to past areas.
You will have to be more specific about where you're stuck (to learn how to hide text, see the Forum Help Guide, whose link is near bottom at right of this screen). You will need to have the glowing stone, but you really do have to beware of it! However not having it at the stage you're at will not be the cause of why you're stuck.

08 Oct 2016, 07:50dear watcher 55,
now i know below things:
1- you have to manage the usage of your none magical light to be able to get the star.
2- you will not be able to return to gilded door, when you meet the dragon.( or may be i'm on a kind of glitch, no idea)
but i have no idea about:
1- how can i be able to climb very smooth platform to meet certain one?
i hope you can understand :D
09 Oct 2016, 08:09Hi Siahpoosh,
Sadly, I don't understand :-O
Note that to hide text, see the Forum Help Guide, link at right on this window. Like so:
Spoilers hidden here
Yes you're right about the star. You should be able to return to the gilded gate after encountering the dragon, unless you're being chased at the time. Though normally by the time you've gone that far you have no need to. But maybe you've missed something. But I don't know what smooth platform you're referring to.
09 Oct 2016, 09:57hi watcher55,
it seems i have to start again because i cant go back to gilded door. when i press east, an east will written on the log, but no movement and i am still where i was.
10 Oct 2016, 08:15No, I think you just need to solve a couple of puzzles first:
The glowing stone puzzle is very important and I don't think you've solved it. You need to consider what you read in the book in the (other) Wizard's room in the top of the pyramid.You are right that you need the scroll for the Blue Wizard, but it will not help you meet him. To do that you need to solve all his puzzles first. You do not have to climb his spire, you have to solve his series of puzzles.
The star is not related to the crossbow but again, you need it (the star). You do not need the crossbow at all once you are past the werewolf.
The route from the end of the maze down to the river is not reversible.

10 Oct 2016, 09:42watcher55,
"The route from the end of the maze down to the river is not reversible." you said, but i believe there is way out of it.
by the way i thank you for all the replies and comments and the time you spent to answer all of these questions.
if you throw the rope ladder you can manage to come back to where you need. with your helps, i got the reversed bane but.... now what? how should i know i solved all the puzzles? i am asking this again, may be i could not give you my meaning on last question, having the scroll on the cylinder is enough or i need to remove it? i have to say, i really enjoyed the rainbow maze, i made my own map of it, and i believe i visit every room of this amazing maze. the only object i found and still has no use for it, is the metal prism.Watcher55
11 Oct 2016, 07:52Sorry, I mean you can't climb up it back to the exit of the rainbow maze.
Of course I am helpful. I like people to play and enjoy the game. And no doubt at the end you'll give it a 5-star rating :-D
Spoilers within:
Re the ladder, that is in fact one of the puzzles. You have to leave it down as an escape route, or you'll end up trapped by the river with no way out, since you can't climb back into the end of the maze.To reach the Blue Wizard you have to first get all objects you need (this is to help you, so you don't continue to the next stage without finding critical items). Then his spire will have a question on it. Answer it correctly and you get into the spire. Succeed in another two trials and you will reach the Wizard. Then I think you know what to do. It does not matter if the scroll is in or out of its cylinder at the time. (But note if you don't put the scroll back into its cylinder after you first look at it, and just carry the fragile thing around unprotected, it will fall to bits, and you're doomed.)
The metal prism is needed later in the game, in a place you can't reach until you've passed the Wizard.

15 Oct 2016, 07:45Watcher55,
since i tried numerous times i will address below (possible) broken chain, or problem within this amazing game:
15 Oct 2016, 11:56Hi Siahpoosh,
- I'll have to check that out. I suspect a counter issue. That spell has only one use so no point repeating, but obviously shouldn't give an error if someone tries.
- The puzzles only show once, at least once you've done what you have to do. Do you mean this complicated series of events means nothing shows even if you have not yet met you-know-who?
- That is correct, as there is no real point and it would a bit complex to handle (the worm really should just die if you try that)

16 Oct 2016, 06:06hi watcher55,
about 2:
i meant the puzzle will only show if you pick glowing stone and do what should you do with it. otherwise nothing will happen in foothold of spire. what meant is if you try to do things in another sequence, you will not the result.
about 3:
if you wanna try to hook the worm, when you are lion, you should be able(at least i think)
thank you so much for reading and answering.
16 Oct 2016, 08:12Oh I see. Now you're getting into game design philosophy :-)
Spoilers within:
The purpose of the warning about "the wise and the ready" is to ensure that you have everything you need for the later part of the game, before getting what you need to reach the endgame (to which the Wizard is the key). Having the bane is one of those things, and as it is a difficult puzzle (why not just drop the damn thing?), the Wizard makes sure you are carrying it at the time before allowing entry to the Spire.Basically, once you have solved how to handle the bane, there is no reason not to carry it around with you.
It was easier to forbid hooking the worm except by the stream, than to handle the complexities of what happens if you do!
Of course both of these could be left out at Lion level but surely the game is hard enough already!

17 Nov 2016, 06:50I've been playing this game off and on for months and whenever I return I feel so dumb for overlooking something. I can't get past the bear, though. I got the thing, gave it the thing with a different thing inside the thing, but what I thought would happen, didn't. And pardon the vagueness, I have no idea how to hide things here.
I'm 90% sure what I'm supposed to do after the bear but since I can't get it to do what it needs to do I'm confused and stuck. With my luck the solution is really freaking simple and right there in front of my face but I can't for the life of me see it. Even some form of hint would help because I've looked at everything and not gotten anywhere.
17 Nov 2016, 10:54Hi Ravenyay,
The "Forum Help Guide" to the right of here tells you how to hide stuff. Not sure where you are with the bear, so here are some hints, from vague to more specific:
Vague clues:
You have to make the bear love you, but it will never show you any gratitude.Less vague:
You have to knock it out first, then you can put the amulet on it; but you have to trick it into swallowing a sedative.Other hints:
The bear will wake up automatically after you first battle the troll, then just go back and it will follow you.
17 Nov 2016, 19:35How did I not see that? It was literally right there. I'll put it on me being tired.
I've gone fishing and caught the fish, and I even stuffed it with hemlock after reading that it was a sedative, and I was really sure it would make the bear fall asleep. Is it just a certain number of turns I'd have to wait for it to fall asleep or did I skip a step?Watcher55
18 Nov 2016, 06:14More Bear
If you put the hemlock in the fish, then give the fish to the bear, it should just eat it then stagger off and collapse. Is something else happening?
18 Nov 2016, 07:02Bear
I did put the hemlock in the fish and give it to the bear but it says that it was unimpressed by my bribe and that it wanted more food. I guess I broke the game and it's back to the beginning?Watcher55
18 Nov 2016, 09:46Damn bear
That is the kind of response if you give it the fish without the hemlock, or something other than the fish. So not sure what that means. But sorry yes, you'll probably have to restart from an earlier point.
18 Nov 2016, 22:54Darn. Thank you for your help, though. Much appreciated.
25 Dec 2016, 14:38I'm stuck. I've examined the previous posts, and I can't figure out how to
do these things:
kill the vampire or the werewolf, find the siren.Here's what I've got.
Inventory clay lamp (lit), suit of armour, sword, metal cylinder (contents: one crumbling, illegible scroll), silver bracelet, large sack, bronze key, twine, bronze hook, pair of earplugs, large emerald, key, pair of amethysts, small golden bellMagic Spells:
Score: 545
Level: Master
Hunger: Not hungry
Thirst: Not thirsty
Progress: 38%
Health: 83%
Places and Objects
30 Dec 2016, 07:26Yes, I'm stuck in exactly same place as Ashonai.
04 Jan 2017, 06:13Sorry Ashonai, I've been away. Adventuring in real life :-)
Of those three, you have to get past the vampire first. However getting past the vampire is a complex puzzle. However, from your inventory, unless there's a bug, you can't have actually met the vampire as you still have the clay lamp, which smashes on the ground when you entire his domain. However you have what you need to get into the Vampire's realm (read the sign!).If you need to know more:
You have to fend off the Vampire while you get something with which to cause the Vampire to be exposed to strong light, after which you need to finish him off by the usual method, which will also involve some manufacture on your part.BethanyStars
14 Jan 2017, 21:22I am really loving this game. I like how you can still die but it is not nitpicking your every action.
20 Jan 2017, 13:46Hi,
I'm really enjoying the game so far, but am absolutely stumped by the cabinet with the circular inscription. I understand the inscription and have tried everything I can think of. A nudge in the right direction would be great :)
20 Jan 2017, 23:29Given you've explored the rainbow maze, I assume you have the gold key that was on the iron nail; and I guess you've tried the gold key in the obvious gate.
The cabinet has a hatch. Examine the hatch and act accordingly.
Spoiler Answer!
You have to put the appropriate object(s) in the hatch, close the hatch, then press/push the hatch.Sue
21 Jan 2017, 03:32Thanks, Watcher55.
Just realized that I didn't actually understand the inscription (I misheard my screen reader and was off on a tangeant as a result). Appreciate the help!

04 Feb 2017, 22:01Ugh. I had no problem with slowly typing text when my users were dialing in to my BBS at 300 baud. After that, all it does it annoy me.
So I got through creating the character, hit the first page of slowly typed text, and quit.
05 Feb 2017, 00:27It isn't usually that slow, but owing to the size of the game it slows significantly during online play. For more than a taste (though you should have gotten that far), you really need to download and play.
I believe they are working on a new version of the online engine that will solve such problems.
05 Feb 2017, 00:28Unless you mean the very start where you are waking up, and it does type the very first bit slowly to reflect your waking brain. However that's the only part where there is any slow text.

05 Feb 2017, 02:57Yes, that's probably the waking up bit. Sorry, not a feature I enjoy.
05 Feb 2017, 05:34Oh well, mileage varies! Fortunately the "typing slowly" is only in that one spot.