The Ballad of Halo Jones - Book 1
17 Sept 2015, 20:11I'm delighted to say I have created a text adventure based on the first book of the comic/graphic novel series The Ballad of Halo Jones bu Alan Moore (Watchmen/V for Vendetta/From Hell) and Ian Gibson (Judge Dredd), published by 2000ad. I have requested the publisher's permission to make the game public - until then, the game is unlisted, but I'm happy to make it available to forum users for feedback.
Halo Jones is a young woman living in 'The Hoop', literally a giant floating hoop tethered off New York, housing 'Enhanced Leisure Citizens' - the poor and unemployed, along with alien immigrants and its own lobotomised police force. Tensions constantly simmer in the overcrowded ghetto, where even a shopping trip can be hazardous, and Halo has a deep inner urge for something better.
I've tried to make everything as easy for the uninitiated as possible, and there's a in-game guide to help you catch up with Hoop life. I was a big fan of the Infocom Hitchhiker's Guide game and I've tried to make the puzzles logical and funny, and make the game as useful as possible. After weeks of work I've fixed all the issues I can find, and the game is definitely finishable. Please give me your feedback regarding errors, and whether you find the puzzles too difficult. ... nes-book-1
Halo Jones is a young woman living in 'The Hoop', literally a giant floating hoop tethered off New York, housing 'Enhanced Leisure Citizens' - the poor and unemployed, along with alien immigrants and its own lobotomised police force. Tensions constantly simmer in the overcrowded ghetto, where even a shopping trip can be hazardous, and Halo has a deep inner urge for something better.
I've tried to make everything as easy for the uninitiated as possible, and there's a in-game guide to help you catch up with Hoop life. I was a big fan of the Infocom Hitchhiker's Guide game and I've tried to make the puzzles logical and funny, and make the game as useful as possible. After weeks of work I've fixed all the issues I can find, and the game is definitely finishable. Please give me your feedback regarding errors, and whether you find the puzzles too difficult. ... nes-book-1