Train - A spy (?!) story game

25 Aug 2015, 18:29
Hello! This is my first post on this forum, and I would like to announce my game (currently in development) "Train": ... 7r-a/train

In the game, you wake up on a train with no idea of who you are or what you are doing there. Before long, things get quite interesting...

I'm going for a noir-like feeling and a game where the player can take many options and different paths while still retaining a coherent story. Like I said, the game is not done. It is longer than some finished games, though, and I am currently a bit stumped. :( I would gladly appreciate some feedback about what is good and what is less great about the game so I'll know what I should focus on and get a few ideas on how to continue the game! I would also be happy for any reports on bugs or obvious anomalies in the game, since I am a bit impatient and might miss mistakes I make while I'm creating the it :roll:

25 Aug 2015, 20:47
Had a quick look at it and it seems promising, even if it does seem a little easy to trigger that event that makes you suddenly lose, and frankly I'm not sure of the logic behind it. Maybe it'll become clearer once I beat it, though. I'll have another go as soon as I can get to a proper computer.

25 Aug 2015, 21:26
You are not the first to have trouble with that, and I think I should find a way to hint at the solution of the problem (without being to obvious). I can offer some advice here, though, if you should care to try it again: In real life, it would be very straightforward! The problem can also be solved in the first few turns.
So no worries; you will not keep losing randomly!

26 Aug 2015, 11:16
Just a quick typo noticed up front: "As you come too" should be "As you come to" (unless there's some porn aspect to this I missed :lol: ).

29 Aug 2015, 01:35
Jay!!! You filthy!! Lol

29 Aug 2015, 06:26
jaynabonne wrote:Just a quick typo noticed up front: "As you come too" should be "As you come to" (unless there's some porn aspect to this I missed :lol: ).

Haha, maybe I'll work on the porn aspect! 8)
Either that, or correct the typo. Tough decision!