Carrion Fire - A Quest Game

20 Aug 2015, 18:49

Dead men tell many tales.

Carrion Fire is a survival horror text adventure inspired by Resident Evil: Director's Cut and Resident Evil 2.

The design of the game seeks to recapture the best parts of classic Resident Evil - the tension, the atmosphere, the humanity.

Apocalyptic games and movies are so appealing because we get to see a person's life through their death. Death is interesting and scary, and nothing is more poignant than experiencing a dead man's story by finding what he left behind.

That's the soul of zombie media.

Zombies are dangerous because they're numerous and because people have a hard time working together. These two themes are all throughout Carrion Fire, hopefully paying respect to the grandfather of zombie horror, George A. Romero, himself.

Carrion Fire is designed to be a difficult game that players won't necessarily complete on their first attempt. The puzzles exist to deliberately slow the player down so that they can soak up the atmosphere of the game.

You can play Carrion Fire here: ... rrion-fire

The game has been tested and has left the beta phase. If there are any bugs, please let me know, and I'll fix them ASAP.

Thanks for indulging me,

30 Sept 2015, 08:07
Someone brought a bug to my attention today, so I fixed it and reuploaded the game.

I don't have the time right now to play through it in its entirety, so I'm a little concerned that I broke it. Hopefully no more bugs appear.

Edit: I fully tested the game, and it works. Everything should be fine now.

I fixed some of the grammar and changed a sentence. A rogue comma stealthed its way into a sentence it shouldn't have been in.

Also, thanks for the kind words, Lightwriter.

01 Oct 2015, 17:08
Started playing it, I love the layout as I mentioned in the comments of it :)

01 Oct 2015, 22:12
Danke. It was a week of programming and banging our heads against the brick wall that is JQuery.

The background image is titled "CarrionFireTake500" because I kept making Amanda change things. :lol:

The code for the UI is here if you're interested:

JS.eval ("$('#statusVarsLabel').insertBefore('#inventoryLabel')")
JS.eval ("$('#statusVarsAccordion').insertBefore('#inventoryLabel')")
JS.eval ("$('#compassLabel').insertBefore('#inventoryLabel')")
JS.eval ("$('#compassAccordion').insertBefore('#inventoryLabel')")
JS.eval ("$('#placesObjectsLabel').insertBefore('#inventoryLabel')")
JS.eval ("$('#placesObjectsAccordion').insertBefore('#inventoryLabel')")
JS.eval ("$('#gamePanes').css('background-color', 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)')")
JS.eval ("$('#statusVars').css('background-color', 'black')")
JS.eval ("$('#statusVars').css('color', 'peru')")
request (SetInterfaceString, "PlacesObjectsLabel=Objects")
JS.eval ("$('#inventoryAccordion.ui-widget-content').css('background', 'black')")
JS.eval ("$('#inventoryAccordion.ui-widget-content').css('color', 'peru')")
JS.eval ("$('#statusVarsLabel').css('background', 'black')")
JS.eval ("$('#statusVarsLabel').css('color', 'peru')")
JS.eval ("$('#inventoryLabel').css('background', 'black')")
JS.eval ("$('#inventoryLabel').css('color', 'peru')")
JS.eval ("$('#placesObjectsLabel').css('background', 'black')")
JS.eval ("$('#placesObjectsLabel').css('color', 'peru')")
JS.eval ("$('#placesObjectsAccordion.ui-widget-content').css('background', 'black')")
JS.eval ("$('#placesObjectsAccordion.ui-widget-content').css('color', 'peru')")
JS.eval ("$('.ui-state-active').css('border', '1px solid darkgoldenrod')")
JS.eval ("$('.ui-widget-content').css('border', '1px solid peru')")
JS.eval ("$('#gamePanesFinished').html('<h2></h2>')")
JS.eval ("$('.ui-button').css('background', 'black')")
JS.eval ("$('.ui-button').css('border', '1px solid peru')")
JS.eval ("$('.ui-button-text').css('color', 'peru')")
JS.eval ("$('.ui-button').mousedown(function() { $(this).css('background-color', 'peru'); } )")
JS.eval ("$('.ui-button-text').mousedown(function() { $(this).css('color', 'black'); } )")
JS.eval ("$('#gameBorder').mouseup(function() { $('.ui-button-text').css('color', 'peru'); } )")
JS.eval ("$('#gameBorder').mouseup(function() { $('.ui-button').css('background-color', 'black'); } )")
JS.eval ("var styleSelecting = $('<style>.ui-selecting { color: black; background-color: peru;}</style>'); $('html > head').append(styleSelecting)")
JS.eval ("var styleUnselecting = $('<style>.ui-unselecting { color: peru; background-color: black;}</style>'); $('html > head').append(styleUnselecting)")
JS.eval ("var styleSelected = $('<style>.ui-selected { color: black; background-color: peru;}</style>'); $('html > head').append(styleSelected)")
JS.eval (" var arrowUrl = 'images/ui-icons_f9bd01_256x240.png'; var styleArrow = $('<style>.ui-state-default .ui-icon { background-image: url('+ arrowUrl +'); }</style>'); $('html > head').append(styleArrow) ")
JS.eval ("$('#cmdCompassN').css('background', 'black')")
JS.eval ("$('#cmdCompassE').css('background', 'black')")
JS.eval ("$('#cmdCompassS').css('background', 'black')")
JS.eval ("$('#cmdCompassW').css('background', 'black')")
JS.eval ("$('#cmdCompassNW').css('background', 'black')")
JS.eval ("$('#cmdCompassNE').css('background', 'black')")
JS.eval ("$('#cmdCompassSW').css('background', 'black')")
JS.eval ("$('#cmdCompassSE').css('background', 'black')")
JS.eval ("$('#cmdCompassU').css('background', 'black')")
JS.eval ("$('#cmdCompassIn').css('background', 'black')")
JS.eval ("$('#cmdCompassD').css('background', 'black')")
JS.eval ("$('#cmdCompassOut').css('background', 'black')")
JS.eval ("$('#cmdCompassN').css('border', '2px solid peru')")
JS.eval ("$('#cmdCompassE').css('border', '2px solid peru')")
JS.eval ("$('#cmdCompassW').css('border', '2px solid peru')")
JS.eval ("$('#cmdCompassS').css('border', '2px solid peru')")
JS.eval ("$('#cmdCompassNW').css('border', '2px solid peru')")
JS.eval ("$('#cmdCompassNE').css('border', '2px solid peru')")
JS.eval ("$('#cmdCompassSE').css('border', '2px solid peru')")
JS.eval ("$('#cmdCompassSW').css('border', '2px solid peru')")
JS.eval ("$('#cmdCompassIn').css('border', '2px solid peru')")
JS.eval ("$('#cmdCompassOut').css('border', '2px solid peru')")
JS.eval ("$('#cmdCompassU').css('border', '2px solid peru')")
JS.eval ("$('#cmdCompassD').css('border', '2px solid peru')")
JS.eval ("$('#compassLabel').css('background', 'black')")
JS.eval ("$('#compassLabel').css('color', 'peru')")
JS.eval ("$('#compassAccordion').css('background', 'black')")


Paste this to "InitUserInterface" under "Functions." Then change the colors from peru and black to whatever you like.

I noticed the game is hard for a lot of people. Carrion Fire was built around a certain metagame. Half of the zombies you think you need to kill can actually be avoided.

I'm an old Resident Evil veteran, and I spent several years studying its design, specifically the design of Director's Cut, before I made this.

I made Carrion Fire because I wanted people to experience what I experienced when I first played Resident Evil: Director's Cut. How difficult, overwhelming, and seemingly insurmountable it was.

Now I knife-run the game in my sleep.

That sense of satisfaction - the satisfaction that comes from overcoming a learning curve and mastering a game - is what makes a great game. I hope I achieved that.

02 Oct 2015, 13:58
I'm still confused as to how to change the colors of the compass arrows...
EDIT: I think I found it, it's the files located in the Quest images folder not a custom made folder or image

02 Oct 2015, 21:27
Yep! Just to be sure, it's this line:

JS.eval (" var arrowUrl = 'images/ui-icons_f9bd01_256x240.png'; var styleArrow = $('<style>.ui-state-default .ui-icon { background-image: url('+ arrowUrl +'); }</style>');  $('html > head').append(styleArrow) ")

03 Oct 2015, 02:53
I fixed and tightened up a lot of things today.

I added some lines of text to certain rooms to make it easier to know what to do.

I also removed the blue bar from the top of the screen on the web version with Pixie's help. Pixie's code in his/her thread removes the image. After tinkering around, I was also able to change the background color and border. This is the code for anyone who's interested:

JS.eval ("$('#status').css('background-image', 'none');")
JS.eval ("$('#status').css('background-color', 'black');")
JS.eval ("$('#status').css('border', 'black');")

This removes the image (thanks, Pixie), and changes the background color and border from blue to black.

The compass arrows still don't display properly, and the highlight color of the buttons is still blue on the web version (it's fine on the desktop version). It's still a work in progress - we haven't figured out how to fix it yet.

I don't recommend using the web version, regardless. I playtested it today, my browser lagged, and a key stopped working. It kept giving me "Nothing happens" messages. Upon restarting the game, the key worked fine. It works 100% of the time on the desktop version.

I also removed the "Quit" button, since it was causing the web version to freeze and wasn't necessary to begin with.

I probably won't be changing too much else aside from the compass arrows and highlight color. I'm very satisfied with it now.