New BETA Game
16 Aug 2015, 23:19Hi, I recently uploaded a game that you can play There.
I really need feedback on the game, so you guys, please play the game, and tell me what I should do, what not to do, complaints, compliments and be honest. Thanks!
I really need feedback on the game, so you guys, please play the game, and tell me what I should do, what not to do, complaints, compliments and be honest. Thanks!

17 Aug 2015, 01:56You probably should bump this to 'game announcements and feedback' forum.
It is a very small game, yes? Just making sure I'm not missing something. There are just the four rooms. There is nothing wrong with this, in fact I appreciate it. Too many games are "completed" without feedback that would have been very helpful earlier on in the game!
So, with that, here is my "very helpful" advice...
1. In the lounge, make sure you add a comment for switching on the tv. Give the user an indication that the TV was actually turned on. Also, the x me description is a little misleading as it makes it seem like the TV is already on (stuck on a newscast).
2. In the kitchen, make sure you spell "cuboard" "cupboard". Also, make it a container that can be opened. I assume you planned on doing this but haven't gotten that far yet?
3. Remove the period "." from the rusty sink. Currently it is listed as "rusty sink." which will make those who prefer typing a little irked that they need to type "use rusty sink." or "turn on rusty sink." or "look at rusty sink."
Lastly... please, please if you have something mentioned in the room description, please add it as an object in the room! If you say in the room description that there is an orange carpet and old wallpaper, then I would expect to get a description of that object when I look at it. Personally, I am totally turned off by the so many games that say there is an object in the room description, but when I try to examine it I get the dreaded "I can't see that" response. If a game doesn't have that, I simply stop reading with intent and go as quickly as I can. If you want people to read your vivid descriptions, be sure to add lots of items that can be explored. If you don't want the object in the window panes on the right, just mark them as scenery.
If you have any questions on how to do anything with the GUI, please ask on the forum!
It is a very small game, yes? Just making sure I'm not missing something. There are just the four rooms. There is nothing wrong with this, in fact I appreciate it. Too many games are "completed" without feedback that would have been very helpful earlier on in the game!
So, with that, here is my "very helpful" advice...
1. In the lounge, make sure you add a comment for switching on the tv. Give the user an indication that the TV was actually turned on. Also, the x me description is a little misleading as it makes it seem like the TV is already on (stuck on a newscast).
2. In the kitchen, make sure you spell "cuboard" "cupboard". Also, make it a container that can be opened. I assume you planned on doing this but haven't gotten that far yet?
3. Remove the period "." from the rusty sink. Currently it is listed as "rusty sink." which will make those who prefer typing a little irked that they need to type "use rusty sink." or "turn on rusty sink." or "look at rusty sink."
Lastly... please, please if you have something mentioned in the room description, please add it as an object in the room! If you say in the room description that there is an orange carpet and old wallpaper, then I would expect to get a description of that object when I look at it. Personally, I am totally turned off by the so many games that say there is an object in the room description, but when I try to examine it I get the dreaded "I can't see that" response. If a game doesn't have that, I simply stop reading with intent and go as quickly as I can. If you want people to read your vivid descriptions, be sure to add lots of items that can be explored. If you don't want the object in the window panes on the right, just mark them as scenery.
If you have any questions on how to do anything with the GUI, please ask on the forum!

17 Aug 2015, 11:32I concur with (and won't repeat) XanMag's comments. To offer something unique, here is a bit from my try:
> look at TV
An TV presumably from the 90's, stuck on a newscast.
> turn on TV
> turn off TV
> watch TV
You can't watch a turned off TV
> turn on TV
> watch TV
You watch an adult comedy.
> look at TV
An TV presumably from the 90's, stuck on a newscast.
First, it would be useful when your turn the TV on or off to have it give a response. I didn't know it had actually done anything until I tried to watch. Also, I hope you see the disconnect between the "watch" and "look at" responses (unless you're making a social comment by labelling a newscast as "adult comedy").
And it should be "a TV".
> look at TV
An TV presumably from the 90's, stuck on a newscast.
> turn on TV
> turn off TV
> watch TV
You can't watch a turned off TV
> turn on TV
> watch TV
You watch an adult comedy.
> look at TV
An TV presumably from the 90's, stuck on a newscast.
First, it would be useful when your turn the TV on or off to have it give a response. I didn't know it had actually done anything until I tried to watch. Also, I hope you see the disconnect between the "watch" and "look at" responses (unless you're making a social comment by labelling a newscast as "adult comedy").

And it should be "a TV".
17 Aug 2015, 21:15Thankyou to both responses. I will look at these things immediately. I enjoy the feedback, and without that I would not be able to know what to do and what not to do. Thanks again!
18 Aug 2015, 21:33Most of those changes were fixed in the most recent update, along with afew other things. Thanks again!