King's Quest - Adventure Games from 3D to Text
steve the gaming guy
05 Nov 2004, 19:05Hello all,
Has anyone ever tried to make a text version of a professional 3D adventure game before?
If so, how did it turn out?
As some of you know, I was working on King's Quest 5. As one of my several side projects, I was also working on the much larger King's Quest 6.
Before going further, have any of you heard of King's Quest?
King's Quest 6 is becoming very complex. I, being of amateur programming knowledge, am becoming increasingly overwhelmed by the different varieties of paths the game will/can take. An example being that you are Prince Alexander stranded on an unknown island...that is until you talk to different characters. There are three people/characters that you can bump into in the beginning of the game on this island. Depending on who you talk to first changes what the conversations with the other people will be about.
I ask if anyone has ever played the game because maybe if I had a few game producers who were familiar with the story, we could get together somehow and create this game. I haven't been working on it for a few days so I think I'm ready to jump back in again. It's just when I continue to think about all the variations of the gameplay, it seems a tad daunting.
steve the gaming guy
PS, this post is also for conversation's sake. If you do not want to help create the game, that is fine, but if you could answer the questions in my post, it would ease my curiosity about who has played these games, etc...
Has anyone ever tried to make a text version of a professional 3D adventure game before?

Before going further, have any of you heard of King's Quest?

King's Quest 6 is becoming very complex. I, being of amateur programming knowledge, am becoming increasingly overwhelmed by the different varieties of paths the game will/can take. An example being that you are Prince Alexander stranded on an unknown island...that is until you talk to different characters. There are three people/characters that you can bump into in the beginning of the game on this island. Depending on who you talk to first changes what the conversations with the other people will be about.
I ask if anyone has ever played the game because maybe if I had a few game producers who were familiar with the story, we could get together somehow and create this game. I haven't been working on it for a few days so I think I'm ready to jump back in again. It's just when I continue to think about all the variations of the gameplay, it seems a tad daunting.
steve the gaming guy

PS, this post is also for conversation's sake. If you do not want to help create the game, that is fine, but if you could answer the questions in my post, it would ease my curiosity about who has played these games, etc...
I think Im Dead
05 Nov 2004, 21:20Was King's Quest the series of oldschool dos "3D" games where you were in the dungeons(generally), could go forward, left, right, or backwards and the display was basically a small square of the "3D Dungeon" where monsters or creatures you encountered would be displayed, and your misc. stats and items took up the rest of the screen?
Were the King's Field series of games(PS1 & PS2) related? Those ones were pretty badly made but seemed to remind me of the older dos games I mentioned.
I never played any of them, I've always tended to like top-down/isometric RPG's rather than first person ones. Morrowind I guess is the exception to that, but even that game could get a little tedious with it's lack of direction.
Edit: A quick google revealed I'm thinking of a different series of games, apparently King's Quest were "point and click" style sierra adventures. Along those lines, I loved Monkey Island, but never got to play any of the sequels. Dial-A-Pirate, Ahoy!
Were the King's Field series of games(PS1 & PS2) related? Those ones were pretty badly made but seemed to remind me of the older dos games I mentioned.
I never played any of them, I've always tended to like top-down/isometric RPG's rather than first person ones. Morrowind I guess is the exception to that, but even that game could get a little tedious with it's lack of direction.
Edit: A quick google revealed I'm thinking of a different series of games, apparently King's Quest were "point and click" style sierra adventures. Along those lines, I loved Monkey Island, but never got to play any of the sequels. Dial-A-Pirate, Ahoy!
steve the gaming guy
05 Nov 2004, 21:47I think Im Dead wrote:Edit: A quick google revealed I'm thinking of a different series of games, apparently King's Quest were "point and click" style sierra adventures. Along those lines, I loved Monkey Island, but never got to play any of the sequels. Dial-A-Pirate, Ahoy!
You would be correct with the googling. If it weren't for Sierra's King's Quest 5 "point and click" adventure game, I would have never stumbled upon my favorite type of computer game. I have played all the sequels of Monkey Island. Good and funny. Some of the Space Quest games, Syberia (1 & 2) and lately, I have been getting my wife hooked on them by buying the Nancy Drew games (think "Point and Click" traditional adventure meets Myst). Another creative one by LucasArts (who made the Monkey Island games) is Grim Fandango. Very interesting puzzles.
steve the gaming guy

06 Nov 2004, 02:36I must admit I never really liked point and click games. I didn't mind them for a 5 minutes break when I needed it (pssshhh - you try being on the computer for over 24 hours without playing a pointless game or two!)... I prefer the ones where you move the character around the screen, so I got into SNES RPG games and stuff like that.
I understand what you mean by variation in storyline etc though (Chrono Cross and Chrono Trigger are good examples IMO), and would not even consider turning them into text adventure games.
Loads of variations, but also long games.
I wish you a great amount of luck in your quest.
I understand what you mean by variation in storyline etc though (Chrono Cross and Chrono Trigger are good examples IMO), and would not even consider turning them into text adventure games.
Loads of variations, but also long games.
I wish you a great amount of luck in your quest.
I think Im Dead
06 Nov 2004, 04:56As I read things, I thought, everybody should decide on a game, and then work together to port it to Quest, but then I realized that would suck. We do need something to help build a community though.
Maybe something like a quilt as a multiplayer game, I'd host it. Someone gets a room or designs a map of rooms, designs the first room and everyone else can request a room that they want to design, when it's all submitted people can join the server see the hilarious culmination.
Actually, I am just needing ideas for city and area design for when I debut my Questnet game.
Maybe something like a quilt as a multiplayer game, I'd host it. Someone gets a room or designs a map of rooms, designs the first room and everyone else can request a room that they want to design, when it's all submitted people can join the server see the hilarious culmination.
Actually, I am just needing ideas for city and area design for when I debut my Questnet game.
07 Nov 2004, 04:31You could always give pople the ability to create rooms - and then alter them.
You can also restrict the rooms they can make too, so they have to buy the ability to make rooms and stuff.
You can also restrict the rooms they can make too, so they have to buy the ability to make rooms and stuff.
I think Im Dead
07 Nov 2004, 06:43Of course, but I want a good starter city or two, then in later builds, add a bit of lore and such.
07 Nov 2004, 11:07I guess people would have to build a private city and then submit that ASL to you - then you can put it into the main file... Then we could add more to it if you coded it right.
I think Im Dead
07 Nov 2004, 18:24On the fly content creation in ASL is my THANG! I make that shit work, son.
But seriously, I'd rather just recieve plain text stuff from people, eventually I'll make a thread for it. I'd be much more interested in reading a small paragraph describing the general area the person is designing than to make them ASL code it alll. It's much easier to have write something well describing a place, tell me a bit about it and the objects you should be able to interact with in the room, then let me make the "magic" happen.
But seriously, I'd rather just recieve plain text stuff from people, eventually I'll make a thread for it. I'd be much more interested in reading a small paragraph describing the general area the person is designing than to make them ASL code it alll. It's much easier to have write something well describing a place, tell me a bit about it and the objects you should be able to interact with in the room, then let me make the "magic" happen.
07 Nov 2004, 23:49When I was relating King's Quest to Point and Click, I was not talking like a Myst game, I was referring to where you click on the screen and your character walks over to where you clicked. Or if you click on an object, your character walks over and picks it up.
Thank for the input though.
steve the magic guy 8)
Thank for the input though.
steve the magic guy 8)
steve the gaming guy
08 Jan 2005, 13:38Thanks to Alex, Computer Whizz, and all who helped me with the making of this game...
King's Quest V - Part 1 of 2 is available for download now!
I've already begun continuing the game and have added most of the final rooms to complete the game. As far as the puzzles within those rooms, that's another story!!!
For now, please enjoy Part 1 of King's Quest V. For tips and technical issues, please read the readme file.
Game on...
King's Quest V - Part 1 of 2 is available for download now!
I've already begun continuing the game and have added most of the final rooms to complete the game. As far as the puzzles within those rooms, that's another story!!!
For now, please enjoy Part 1 of King's Quest V. For tips and technical issues, please read the readme file.
Game on...
09 Jan 2005, 07:15Steve, I just downloaded your game...I'll play it soon and let you know how it was. (I'm sure it's great.) As for everyone adding a room to ITID's game, I like it, BUUUT......unfortunately, on the computer I use most, I don't have internet on. So if it were a multiplayer game, I wouldn't be able to play it.
Oh well.

16 Jan 2005, 11:53Hey... just thought i'd let you know I got your game and am very excited about playing it, because King's Quest rules... I've played them all, and all the Hero's Quest, Space Quest, and Police Quest games. My favorite KQ has got to be the one where you start out as a young boy and have to escape the wizard, and you have to put spell ingredients together just right in order to make spells to beat the game. That was mad fun.
Oh well. BTW, my new game should be up soon... I posted it, and it's just a matter of time before it gets put up... And it comes with a free short story!!!
Oh well. BTW, my new game should be up soon... I posted it, and it's just a matter of time before it gets put up... And it comes with a free short story!!!
steve the gaming guy
16 Jan 2005, 12:30ESPER wrote:Hey... just thought i'd let you know I got your game and am very excited about playing it, because King's Quest rules... I've played them all, and all the Hero's Quest, Space Quest, and Police Quest games. My favorite KQ has got to be the one where you start out as a young boy and have to escape the wizard, and you have to put spell ingredients together just right in order to make spells to beat the game. That was mad fun.
Oh well. BTW, my new game should be up soon... I posted it, and it's just a matter of time before it gets put up... And it comes with a free short story!!!
Heeey! It's good to see a fellow King's Quester on here. I never got around to Hero's Quest but I've played all the other ones you named. The KQ that you referenced when you play as King Graham's son (although you aren't supposed to know that yet) is King's Quest III. That was a tough one. It might work as a text game. I'm not sure. They sure were picky about getting the spells right including the punctuation in the right places, etc. Mad fun indeed. haha
16 Jan 2005, 20:40You guys talking about King's Quest has made me interested. Where can I get a copy of these games?
16 Jan 2005, 21:17
or you're favourite file-sharing program...
or you're favourite file-sharing program...
16 Jan 2005, 21:20I'd rather not in case it's too large.
steve the gaming guy
17 Jan 2005, 13:34You'd rather not in case it's too large? Google anyway to find out more information about it. And when someone answers your question, don't say why it won't work.
Anyway, you can also look on Ebay or other types of on-line purchasing sites. What you will want to search for is the King's Quest Collection. It contains King's Quest 1-7 and some other odd games. There's also a King's Quest 8 (the last one) but it was not as successful.
Anyway, you can also look on Ebay or other types of on-line purchasing sites. What you will want to search for is the King's Quest Collection. It contains King's Quest 1-7 and some other odd games. There's also a King's Quest 8 (the last one) but it was not as successful.
17 Jan 2005, 21:58thanks, i'll put that on my "things-to-do" list. Unfortunately, with school coming up in just over a week, i doubt that's gonna happen for a while.
18 Jan 2005, 05:20Just download them, bro. They used to fit on 3.5" floppies. They can't be too large...
steve the gaming guy
18 Jan 2005, 17:00You could probably only download them from a file-sharing group. Other than that, I don't know.
Also keep in mind that they were designed to play on older computers. King's Quest 5 and 6 seemed to have a problem but there are fixes for them.
Also keep in mind that they were designed to play on older computers. King's Quest 5 and 6 seemed to have a problem but there are fixes for them.
19 Jan 2005, 05:24Okay... KQ 1 is 270 K (there's a graphically updated version that is 1.9 Megs). KQ 2 is 345 K. KQ 3 is 463 (this is my favorite). KQ 4 is 2.7 Mb. KQ 5 is 8.6 Mb, and KQ 6 is 8.9 Mb (although for some reason it doesn't work). As with most DOS-based games, mouse and sound card emulation is shady (on mine, the mouse works on all but 5 and six, and the sound doesn't work on any but the first three). My website is down, and thus my email is down, else I'd send them to you, but Steve's right... I got them all on BearShare.
19 Jan 2005, 05:45Hmmm... I didn't get the option to edit my last post for some reason... I'm not trying to postwhore, but I thought you all might be interested in this... ... It lets you make King's Quest/Police Quest/Space Quest/Hero's Quest/Maniac Mansion/Monkey Island type games (the types of games Sierra and LucasArts both used to be known for in the eighties and early nineties...)
Just thought I'd share...
Just thought I'd share...
19 Jan 2005, 08:09There are many of those DOS Game Creators around.
19 Jan 2005, 10:21This one's actually really spiffy, and is Windows based with a really good GUI. Some of the games made with it are professional level, and alot are on Home of the Underdogs. One good example is Five Days a Stranger, which has some good graphics and sound and isn't badly written (although I got stuck in it and quit... grrr). Thisd is definitely not a pass-up for anyone interested in game development. I've also used Adventure Maker for making Myst-like games and Game Maker for making windows arcade games. Quest, though, is definitely my fave for Infocom-style games!!!
steve the gaming guy
19 Jan 2005, 14:16ESPER wrote:This one's actually really spiffy, and is Windows based with a really good GUI. Some of the games made with it are professional level, and alot are on Home of the Underdogs. One good example is Five Days a Stranger, which has some good graphics and sound and isn't badly written (although I got stuck in it and quit... grrr). Thisd is definitely not a pass-up for anyone interested in game development. I've also used Adventure Maker for making Myst-like games and Game Maker for making windows arcade games. Quest, though, is definitely my fave for Infocom-style games!!!
Yes, I'm somewhat familiar with it. I haven't used it to create games yet but I did play and beat 5 days a stranger. It's a creepy game. It ends weird though. Anyway, I might be able to help you get past a part if you're stuck.
20 Jan 2005, 06:14Hmmm. I can't really say how I'm stuck... I'm not really stuck on any puzzles or anything. I just met everybody, and now nothing's happening. I've seriously gone through every room and examined, used, and otherwise interacted with everything in the room. In the words of so many adventure games before... "Nothing happens..."
steve the gaming guy
20 Jan 2005, 15:41ESPER wrote:Hmmm. I can't really say how I'm stuck... I'm not really stuck on any puzzles or anything. I just met everybody, and now nothing's happening. I've seriously gone through every room and examined, used, and otherwise interacted with everything in the room. In the words of so many adventure games before... "Nothing happens..."
Shoot...I ran into the same thing. Off the top of my head, I don't recall what part you need to do first. Are you still on Day One? It sounds like it. Once you get past Day One, it gets a tad easier I think.
21 Jan 2005, 05:24Not sure... either day one or I've just woken up on day two... I haven't tried it for a while. BTW, have you noticed how dead this place's been for the past week or so?
steve the gaming guy
21 Jan 2005, 18:14ESPER wrote:Not sure... either day one or I've just woken up on day two... I haven't tried it for a while. BTW, have you noticed how dead this place's been for the past week or so?
It's just because everyone's too busy playing the first two games of 2005. Ok, so I'm high hoping...

22 Jan 2005, 05:23We can only hope... But my game is short enough to where they'd be done with it yet. STILL haven't beaten KQ, but I think I'm close. BTW, Keeping with my theme of supernatural/horror thrillers, have you played the Inform game called Anchorhead? I just started it and it's looking prety good.
22 Jan 2005, 12:07I have been lurking somewhat - nothing interesting to reply to...
I've also been trying to do some things in VB6 an on the PC.
I actually got back into it the other day and thought "bloody hell - it's been so long!" I found myself trying over and over to do things, and having to look at old work to get type-definitions and array re-sizing and stuff.
I'm amazed that there's no built-in array sorting algorithm like there is in C++ (I say "built-in", I mean "In the standard library").
I'm currently trying to think of a way to have a sorted array of "objects" in a list, but I don't want to get out my old bubble-sort algorithm and use that on an array of 100+ objects.
Any idea's anyone?
*watches as they all back off*
I've also been trying to do some things in VB6 an on the PC.
I actually got back into it the other day and thought "bloody hell - it's been so long!" I found myself trying over and over to do things, and having to look at old work to get type-definitions and array re-sizing and stuff.
I'm amazed that there's no built-in array sorting algorithm like there is in C++ (I say "built-in", I mean "In the standard library").
I'm currently trying to think of a way to have a sorted array of "objects" in a list, but I don't want to get out my old bubble-sort algorithm and use that on an array of 100+ objects.
Any idea's anyone?
*watches as they all back off*
23 Jan 2005, 09:02Well, I haven't been in here as often as usual because, UNFORTUNATELY, I've been studying for my SAT's, which I'm taking in oh, about 5 hours. For most people in this forum, SAT's are probably a thing of the LONG AGO past. Sorry. Admit it people. You're old. I'm young. lolBTW, have you noticed how dead this place's been for the past week or so?

**Back's away...** Sorry, uh, I don't speak that...language...lolI'm currently trying to think of a way to have a sorted array of "objects" in a list, but I don't want to get out my old bubble-sort algorithm and use that on an array of 100+ objects.
Any idea's anyone?
23 Jan 2005, 17:07Didn't think most people would know what I'm on about (Alex and Al would be the only ones).
I'm just gonna stick with a bubble sort right now - I don't feel like learning how to interface VB6 with the database features that are available somewhere...
I'm just gonna stick with a bubble sort right now - I don't feel like learning how to interface VB6 with the database features that are available somewhere...
30 Jan 2005, 10:19Yeah, I have no clue. For some reason, I never could learn object-oriented programming languages. Back in the day, I could do some pretty amazing stuff with QBasic, but by today's standards there's no way I can use that anymore. That's why I stick to development kits:)
Anyway: What do you mean the game was too short (I mean, thank you for playing it, and all)??? I worked for, like, twenty seven and a half years on that!!! You finished it, too? Hmmm, good for you. I didn't think anyone would. At least, I didn't even think anyone would try... But still, too short??? ::bangs head against wall:: Why have I created such a hideous monster!!!
I think I would probably make longer games if Alex found some way to implement a folder system for the rooms and stuff.. I had mentioned something like this in a past posting. I was going to make a big MUD, but selecting rooms off a menu with a thousand options is rough. If you could arrange the rooms and objects into folders, though, that would TOTALLY make for ease of navigation. At this point it's the only thing keeping me from making the first official MUD world in Quest.
Anyway: What do you mean the game was too short (I mean, thank you for playing it, and all)??? I worked for, like, twenty seven and a half years on that!!! You finished it, too? Hmmm, good for you. I didn't think anyone would. At least, I didn't even think anyone would try... But still, too short??? ::bangs head against wall:: Why have I created such a hideous monster!!!
I think I would probably make longer games if Alex found some way to implement a folder system for the rooms and stuff.. I had mentioned something like this in a past posting. I was going to make a big MUD, but selecting rooms off a menu with a thousand options is rough. If you could arrange the rooms and objects into folders, though, that would TOTALLY make for ease of navigation. At this point it's the only thing keeping me from making the first official MUD world in Quest.
30 Jan 2005, 17:03Computer Whizz wrote:I have been lurking somewhat - nothing interesting to reply to...
I'm currently trying to think of a way to have a sorted array of "objects" in a list, but I don't want to get out my old bubble-sort algorithm and use that on an array of 100+ objects.
Any idea's anyone?
*watches as they all back off*
I could give you a few faster algorithms (Insertion sort, Selection sort, Shell sort, even Merge and Quick sort if you want). But you'd have to write them into VB6 yourself. Oh, and Merge/Quick sort both need recursion. I don't know if VB 6 supports that.
30 Jan 2005, 18:06Recursion = loops yes?
Yeah, VB has until/while and for...
I do remember once having this sort from my father, can't remember the name - but it was really odd, the sorting wasn't linear and it was somehow very fast.
Anyway, if you could e-mail them to me, I'm always up for some interesting programming.
Yeah, VB has until/while and for...
I do remember once having this sort from my father, can't remember the name - but it was really odd, the sorting wasn't linear and it was somehow very fast.
Anyway, if you could e-mail them to me, I'm always up for some interesting programming.
30 Jan 2005, 19:58Recursion = a sub calling itself, which VB6 does indeed support.
01 Feb 2005, 06:57I'd love to help you CW, but I've never covered the database functions of VB, even the most basic things. It's something that I'd rather wait to come to me.
21 Feb 2005, 07:54going back to the original topic,im currently working on a zelda game,sort of based on ocarina of time.
steve the gaming guy
25 Feb 2005, 20:41That sounds pretty cool. Good luck with that.
Update on KQ5 part 2. I did take a short break for a couple weeks (or more) without looking at Quest or any Quest games, bad me. I am nearing the halfway mark of the second half of the game. If I worked on it steadily, I should have it done in the next 2 or 3 weeks. But that's pushing it, I'd say. Mainly because I spend a lot of the time correcting any spelling errors and adding multiple ways to identify objects and surroundings. But that's the way to do it.
Update on KQ5 part 2. I did take a short break for a couple weeks (or more) without looking at Quest or any Quest games, bad me. I am nearing the halfway mark of the second half of the game. If I worked on it steadily, I should have it done in the next 2 or 3 weeks. But that's pushing it, I'd say. Mainly because I spend a lot of the time correcting any spelling errors and adding multiple ways to identify objects and surroundings. But that's the way to do it.
steve the gaming guy
18 Jan 2006, 16:33Latest Update.
First, apologies for taking sooooooo long with this game. I took multiple breaks from game-making throughout 2005. As of yesterday, the full version is completed. I have sent the game file to a volunteer who will do a double check on some of the coding to make sure most of the errors are weeded out.
Some of the things that I am including in the final version will be a saved file which will start you near the end of where Part One left off. I will have a brief walkthrough showing exact commands (and variations) to use to solve the puzzles. I will still reference the UHS hint website for those of you who just want hints and not complete answers.
I have fixed (with others help) the restoring errors where the intro displayed everytime you restored a save game. Along with that, certain procedures would run after passing certain points in the game. This no longer happens when restoring a saved game.
Hopefully, within a week, it will be ready to submit to Alex. Thank you for those who have sent me emails about their enjoying Part One and your patience for the Full Version...and thank you to davidw for reviewing Part One.
First, apologies for taking sooooooo long with this game. I took multiple breaks from game-making throughout 2005. As of yesterday, the full version is completed. I have sent the game file to a volunteer who will do a double check on some of the coding to make sure most of the errors are weeded out.
Some of the things that I am including in the final version will be a saved file which will start you near the end of where Part One left off. I will have a brief walkthrough showing exact commands (and variations) to use to solve the puzzles. I will still reference the UHS hint website for those of you who just want hints and not complete answers.
I have fixed (with others help) the restoring errors where the intro displayed everytime you restored a save game. Along with that, certain procedures would run after passing certain points in the game. This no longer happens when restoring a saved game.
Hopefully, within a week, it will be ready to submit to Alex. Thank you for those who have sent me emails about their enjoying Part One and your patience for the Full Version...and thank you to davidw for reviewing Part One.
31 May 2006, 01:41So... what's going on with this?
steve the gaming guy
02 Jun 2006, 15:00I'm glad you asked.
Over the last year, I've moved to a new job, been on vacation and my wife got pregnant...again. I have come to the forum from time to time but I hadn't been working on the game full force.
Several months ago, I sent a "finished version" to a beta tester friend of mine and he provided an extensive list of bugs and errors that I needed to work on. As of 30 minutes ago, I've got about 90% of the list done. My biggest problem I am about to fix is a save problem near the end of the game. With the help of MaDbRiT, I was able to create a maze using a grid script. It works wonderfully, however, once you pass the maze, if you try to save the game, there is an overflow error and the game shuts down and your saved game is corrupted.
So the suggestion was made to rip out the maze script and just add rooms instead. It's not a ridiculously huge maze so I am going to see how that will work.
Other than that, I don't have too many problems to fix and we're good to go.
Thanks for asking!!!

Over the last year, I've moved to a new job, been on vacation and my wife got pregnant...again. I have come to the forum from time to time but I hadn't been working on the game full force.
Several months ago, I sent a "finished version" to a beta tester friend of mine and he provided an extensive list of bugs and errors that I needed to work on. As of 30 minutes ago, I've got about 90% of the list done. My biggest problem I am about to fix is a save problem near the end of the game. With the help of MaDbRiT, I was able to create a maze using a grid script. It works wonderfully, however, once you pass the maze, if you try to save the game, there is an overflow error and the game shuts down and your saved game is corrupted.
So the suggestion was made to rip out the maze script and just add rooms instead. It's not a ridiculously huge maze so I am going to see how that will work.
Other than that, I don't have too many problems to fix and we're good to go.
Thanks for asking!!!
02 Jun 2006, 15:46I hate to ask but, why a maze? They're not exactly popular these days.
steve the gaming guy
05 Jun 2006, 13:30I concur. The reason why I have the maze is because the original King's Quest V had it and I am trying to stay very close to the original, room by room.
It's not a ghastly large maze and there's a neat bit of script within the maze that allows the monster who roams through it to randomly appear in certain sections of the maze.
It's not a ghastly large maze and there's a neat bit of script within the maze that allows the monster who roams through it to randomly appear in certain sections of the maze.

steve the gaming guy
07 Jun 2006, 17:18Homestretch, baby! (sorry for double-posting)
The game is done and my beta-tester is reviewing once again. I told him I wanted to submit it by the end of the week but he might not be able to get to it until next week.
But never fear, I will update once again when I have submitted it to Alex.
EDIT: I deleted another post that came after this because I accidentally replied to a message on the 1st page of this thread. For those who saw the post, please excuse my absent-mindedness.
The game is done and my beta-tester is reviewing once again. I told him I wanted to submit it by the end of the week but he might not be able to get to it until next week.
But never fear, I will update once again when I have submitted it to Alex.
EDIT: I deleted another post that came after this because I accidentally replied to a message on the 1st page of this thread. For those who saw the post, please excuse my absent-mindedness.
08 Jun 2006, 15:54Can't wait to play this one, keep us posted!
steve the gaming guy
09 Jun 2006, 17:31Thank you...have you played part one yet? [and 'wow' to your avatar

09 Jun 2006, 17:48Where are you planning to put the game when it's finished? The Quest games page hasn't been updated since September 2005 so you might not be able to host it there.
steve the gaming guy
10 Jun 2006, 12:40I hadn't considered that. Good point though. I'll submit it to Alex and if I don't get a response, I'll have to come up with something else.
steve the gaming guy
15 Feb 2007, 07:07....I'm not sure why this is in the Chat category. I got scared that the thread was deleted when I couldn't find it in the Games category.
It's DONE! FINALLY! BIIIIG sigh of relief. It's off my chest. I stayed up til 2am this final night to get it online and out of my hair. lol
It's good. A LOT of the bugs have been fixed. Sorry DW, I did not do away with the auto-save. I had more positive responses than negative regarding that so I left it as is.
But a biggie that I fixed with help from my beta-tester, was the error that causes several scripts to run when loading a game. Also, the run-time error when restarting or restoring has been solved.
Please everyone...enjoy! It's at Alex's new downloading site.
It's DONE! FINALLY! BIIIIG sigh of relief. It's off my chest. I stayed up til 2am this final night to get it online and out of my hair. lol
It's good. A LOT of the bugs have been fixed. Sorry DW, I did not do away with the auto-save. I had more positive responses than negative regarding that so I left it as is.
But a biggie that I fixed with help from my beta-tester, was the error that causes several scripts to run when loading a game. Also, the run-time error when restarting or restoring has been solved.
Please everyone...enjoy! It's at Alex's new downloading site.
15 Feb 2007, 14:57I can host a file if Alex is a bit slow in responding..
steve the gaming guy
15 Feb 2007, 15:48What dost thou mean? The game file seems to have uploaded fine on Alex's new game archive. It is instantly available for download which is really cool.
But thank you for the offer!!!
But thank you for the offer!!!
15 Feb 2007, 16:58I really didn't know how the new uploader worked..
I just know he's a busy man and doesn't have time to upload everything... While for me it's just a click and drag away and I'll give you the link.
I just know he's a busy man and doesn't have time to upload everything... While for me it's just a click and drag away and I'll give you the link.
15 Feb 2007, 19:29Moved to the Games Forum.
15 Feb 2007, 19:40Congrats Steve...
I'll check it out right away.
I'll check it out right away.
steve the gaming guy
15 Feb 2007, 20:14S1aY3R wrote:Moved to the Games Forum.

Froth man wrote:Congrats Steve...
I'll check it out right away.
Thanks, buddy! Please let me know if there is any trouble with the save file that's included. It works for me but someone told me it didn't for them.
15 Feb 2007, 21:40Your thread is apparently too large for my cell phone to move, and I wasn't able to delete my post for the same reason.
15 Feb 2007, 21:50*is moved*
16 Feb 2007, 08:01For those that don't know, Slayer's only way to access the internet is through his phone, or a few other methods not mentioned here. EDITED by S1aY3R.
16 Feb 2007, 12:47And that bit of information was shared with the WHOLE world why?
16 Feb 2007, 14:55Uh, yeah. That's borderline illegal, you know. I'm going to edit that just a bit to make myself look better!
steve the gaming guy
16 Feb 2007, 16:42S1aY3R wrote:Your thread is apparently too large for my cell phone to move, and I wasn't able to delete my post for the same reason.
lol...thanks, man
and thanks Tr0n for moving it...
16 Feb 2007, 19:03It's slander!
*sues 007bond*
On another note - I've just got some money - shall we go out for a piss-up!?
I actually meant the part of him saying you can only go through your phone.. Didn't mind about the wireless network bit, as it's the owners fault for not securing the network *hides fact that Tr0n's wireless is only 48-bit encrypted WEP*.
*sues 007bond*
On another note - I've just got some money - shall we go out for a piss-up!?
I actually meant the part of him saying you can only go through your phone.. Didn't mind about the wireless network bit, as it's the owners fault for not securing the network *hides fact that Tr0n's wireless is only 48-bit encrypted WEP*.
17 Feb 2007, 01:53What is a "piss-up"
Is that like getting all over the wall or something?
Please pardon me, I'm from America.
Is that like getting all over the wall or something?
Please pardon me, I'm from America.
17 Feb 2007, 09:24A "piss up" means getting drunk.
steve the gaming guy
20 Feb 2007, 21:45Don't be "pissed-up" before playing my games. 

steve the gaming guy
22 Feb 2007, 20:45from the "something 'bout a hex" thread.....
Ok....I'll respond. lol....
Let's start with the dreaded but inevitable review from davidw. I don't need to comment on every little detail but I feel the need to defend some of it. I think I need to start by saying that when I read reviews from you, mr. dw, it sounds like you are reviewing them to see if they are worth buying rather than worth playing. It sounds like you don't try to enjoy the game or let "annoyances" hinder you a little too much. I'll expound on that in a moment.
- The multi-colored text. I decided to use this idea for exchanging conversation between one character to another. For example, Graham would be red font (or blue, I forget) and Cedric or another character would be a different color. The rest of the non-speaking parts of the game are black font. If you do not care for it, that is your preference.
- Grammar problems? What can I say. If I (and beta-testers) missed them, sorry. Between us, we caught a handful of them throughout the game and I fixed them. Any others that remain were oversights. I don't recall the grammar in the intro being a problem the first time around so I left it alone.
- Side panel. I decided to put it to good use rather than do away with it. I added a score table that increments when you pick up or use an item (solving a puzzle). As far as hidden items and how they didn't show up in the side panel.....I assure you, there is nothing hidden that is relevant to the outcome of the game. It was simply for people who decide to examine everything they can, even if you don't really need to. Detail. What most games lack.
I haven't tried playing it while hiding the side panel. Most people don't so I have no idea if you can or cannot finish the game in this manner. I'll try that one out.
- Descriptions of locations. Of all the extra details/descriptions I added, I didn't add that. Again, it didn't occur to me and I'm pretty sure you're right about places not being able to be examined. I can see that if you did not have the side panel, that would pose a small problem.
- Cedric. He's an owl that follows you through the majority of the game beginning with the first room. If you had no side panel, you wouldn't know he was there. He's not necessarily essential to the game; the original KQ5 was designed that way. I was following along. Most of my effort with Cedric, however, was being sure that when you TALK to him, he says something different in each location. By the way, there are numerous times where Cedric pipes in and tells you that he does not want to go along with you (the town, the desert...) so that should be a hint that he is following you.
- The inn. I don't know why "Go to the inn" did not work. After the initial designing of the commands, I would test run the game with the shortcut commands that I fit in. So when I wanted to go into the inn, I simply typed "enter" and it worked. Actually for the inn, I have designed it to ask you if you want to enter the front door or the side door when you try to go in....but that's besides the point in question.
THE GAME ITSELF.... Before I respond on details of this section, I need to point out that I have converted the original 80's game of KQ5 into a text game. Other than limiting some of the ways you can die, I did not change much of the game. If you don't like the gameplay in that respect, argue with Roberta Williams and Sierra. haha
Now onward...
Inconsistency - I caught some of those third person issues and obviously there were some that I did not catch. Sorry for the jarringness.
Instant Deaths - As I mentioned above, the original game was riddled with them and I changed some of it. That's where the idea of adding a warning before certain doom came from.
Warning/Save - I know you didn't care for this feature but I and several others appreciate it so I left it in.
Timers & desert wandering - To begin this, I add the reminder once again that I was hugging close to the original game here. I did not wish to change it that much. In fact, I credit Tr0n in the game's credits as to helping me with the crazy program to make the desert work without adding a billion rooms. (and I remember you mentioning your dislikeness of the idea back over a year or so ago when i was asking for help on how to create it...) Let's talk about the desert though. No, you can't take water with you. Yes, you have to drink from the oasis or die. I remember as a 13 year old a looooong time ago when I played the original the first time and drawing a map of the desert. I SAVED my game before the desert even without a warning to save!....then I would wander the desert until I hit an oasis and save it there. Then wander even further dying several times but I eventually mapped it out. It was great! It may not be nowadays but *again*, it is based on the original.
Ok, so the timers. Are you talking about the desert temple? I don't know what timer you could be referring to. If you're referring to dying of thirst, that is not on a timer. That is based on how many rooms you travel. I think it's something like 4 rooms and you get a warning that you're thirsty, 2 more rooms and you die. Unless the last room is an oasis where I designed the thirst to be put on hold to give you a chance to drink. In other words, you won't die in an oasis room but you will die if you get to the oasis and continue on without drinking.
In fact, if you read the intro more carefully, you would see a hint about typing "desert" to pop up a map and step-by-step instructions on how to navigate through the desert. It even tells you to type "drink" at the oases.
Silver coin - I'll back up to mention this. The player is the only one with the "wherewithal" to pick up a silver coin lying on the street because that is exactly how the original was designed. That is all.
Buying things - there are only a couple things you can really "buy" but no, I did not use the buy command. It's more of a trade, therefore giving an item to someone will "buy" the item in question. Now that I think about it, I think I might have used the buy command one time in the cottage for the custard pie. *gasp* I spoiled a puzzle. not really. The random silver coin is for the pie. You trade an item later on for the sled. There is a gold needle and a gold coin that you'll find later which I devised a way to use either item for its purpose. You can either trade a golden needle or use a gold coin to give to the clerk to get the cloak. OR You can use either item to give to the gypsy.
In the end, don't get me wrong. I appreciate davidw reviewing the games. While I do take what he has to say into consideration, I don't always change things in my game to appease him nor does his reviews of other games stop me from playing those games.
If you enjoyed the game, great. If you didn't, I'm sorry.
I use Quest and all that it offers including the dreaded side panel. If I used a different software, the game would be designed differently most likely.
Yes, I spent over a year working on the game and it was basically done aside from error-fixing before Quest 4 was even offered as beta...
The problem? I think I know what you're saying. But I figured King's Quest being an adventure game, would be a fun project to convert to text. It was a chore at times sticking close to the game because text commands give many more options than the graphical KQ5 had.....hence, davidw's review.
Ok....I'll respond. lol....
Let's start with the dreaded but inevitable review from davidw. I don't need to comment on every little detail but I feel the need to defend some of it. I think I need to start by saying that when I read reviews from you, mr. dw, it sounds like you are reviewing them to see if they are worth buying rather than worth playing. It sounds like you don't try to enjoy the game or let "annoyances" hinder you a little too much. I'll expound on that in a moment.
- The multi-colored text. I decided to use this idea for exchanging conversation between one character to another. For example, Graham would be red font (or blue, I forget) and Cedric or another character would be a different color. The rest of the non-speaking parts of the game are black font. If you do not care for it, that is your preference.
- Grammar problems? What can I say. If I (and beta-testers) missed them, sorry. Between us, we caught a handful of them throughout the game and I fixed them. Any others that remain were oversights. I don't recall the grammar in the intro being a problem the first time around so I left it alone.
- Side panel. I decided to put it to good use rather than do away with it. I added a score table that increments when you pick up or use an item (solving a puzzle). As far as hidden items and how they didn't show up in the side panel.....I assure you, there is nothing hidden that is relevant to the outcome of the game. It was simply for people who decide to examine everything they can, even if you don't really need to. Detail. What most games lack.
I haven't tried playing it while hiding the side panel. Most people don't so I have no idea if you can or cannot finish the game in this manner. I'll try that one out.
- Descriptions of locations. Of all the extra details/descriptions I added, I didn't add that. Again, it didn't occur to me and I'm pretty sure you're right about places not being able to be examined. I can see that if you did not have the side panel, that would pose a small problem.
- Cedric. He's an owl that follows you through the majority of the game beginning with the first room. If you had no side panel, you wouldn't know he was there. He's not necessarily essential to the game; the original KQ5 was designed that way. I was following along. Most of my effort with Cedric, however, was being sure that when you TALK to him, he says something different in each location. By the way, there are numerous times where Cedric pipes in and tells you that he does not want to go along with you (the town, the desert...) so that should be a hint that he is following you.
- The inn. I don't know why "Go to the inn" did not work. After the initial designing of the commands, I would test run the game with the shortcut commands that I fit in. So when I wanted to go into the inn, I simply typed "enter" and it worked. Actually for the inn, I have designed it to ask you if you want to enter the front door or the side door when you try to go in....but that's besides the point in question.

THE GAME ITSELF.... Before I respond on details of this section, I need to point out that I have converted the original 80's game of KQ5 into a text game. Other than limiting some of the ways you can die, I did not change much of the game. If you don't like the gameplay in that respect, argue with Roberta Williams and Sierra. haha
Now onward...
Inconsistency - I caught some of those third person issues and obviously there were some that I did not catch. Sorry for the jarringness.
Instant Deaths - As I mentioned above, the original game was riddled with them and I changed some of it. That's where the idea of adding a warning before certain doom came from.
Warning/Save - I know you didn't care for this feature but I and several others appreciate it so I left it in.
Timers & desert wandering - To begin this, I add the reminder once again that I was hugging close to the original game here. I did not wish to change it that much. In fact, I credit Tr0n in the game's credits as to helping me with the crazy program to make the desert work without adding a billion rooms. (and I remember you mentioning your dislikeness of the idea back over a year or so ago when i was asking for help on how to create it...) Let's talk about the desert though. No, you can't take water with you. Yes, you have to drink from the oasis or die. I remember as a 13 year old a looooong time ago when I played the original the first time and drawing a map of the desert. I SAVED my game before the desert even without a warning to save!....then I would wander the desert until I hit an oasis and save it there. Then wander even further dying several times but I eventually mapped it out. It was great! It may not be nowadays but *again*, it is based on the original.
Ok, so the timers. Are you talking about the desert temple? I don't know what timer you could be referring to. If you're referring to dying of thirst, that is not on a timer. That is based on how many rooms you travel. I think it's something like 4 rooms and you get a warning that you're thirsty, 2 more rooms and you die. Unless the last room is an oasis where I designed the thirst to be put on hold to give you a chance to drink. In other words, you won't die in an oasis room but you will die if you get to the oasis and continue on without drinking.
In fact, if you read the intro more carefully, you would see a hint about typing "desert" to pop up a map and step-by-step instructions on how to navigate through the desert. It even tells you to type "drink" at the oases.
Silver coin - I'll back up to mention this. The player is the only one with the "wherewithal" to pick up a silver coin lying on the street because that is exactly how the original was designed. That is all.
Buying things - there are only a couple things you can really "buy" but no, I did not use the buy command. It's more of a trade, therefore giving an item to someone will "buy" the item in question. Now that I think about it, I think I might have used the buy command one time in the cottage for the custard pie. *gasp* I spoiled a puzzle. not really. The random silver coin is for the pie. You trade an item later on for the sled. There is a gold needle and a gold coin that you'll find later which I devised a way to use either item for its purpose. You can either trade a golden needle or use a gold coin to give to the clerk to get the cloak. OR You can use either item to give to the gypsy.
In the end, don't get me wrong. I appreciate davidw reviewing the games. While I do take what he has to say into consideration, I don't always change things in my game to appease him nor does his reviews of other games stop me from playing those games.
If you enjoyed the game, great. If you didn't, I'm sorry.
I use Quest and all that it offers including the dreaded side panel. If I used a different software, the game would be designed differently most likely.
Alex wrote:It's worth pointing out that this game is written in Quest 3, not Quest 4, and as such doesn't feature things like the built-in additional verbs ("buy" etc.)
That sort of thing was a slight pain in QDK 3, but if Steve had used QDK 4 he would just need to select "Male character" from the "type" drop-down for the object.
Yes, I spent over a year working on the game and it was basically done aside from error-fixing before Quest 4 was even offered as beta...
Freak wrote:Part of the problem with KQ5 is that it's a port of an old Sierra game (IIRC, their first all-mouse game); according to Wikipedia it's from 1990.
The problem? I think I know what you're saying. But I figured King's Quest being an adventure game, would be a fun project to convert to text. It was a chore at times sticking close to the game because text commands give many more options than the graphical KQ5 had.....hence, davidw's review.

steve the gaming guy
22 Apr 2009, 13:49***SUPER BUMP*** <imagine a muscular super hero with an ASCII text costume>
I have recently discovered that my world famous King's Quest game (just kidding, I really am humble) does not work properly on the most recent versions of Quest. I had a player email me saying although he could play the game, he could not restore saved games no matter where in the game it was saved.
I suggested he talk to Alex but I also sent him an old file of version 3.?? for him to test the game out on and he said it worked and he was able to complete the game.
So... this thread was bumped to pre-warn would-be King's Quest players to prepare them for utter disappointment.... and also I may bring a more generalized post in the Feature Requests section. I know you'll all be excited about that.
I have recently discovered that my world famous King's Quest game (just kidding, I really am humble) does not work properly on the most recent versions of Quest. I had a player email me saying although he could play the game, he could not restore saved games no matter where in the game it was saved.
I suggested he talk to Alex but I also sent him an old file of version 3.?? for him to test the game out on and he said it worked and he was able to complete the game.
So... this thread was bumped to pre-warn would-be King's Quest players to prepare them for utter disappointment.... and also I may bring a more generalized post in the Feature Requests section. I know you'll all be excited about that.