Rigged voting, perhaps?

14 Jun 2015, 12:33
I've been noticing that an uncategorised game called Fight Chub that was published today has had: Nine, 5 star reviews and Three, 4 star reviews all voted today as well. All the votes have taken place 1 or 2 hours ago. Suspicious voting, anyone?

14 Jun 2015, 13:32
I'm not sure. Having had a quick look, they don't seem to be all from the same person. It's probably somebody getting a lot of their friends and followers to play and review the game.

15 Jun 2015, 11:03
What I meant by rigged was that I bet their plan was to get the game Fight Chub at the number one slot of the Top Rated list. Since, I presume Sandpit games don't even make that list, you have to laugh at their childish attempt to do so. Should someone tell them or maybe let them work it out for themselves, LOL.

15 Jun 2015, 13:59
Some of the reviews do seem a little unlikely considering the game itself. I was only 3 - 4 moves into it and was presented with options such as "punch Miles in the dick" and "punch Miles in the dick twice". Ground-breaking stuff and no mistake. Apparently, someone had this to write about it:

This heart-wrenching story is one for the ages. It shows symbolism to all walks of life with its words, but only when you dig deep enough. Shakespeare Hemmingway would shed a single tear. I know I did. This daunting tale of failure and triumph over those who beat you down lets children of all walks of life know that punching a train engine in the pee pee does not solve all of the world's problems, but it could just be the only way for you to get your chili dogs. I hope to someday read this to my children to give them a taste of adventure and vomit. But most importantly, this story shows what West Philadelphia Walgreens establishments are where to go when you need a bit more than tree fiddy. I welcome with loving arms a sequel from Chuck-down, so we can see Chubby Bunny in action yet again. I eagerly await the day.

while someone else said

If In a million years humanity no longer existed, I could only dream that the great intelligent beings from beyond the stars that traveled light years to learn about our ancient race, would discover this as our sole legacy and that through this majestic work of Shakespearean art we could transcend across the galaxy for the rest of time.

and another

In this heart-wrenching interactive action roleplaying story, you follow the yearnings of a young boy and his quest for his one true love: chili dogs. Upon embarking on his much-bequested journey, he encounters many obstacles and is encouraged by his lust for adventure, chili dogs, and punching people in their dicks. In this story, you will encounter an incredible amount of detail, emotion, character dynamicism and contemporary characters that interact in believable and intuitive ways, creating and breaking friendships, invoking emotions, and conclusively combating their ultimate fears and exploring their hopes and aspirations, in addition to their dreams and fabricating a complete conclusion to this tear-inducing, emotional, and thought-provoking tale of a young boy and his quest for chili dogs.


A daunting tell of love and loss that brings readers to the brink then throws them over the cliff.
The simple tale of a boy full of chub searching for his one and only purpose for living.
Through Walgreens and cookies this young boy journeys through life facing many obstacles and in the end learns the most valuable lesson of all.
Those who miss the rare opportunity to read such genius will for ever been deprived of the joy and knowledge gained from this tale.


In all my life I have never experienced anything of this magnitude. After reading through this the works of T.S Eliot seem like vomit.

The only thing I fear is that a gentle summer breeze, or the laughter of children, or the touch of a women will never be able to satisfy me again.

Now that I have read this story I see no reason to continue living, so I shall now commit sudoku, only praying that in eons to come this book will be found in every school in America.

Notice how all five reviews are supposedly written by different people yet feature the same kind of flowery over the top comments in each with two of the reviews mention the author as being better than Shakespeare?

I'll eat my hat if these reviews were written by anyone other than the author or his best friend.

16 Jun 2015, 09:58
Can someone verify that Sandpit games don't enter the Top Rated list?! If that's the case then the last laugh is on them.

23 Jun 2015, 09:41
Those reviews were hilarious, Thank you for making my day HAHA!