The Lost Orb

08 Apr 2015, 11:53
Here is my new game. A small stab at comedy (probably with a needle or pin?!)

You are a servant to Altrobus, wizard in residence for the City of Port Hammerfall in West Farland.

However, the evil Captain Bloodbeard had sent his men to steal the Orb of Dragons, created by Altrobus. This orb can control those fiery beasts found at the Dragonclaw Mountains in East Farland.

Luckily, Altrobus found out about the theft before it was too late and sent a fireball directly at their ship, the Fire and Brimstone, as they left the city harbour. All the crew jumped overboard and were all accounted for except for Captain Bloodbeard. Drowned, perhaps?

Since Altrobus blamed you for not being vigilant enough, he had ordered you to go and retrieve it from the bottom of the Restless Sea. Yikes!

09 Apr 2015, 23:16
I don't know if I'm an idiot, cranky, tired, or all of the above... not sure, but I am frustrated with this one because it seems really obvious what I need to do, but I can't do it. I had an awful time with the fake (I think doing the same thing twice sucks, btw! =) I haven't run into this with any of your other games, just this one.

Once I did that, I thought, great! Going to make progress! But... NOPE! Got to the firebird and that is it. Stuck again. I will wait here or in the game comment sections for a push in the right direction.

Thanks and continue writing fun games!


22 Jul 2015, 14:02
This is my first ever text adventure and I'm right darn stuck!

I've found some stuff, and played with a dog and cat, explored every area I am able to reach, but can't seem to figure out what to do now.

Can anyone suggest some key words or actions to try to help me get unstuck? The only thing I can think to try right now is to drop that damn cat everywhere. It has only reacted to the dog so far.

25 Jul 2015, 12:15
kreckle wrote:Can anyone suggest some key words or actions to try to help me get unstuck? The only thing I can think to try right now is to drop that damn cat everywhere. It has only reacted to the dog so far.

The game is in three parts.

Part 1: The Ingredients

1) A Feather from a Firebird. It's found in Mr Zix's house. Mr Zix needs to be removed from his house. Speak to Ramone the cat burglar which involves fake art (persistence with him is a must), a poster about the ‘Minor Loser’, Laslo the Artist’s artistry skills (at a price involving “water”), avoiding a City Guard and the grille under the table in the Dancing Octopus tavern that goes to the sewers. With the Brass key, get into Zix’s house and find a secret door. The spell book will help you out with the Firebird.

2) The Bone from a Fish. Find the iron key to unlock Lord COD's crypt. To solve the puzzle at the crossroads involves the cat at Shadow Alley (and the same action again inside the crypt.) Don’t just STAND around you need to cut that overgrown grass!

3) The Blue Pearl. One-Eyed John has hidden it in a box in the sewers. Jorak the Musician likes anything musical (give him something to satisfy this interest) and One-eyed John was seen by Jorak going somewhere. DIG around somewhere in that place. (DO NOT give the silver key back to One-Eyed John as you'll never get it back and have to start from the beginning.) Find the pearl in the sewers but only if you speak to Jorak when he has moved.

Give all ingredients to Altrobus and drink the potion before you descend into the watery depths. Make sure you have the amulet worn to speak to any underwater residents (with intelligence to talk back.)

Part 2: Under the Sea

King Neptunus’ daughter, Princess Flounder, has been kidnapped and it’s your job to save her! Yeah, right!

The Water Elemental has the Princess. The map will help you with the riddle for the altar and how to defeat the Elemental and rescue the damp royal.

The Sea Hag controls the Octopus. The Trident is useful for dislodgments. The Medusa Crystal turns watery crones into stone. Everything else is decoration?!

That Orb of Dragons is tricky to grab! Maybe someone else can help? A conch shell shaped like a horn could attract some wildlife! Ride ‘em, cowboy or not! At the plinth again? Where’s my ride that panics too much?

Part 3: Rescuing is a running theme!

A ransom note! Altrobus has been kidnapped by Captain Bloodbeard. If only you had something that could help you? It’s a nice view on top of the tower. Even better with that telescope. Yikes! What would happened if I give that beastie a CALL? Ride ‘em, cowboy and you stay on! Take that Captain Bloodbeard!

The End.

03 Nov 2015, 06:51
Please help me with the sea hag... not sure what to do... :?: