Kaspar H.
29 Mar 2015, 03:22
You awake in a room of unknown location, you don't know why, so choose the class you want to play and try to solve the mysteries surrounding you!

This is the topic for my first game: M http://textadventures.co.uk/games/view/ ... vdof7kvw/m

This is a work in progress and my first game, but I hope I can give you some impressions and get feedback, so I can improve it.

If you have in-detail critique (like logical flaws, a missing description or anything specific you didn't like), please leave it here.

What is planned?
- more random stuff to do/to look at
- more alternative ways to go for the classes and different difficulties
- continuation of the story (this first area is about 10 % of the full planned game)
- more great art
- better/more conversations
- maybe some of the improvements, you guys suggest

I hope you have some fun with the game and don't hold back with critique!

29 Mar 2015, 08:36
Could you *please* change "If there are no options available, press a button to continue." to say "press a key to continue"? I was using the mouse to play, and I kept getting to this point where I couldn't do anything, because I wasn't touching the keyboard, and it didn't say I had to press a key. There were no buttons on screen, and the mouse button did nothing. So I was stuck. I only discovered the key thing by accident when I went to Alt-tab away after refreshing maybe eight times.

Kaspar H.
29 Mar 2015, 10:16
Thank you for your advice.
I will correct this in time, for now, I added a note to the game description.

I didn't know there is a difference between "key" and "button", I am not nativly english speaking, so if you find more weird phrasings, let me know :D

29 Mar 2015, 11:36
Since you asked... :) In the thief text, you have "You began at an age, to joung to remember." It should be "too young to remember".

Kaspar H.
02 Apr 2015, 22:29

I updated the game. I consider it now to be version 0.3!

What changed?
- the second chapter was added (even though it is still incomplete)
- quite some typos were corrected (and a lot new ones added i guess)
- changed mainmenu: credits added, quit-option is gone
- the game tells you at the beginning to "press a key" not "a button", which should make things clearer

Whats next?
- I want to update and finish the 2 chapters that exist at the moment
- more diverse paths for the classes in the second chapter
- continuation of the story for the second chapter

Have fun with the game & Happy Easter!