Xanadu Magoo - The World's Only Hope (Part 1 of 3)

05 Mar 2015, 03:16
This is my first game and I would love the feedback from this crazy-talented community. Please make me aware of any errors you notice or advice you might have to better the second installment of this game.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Game name: Xanadu Magoo - The World's Only Hope

currently at:)
http://textadventures.co.uk/games/view/ ... -only-hope

Thanks again and Happy Gaming!

05 Mar 2015, 11:38
Unless there's a joke I'm missing, 'pseudo science' wouldn't be something you teach. Or at least it wouldn't be called that.

11 Mar 2015, 23:08
All should be good to go but I need some game testers willing to give me some feedback!

12 Mar 2015, 08:59
Then you should start a thread asking for beta testers, although that step of the process generally happens before the game is published publicly. Furthermore, a lot of people consider a game that comes in parts as being unfinished / a demo.

13 Mar 2015, 03:39
Harumph. This game IS complete and challenging and finished. Give it a go, folks!

Happy gaming!! =)

14 Mar 2015, 20:39
Silver does have a point though, testing is usually something that's done before you release the game, and whether it's complete or not, advertising it as 'part 1 of whatever' does give the impression that it's unfinished or some kind of demo, just fyi. It's become kind of a code phrase for 'project I got bored with halfway through' on this site.

I went ahead and gave it a brief look just because you're so persistent (did you PM literally everybody on the site?) and I admit what I've seen so far does look promising. The 'action scene' intro was a decent hook, enough that I'll give it another go tonight and get back to you once I've had a chance to solve a couple puzzles. I"m not sure what the point of the cigarette and lighter were since they get taken away immediately (and I had to restart a few times to figure out how to light the cigarette in the short time that I had during that section...'use lighter on cigarette' gives a default refusal so I assumed 'use lighter' would do the same, but that's exactly what you have to do to make 'light cigarette with lighter' work. It was distracting running into that in a timed section with the very first objects in the game. I'd streamline the whole thing and make it a simple 'light cigarette'...it's just a joke command after all and becomes meaningless a couple turns later, no need to potentially annoy the player with finicky commands right off the bat.)

I died and had to restart almost immediately after that on the ledge, too. Generally not a fan of timed puzzles (as in the kind that run in realtime rather than by turns) in a text game, seeing how they kind of punish the player for taking the time to read your text, but I'll have to wait and see how common they are before I'd consider it any kind of issue. Though I didn't even realized that's what was going on at first until I actually went and clicked the scrollbar and dragged it down so I could read what was happening. (There's a way to make the screen scroll automatically with the event text btw, I remember asking about it for my own game, though I can't go looking for the thread just now...)

14 Mar 2015, 21:09