Help with "Dr. Doomsday"

11 Feb 2015, 12:13
I've almost finished that game by revrevrevrev, and it's well-written and quite good.
When I say "almost finished", I mean I've currently discovered how to do (ahem) all but one of the characters (or so it seems), and got all the powers and things (unless there are more secret ones after Jean Grey), and even finished the game victoriously. But one of the secondary sidequests eludes me. Namely, Betty Brant and J.J.J.
I've tried every power in the game on both JJJ and even Betty (manually), taked to both, and used the only useable item on them (I made a checklist and followed it just because). Nothing.
I'd guess it would be related to the otherwise-unused power (telekinesis) but haven't managed to achieve it.
If the author is reading this: there's any way to do that? Or are them red herrings?

11 Feb 2015, 12:26
I can't find it even from google.

11 Feb 2015, 13:11
Ah, it's a 'mature' game. Have you tried asking on the game comments?

11 Feb 2015, 13:15
Of course. Only thing I found is that other people seems to be stuck in the same place. That's why I'm asking in the feedback forum.

11 Feb 2015, 13:20
I suppose the game could be unfinished. If the author isn't bothering to reply to comments it doesn't bode well.

11 Feb 2015, 13:22
Excuse my newbie question, but, is there any way to contact authors? Couldn't see any in the profile page...

11 Feb 2015, 13:30
If they annouce the game here in the forum then you could pm them. Most don't though. Afaik there isn't any way of contacting the author on the main site. Is it a parser game? They might have put info in the About command but I suspect most don't do that either.

11 Feb 2015, 13:59
Perhaps I can help. You should wear Spider-Man's costume when you meet Betty then talk to JJJ

11 Feb 2015, 15:20
That leaves me with the question of "where do I find a Spidy costume?"

11 Feb 2015, 15:36
It's in the dumpster in the Alley. You can open it when you have Power 2 (punching)
UUhh, this is unfair. You can't see the dumpster in the Alley.

11 Feb 2015, 19:39
Yes, it's as unfair as Spidey is OP :) Thanks for the answer