Under Shadows

07 Feb 2015, 17:15
Hello fellow Interactive Fiction friends! I have been working on producing a game for my final Master's Thesis. After a lot of work (research and development), I successfully defended my project. I would now like to share this game with you. It is a demo comprising roughly the first third of the final game (all of which is planned but which has not yet been built). I would love to hear back from you on what you think of it. Please find the link below.

Under Shadows Demo

Special thanks to the wonderful community here at textadventures.co.uk who have helped me through the challenges I faced while making this game.

08 Feb 2015, 06:13
What carreer~field was this for? Computer Science, English, Philosophy, or other ???

Long time no see, as you've been busy, hehe. I'll get around to playing it soon as I get off my lazy behind and get a new pc... I've been really lazy~tired due to work, sighs.

08 Feb 2015, 08:13
I had a little play. I didn't get too into it as it's just a demo but the there was a few things that stood out that I liked. I like how you're writing it in the third person where as most people write in the second person. I like the bar at the top that houses the commands that the player would need permanent access to and I like how you did away with compass directions choosing an alternative way of navigating. Are you planning on completing it? I'm a bit down on demos tbh. I understand the want to get feedback but you're asking people to invest time in a game that they won't be able to finish which is a job for testers rather than players.

08 Feb 2015, 22:45
HegemonKhan: This was for my Master's in Digital Storytelling. I hope you get a chance to play through it!

Silver: Thanks for playing it a little. I always appreciate feedback. Because of the scope of the project, the end product only required the demo. I also produced the story of the rest of the game, it just hasn't been built yet. I've kind of been living with this project for a while, so I'm probably going to step away from it for a time. I wrote a 185 page research paper (~30 pgs of research and ~155 pgs of Design Document) to tag along with the game. It's required a bit more of an investment than the typical project. All that said, the demo itself is actually a fairly complete mini-story. It doesn't just end randomly. Hopefully, it ends both satisfyingly and leaving the player interested in more. Depending on your play style, I put runtime between 30-60 minutes, maybe more if you're new to the style or intentionally take a long time with it. The point here, though, isn't really that I'm looking for playtesters (though, again, feedback is always appreciated!). I've just worked on bringing this story to life as much as I could, and now I'm sharing it with anyone interested. Hopefully that satisfies some of your concerns?

08 Feb 2015, 22:47
Also, HegemonKhan, I used JavaScript to make the game mobile friendly. If you get some time and that's an option it should work, too.

08 Feb 2015, 23:57
I'll give it a full run through then. A question I do have - although you might give the answer I already know - is how did you get rid of the blue 'save/location' bar? I know how to get rid of the location bar - it can be done in the game settings but then a blue bar keeps popping up on the top of the screen with the save button on it. I see you got rid of it successfully on your game (how will people save their game, btw?) so was just wondering how you did that? I suspect the code I've been given to do it is right, but there's some other setting I have which re-triggers it. Grrr lol.

09 Feb 2015, 05:13
Silver, are you using a mobile device? Because the mobile version of the game doesn't seem to ever load the location/save bar for me, but the desktop version should have it. Actually, my problem is that I can't seem to reactivate it for the mobile. Also, there's a weird problem currently with saving that I need to take a look at.

09 Feb 2015, 07:19
Oh I was yeah - doh. Well the 'save' command can be called from anywhere. With mobile Quest you access it from the parser but you have hidden that.