Death at Woodsbane

16 Jan 2015, 20:10
I have a new game out. It's a murder mystery involving a supernatural suspect. Hope you enjoy it?

Cheers, Craig Dutton.

19 Jan 2015, 11:26
First impressions - great title and a nice, atmospheric setting.

I must say that when I entered Marland's house I found it a little strange that the only exit was back out. I understand why you have done this, of course, but there are other techniques to get round this. Give me other exits (because no house only has the one room), and set a default response to them all, such as "You explore the rest of the house, but find nothing of interest or use."

19 Jan 2015, 11:55
I left a comment saying the graveyard doesn't give directions and relies on the player remembering which direction they came from.