Fatal Island Part 2- Feedback Please!
30 Dec 2014, 05:34I released Fatal Island Part 1 a few weeks back and has since grown into the top rated RPG game (THANK YOU SO MUCH GUYS!). Part 1 was short though, and a lot of people mentioned that. There were also other problems.
With Part 2 I tried to take everyone's advice and make it into the best game I possibly could. The game is 120+ pages and has a lot of freedom. Since that is double the size of the last one, I need feedback as to how it worked out. And again, I am trying to understand how my game can be improved and find out what kind of experience the players are getting.
Please answer these questions below. I'd be happy to give anyone else who wants feedback as a return favor!
Was the game either too easy or too hard?
Were you happy with the amount of choices and paths allowed to your character? If not, what would you like to be different?
Were there any distracting typos? (feel free to specify where, if you can)
Were you satisfied with the length of the game?
Were you happy with the pace of the game?
Was the plot good?
If you are willing, I'd really appreciate if you also left a review on the game itself
http://textadventures.co.uk/games/view/ ... and-part-2
With Part 2 I tried to take everyone's advice and make it into the best game I possibly could. The game is 120+ pages and has a lot of freedom. Since that is double the size of the last one, I need feedback as to how it worked out. And again, I am trying to understand how my game can be improved and find out what kind of experience the players are getting.
Please answer these questions below. I'd be happy to give anyone else who wants feedback as a return favor!
Was the game either too easy or too hard?
Were you happy with the amount of choices and paths allowed to your character? If not, what would you like to be different?
Were there any distracting typos? (feel free to specify where, if you can)
Were you satisfied with the length of the game?
Were you happy with the pace of the game?
Was the plot good?
If you are willing, I'd really appreciate if you also left a review on the game itself

http://textadventures.co.uk/games/view/ ... and-part-2
30 Dec 2014, 07:42Good that you made the second part, I enjoyed the style of the first one and this one surely didn't disappoint!. I must have died about 15-20 times playing this second part, but could not manage to find a way to escape.
Was the game either too easy or too hard? This one I think is much harder than the first, I played many times but did not manage to escape
Were you happy with the amount of choices and paths allowed to your character? If not, what would you like to be different? I was happy, though in some places I felt that no matter what I did the result was often the same (the game appeared to converge too much, though I suppose I did play 15-20 times!)
Were there any distracting typos? (feel free to specify where, if you can) See a list of grammar points below
Were you satisfied with the length of the game? I think so, it was maybe a bit longer than the first one, maybe you could eventually combine them both into one game? Though actually each part is so lethal that maybe it would be annoying to get killed constantly on the second part and have to go back to the start
Were you happy with the pace of the game? Yes, like the first one, there is a sense of urgency and adrenalin that keeps you moving
Was the plot good? quite nice, though it would be nice to find out who is the man, etc... or is that for part 3?
Grammar points
You have drown, should be drowned
You open your eyes slowly. Your eyes take a few seconds to adjust to the bright, tropic sun. You try to stand up, but your head suddenly bursts with pain. You shut your eyes tightly and grown. It passes in a moment. You open your eyes and scan your surroundings. Maybe in this sentence you repeat too much “eyes”
You stares at you in a moment of indecision, check what you want to say, maybe "He stares at you"
You have to act quick. Should be quickly
The two of you fall to the ground, struggling to overpower the other. Maybe “each struggling to overpower the other”
Was the game either too easy or too hard? This one I think is much harder than the first, I played many times but did not manage to escape
Were you happy with the amount of choices and paths allowed to your character? If not, what would you like to be different? I was happy, though in some places I felt that no matter what I did the result was often the same (the game appeared to converge too much, though I suppose I did play 15-20 times!)
Were there any distracting typos? (feel free to specify where, if you can) See a list of grammar points below
Were you satisfied with the length of the game? I think so, it was maybe a bit longer than the first one, maybe you could eventually combine them both into one game? Though actually each part is so lethal that maybe it would be annoying to get killed constantly on the second part and have to go back to the start
Were you happy with the pace of the game? Yes, like the first one, there is a sense of urgency and adrenalin that keeps you moving
Was the plot good? quite nice, though it would be nice to find out who is the man, etc... or is that for part 3?
Grammar points
You have drown, should be drowned
You open your eyes slowly. Your eyes take a few seconds to adjust to the bright, tropic sun. You try to stand up, but your head suddenly bursts with pain. You shut your eyes tightly and grown. It passes in a moment. You open your eyes and scan your surroundings. Maybe in this sentence you repeat too much “eyes”
You stares at you in a moment of indecision, check what you want to say, maybe "He stares at you"
You have to act quick. Should be quickly
The two of you fall to the ground, struggling to overpower the other. Maybe “each struggling to overpower the other”
30 Dec 2014, 18:46adrao wrote:
Wow! It must have been a lot harder than I thought it was!

Some of the choices were a bit "railroaded" so that you were forced one way, but I think that in this game there are a lot fewer choices like this compared to the first one.
I'll fix the grammar ASAP, thank you so much for noting them!
I was worried I might have changed the pace, so I'm glad that it worked out!

As for who the man is or a part 3... We'll see how well Part 2 does and take it from there.
If you enjoyed the game, I would really appreciate a review on the game itself so that more people will notice it

02 Jan 2015, 03:59Sorry mate, forgot to review, anyway thumbs up for this... I am actually impressed that you did a second part as many people do not get around to actually doing that. In the end, you could consider putting them all together into the one game, and adding checkpoints or something like that?
03 Jan 2015, 19:51Quiet good. Though strangely I preferred the first.
I found the game pretty easy and beat it in a few trys.
I think it could have been a bit longer, but it was longer than the first!
All in all, I enjoined it
I think I found a broken link, if you build a fire and half build the raft, you can not use the "wait till dawn link.
Ps, what happend to the girl from the first one?
I found the game pretty easy and beat it in a few trys.
I think it could have been a bit longer, but it was longer than the first!

All in all, I enjoined it

I think I found a broken link, if you build a fire and half build the raft, you can not use the "wait till dawn link.
Ps, what happend to the girl from the first one?
04 Jan 2015, 06:08Was the game either too easy or too hard?
I died a few times but it wasn't enough to get annoying, difficulty is just about right.
Were you happy with the amount of choices and paths allowed to your character? If not, what would you like to be different?
The actual number of individual choices was fine, though all paths basically led to either dying or escaping in the raft.
Were there any distracting typos? (feel free to specify where, if you can)
There was the broken page ejm29 mentioned, that I also found. (Exact text is pasted in my review)
Were you satisfied with the length of the game?
Yes, seemed about right.
Were you happy with the pace of the game?
It was definitely more action-oriented than the first one. No real complaints except that you might have given all the poor survivors a chance to breath and take stock of the situation before getting attacked by a club-wielding maniac.
Was the plot good?
Well, yes and no. The writing was good, action scenes were exciting, and individual choices made sense, but the entire overall plot basically boiled down to 'survive attack, leave on raft'. Maybe I'm just nitpicking here, but I felt like there were missed opportunities and a lot more you could have done with the whole 'castaways on a deserted island' scenario if you'd focused more on the realistic survival aspects or developing the other characters.
You obviously put a lot of work into the fight sequence so by all means keep it in, I just felt like it was an odd choice to have the entire game revolve around this one guy with a club and have the survivors spend so little actual time on the island. I think I would have liked to see the ability to either kill him, or tie him up, make peace with him, or something, because everyone just immediately fleeing was a little silly. IRL, you can't tell me Plan 'Head Out to Sea on a Makeshift Raft and Hope A Helicopter Spots Us Before We All Die of Thirst' would have won out over Plan 'Do Something About This Lunatic We Outnumber Eight to One.'
I died a few times but it wasn't enough to get annoying, difficulty is just about right.
Were you happy with the amount of choices and paths allowed to your character? If not, what would you like to be different?
The actual number of individual choices was fine, though all paths basically led to either dying or escaping in the raft.
Were there any distracting typos? (feel free to specify where, if you can)
There was the broken page ejm29 mentioned, that I also found. (Exact text is pasted in my review)
Were you satisfied with the length of the game?
Yes, seemed about right.
Were you happy with the pace of the game?
It was definitely more action-oriented than the first one. No real complaints except that you might have given all the poor survivors a chance to breath and take stock of the situation before getting attacked by a club-wielding maniac.
Was the plot good?
Well, yes and no. The writing was good, action scenes were exciting, and individual choices made sense, but the entire overall plot basically boiled down to 'survive attack, leave on raft'. Maybe I'm just nitpicking here, but I felt like there were missed opportunities and a lot more you could have done with the whole 'castaways on a deserted island' scenario if you'd focused more on the realistic survival aspects or developing the other characters.
You obviously put a lot of work into the fight sequence so by all means keep it in, I just felt like it was an odd choice to have the entire game revolve around this one guy with a club and have the survivors spend so little actual time on the island. I think I would have liked to see the ability to either kill him, or tie him up, make peace with him, or something, because everyone just immediately fleeing was a little silly. IRL, you can't tell me Plan 'Head Out to Sea on a Makeshift Raft and Hope A Helicopter Spots Us Before We All Die of Thirst' would have won out over Plan 'Do Something About This Lunatic We Outnumber Eight to One.'