Congratulations to Jacqueline, Jungle Queen!
The Pixie
17 Nov 2014, 21:00Third in IfComp 2014 is very impressive, and I rated it highly myself. Highest ranking Quest game ever I think.
17 Nov 2014, 21:42Yeah congratulations Eaten by a Grue. Putting Quest on the map. Some people seemed surprised that a Quest game ranked so highly. It's only a tool just like Inform, TADS, Twine etc are.
18 Nov 2014, 00:00Yep, fantastic news - it is indeed the highest ranking Quest entry ever!
18 Nov 2014, 05:42Well done!
18 Nov 2014, 15:20Yeah, congratulations! Im glad somebody made it to the top!

18 Nov 2014, 19:25Congratulations! This is quite an achievement! 

18 Nov 2014, 22:19Silver wrote:Yeah congratulations Eaten by a Grue. Putting Quest on the map. Some people seemed surprised that a Quest game ranked so highly. It's only a tool just like Inform, TADS, Twine etc are.
I think a lot of that is down to the fact that generally Quest games entered into the IFComp have been pretty awful. (I played a good one years ago - Gathered in Darkness - but every other one I've played hasn't been up to much.) So when people see a Quest game in the comp, they don't tend to expect much.

18 Nov 2014, 22:30Only been here a few days, so I don't know of Jacqueline and her creation, but very well done!
I did try to play it, but there was some server error.
I did try to play it, but there was some server error.
18 Nov 2014, 22:31davidw wrote:"Silver"
Yeah congratulations Eaten by a Grue. Putting Quest on the map. Some people seemed surprised that a Quest game ranked so highly. It's only a tool just like Inform, TADS, Twine etc are.
I think a lot of that is down to the fact that generally Quest games entered into the IFComp have been pretty awful. (I played a good one years ago - Gathered in Darkness - but every other one I've played hasn't been up to much.) So when people see a Quest game in the comp, they don't tend to expect much.
There's some soul searching happening on another thread as to Quest's bad name it has acquired. I've previously stated that I think Quest's greatest strength (it is very easy to pick up) is also its weakness (people can throw together what they think are complete games in a matter of hours and submit them). This might explain why Quest has a lot of bad authors, but not necessarily why it doesn't have a lot of good ones. And it is down to the authors (myself included) and not the tool.
18 Nov 2014, 23:02the worse the tool, then only experts can use it (thus high quality work), the better the tool, then anyone can use it (lots of trashy work) 

18 Nov 2014, 23:20Being an expert at a difficult-to-learn tool doesn't make you a great writer or game designer. But great writers and game designers surely want to use the simplest tools?
18 Nov 2014, 23:45Silver wrote:"davidw"
[quote="Silver"]Yeah congratulations Eaten by a Grue. Putting Quest on the map. Some people seemed surprised that a Quest game ranked so highly. It's only a tool just like Inform, TADS, Twine etc are.
I think a lot of that is down to the fact that generally Quest games entered into the IFComp have been pretty awful. (I played a good one years ago - Gathered in Darkness - but every other one I've played hasn't been up to much.) So when people see a Quest game in the comp, they don't tend to expect much.
There's some soul searching happening on another thread as to Quest's bad name it has acquired. I've previously stated that I think Quest's greatest strength (it is very easy to pick up) is also its weakness (people can throw together what they think are complete games in a matter of hours and submit them). This might explain why Quest has a lot of bad authors, but not necessarily why it doesn't have a lot of good ones. And it is down to the authors (myself included) and not the tool.[/quote]
If you look at the sheer volume of bad games Quest produces - just look at the main site - you can see why it has a bad reputation. This game coming 3rd proves Quest has the potential to make great games, but most of the time that potential is wasted because people are content to write bad games. The multiple ratings of 5 out of 5 and glowing reviews for terrible games on the main site isn't doing Quest any favours.
18 Nov 2014, 23:47HegemonKhan wrote:the worse the tool, then only experts can use it (thus high quality work), the better the tool, then anyone can use it (lots of trashy work)
I really don't see how a tool being bad makes it so that only experts can use it. More experts use Inform 7 than any other system, but it's still regarded as the best tool out there.
19 Nov 2014, 00:06davidw wrote:If you look at the sheer volume of bad games Quest produces - just look at the main site - you can see why it has a bad reputation. This game coming 3rd proves Quest has the potential to make great games, but most of the time that potential is wasted because people are content to write bad games. The multiple ratings of 5 out of 5 and glowing reviews for terrible games on the main site isn't doing Quest any favours.
I agree and that has also been discussed. Someone can rock up to make a shit game, get all their mates to give it five stars and then it appears prominent. Players then come along, see it as the best that Quest has to offer and then think Quest is crap. But that's a separate issue to do with the textadventures website and the way it's curated rather than created content. I've seen the sort of system that Alex has implemented here work quite well on other websites. Newgrounds which serves as a hub for flash animations seemed to work quite well on a user submission and rating basis. Beta also for graphics although the management there had some input. I think the difference between IF and knocking together an animation or photoshop funny is the investment of time. Actually animation takes ages if done well but so does IF. I think what textadventures lacks (which has been pointed out today) but exists on forums such as Intfiction is community. We get flashes of it now and again. Maybe it's just the natural cycle that it takes this long for something like Quest to mature? I don't know the answers tbh but it's interesting that some are asking those questions.

19 Nov 2014, 06:02Fantastic! Congratulations on your achievement. Perhaps something that can be used as a benchmark.
26 Nov 2014, 02:58Well done!! I have just been playing it in between work breaks, and its quite entertaining, just the right level of difficulty I would say! (well, so far anyway... though I just got a little stuck, so time to get back to work).
26 Nov 2014, 03:39Just want to throw in my congrats too, it's definitely the best game I've played on this site so far. I'm surprised it's not getting more attention, kind of sad a game that good barely has any comments.
I've seen a couple of IF Comp reviews on it that were like mini novels, somebody ought to paste those over here.
I've seen a couple of IF Comp reviews on it that were like mini novels, somebody ought to paste those over here.
26 Nov 2014, 04:51There could be a number of reasons for that. Firstly people generally review games on here in order to give them some prominence. Higher/more reviews will drive it up the best games rankings. But JJQ already has prominence having come third in IFComp and being placed in Editor's Picks on here. So people might be a bit 'meh' in bothering. If you look at the Author's other game on here then you'll see that *has* been reviewed highly (it's in the top 6 and has been for some time).