King and Ruler

14 Nov 2014, 09:23
I have got a new game posted called King and Ruler.

It is different and fresh, in my opinion, when it comes to text adventure games.

Let me know what you think.

14 Nov 2014, 12:17

14 Nov 2014, 13:38
I liked rolling for my stats. Then it stopped working just after I'd rolled (really highly!) for my health. I don't think it's a game bug, I worked out ages ago that Quest doesn't like mobile devices and is bugged when it comes to clicking the link to continue. I'll give it a proper go over the weekend when I can access a pc.

14 Nov 2014, 13:41
Thank you, Silver.

I can not get it to work properly with Firefox either. IE and Chrome works fine. A pity about the mobile phone thing too.

14 Nov 2014, 15:34
It might actually be the game design. I'm not positive. I had the same confusion. It's not parser-based (that I can see). So after it tells you about your current health points, it looks like it's stuck, but I was able to go to the "Options" item in the top right list and begin doing things.

If that is the way it's supposed to work, I think there should be some explanatory text following the stats setting to make sure the player knows what to do next.

So... should there be a command prompt? :)

14 Nov 2014, 15:35
I don't think that was a mobile bug Silver, I just ran into the same problem on a desktop with Windows running Chrome.

14 Nov 2014, 16:04
Fair enough. I know there is a bug with the click to continue command though when it comes to mobile devices. Or maybe it's a bug on browsers too? I had proper guilt pangs because I sent some games to the sandpit based on this, then realised it was a bug because it happened on my mobile device but not when I tried again on my PC. This resulted in me stopping evaluating games when using a mobile device.

14 Nov 2014, 17:44
Pretty cool game! I like the board game aspect to it never seen that before. The randomness of combat along with the sounds is nice also. With that It froze a couple of times which I unfroze by hitting ctrl+c but other then that it seemed pretty decent. I haven't made it to the end got in a fight the first time with no Armor or weapon so I started over and went to equip small shield and it froze and could not recover. Not sure if it was the internet browser because I played it on Chrome but I will download and try again. Thanks for the game I will keep trying until I beat it lol :)

14 Nov 2014, 18:31
jaynabonne wrote:It might actually be the game design. I'm not positive. I had the same confusion. It's not parser-based (that I can see). So after it tells you about your current health points, it looks like it's stuck, but I was able to go to the "Options" item in the top right list and begin doing things.

If that is the way it's supposed to work, I think there should be some explanatory text following the stats setting to make sure the player knows what to do next.

So... should there be a command prompt? :)

Pretty sad about the freezes - sorry. I have tested this over and over. It is not doing it offline. There is no command prompt - the Intro tells you what to do I thought - If you are stuck, click on Options and then Help - the whole manual will be displayed.
Use the Dice in the Inventory to roll and you will move to the square rolled. Buying equipment is under options and going to the various shops. Use return to go back to the play area.

It is the sounds. I used MP3's and for some reason gets stuck in Firefox a lot. Did work for me in IE and Chrome though. I'll test some more - It is best downloading the .guest file

Thank you onimike - I'll see if I can get behind the freezing thing.

14 Nov 2014, 19:03
onimike wrote:Pretty cool game! I like the board game aspect to it never seen that before. The randomness of combat along with the sounds is nice also. With that It froze a couple of times which I unfroze by hitting ctrl+c but other then that it seemed pretty decent. I haven't made it to the end got in a fight the first time with no Armor or weapon so I started over and went to equip small shield and it froze and could not recover. Not sure if it was the internet browser because I played it on Chrome but I will download and try again. Thanks for the game I will keep trying until I beat it lol :) won't freeze anymore equipping the shield.

14 Nov 2014, 20:30
Choose how many players will play (1 or 2)

Choose your start-up money

Choose your name and gender

Press any key to roll for your stats

Click on Options and then choose a shop and press the button 'Shop' to get some equipment

Choose the equipment you want and click on 'Buy'

Equip your equipment

Click on 'Return' when done to return to the play area

Click on the Dice and the 'Roll' to move to a random square (Dice value) and click 'End Round' to end your turn.

Click on 'Options' and 'Help' to read the manual with pictures.
You will have random things happen to you on a square: Combat, something positive or negative. Black squares more negative and green more positive

As you gain levels, you will get stronger, you will face different opponents and encounters. New weapons and armour will become available.

There will be no command prompt - All is done by clicking.

15 Nov 2014, 11:25
To clarify - This is a Board game like monopoly where you roll the dice, you land on a square and you draw a card. There is nothing that you need to type.

15 Nov 2014, 12:26
Checking out the latest: while I understand the emotion that went into:

Please note -THERE IS NO COMMAND PROMPT. Please click on 'Dice' or 'options' to play.

I think a simple:

Please click on 'Dice' or 'options' to begin play.

will suffice. (Less shouty for one thing. lol) People will discover almost immediately there is no command line as such. The problem before was more the game was leading you by the nose through choices and then suddenly... nothing. It just stopped, with the last text still on screen as if erroneously left behind. A simple line of text like the above to indicate that that phase is done and you're now shifting modes to the real game play should make the transition natural and painless.

15 Nov 2014, 13:15
I am sorry - did not mean to shout. It was more for noticeability purposes. And of course I understand the transition problem and I am glad it was pointed out - I honestly thought the game was freezing at that point have you not pointed it out and, rightly so, that it needed a simple line of text more.

15 Nov 2014, 14:27
Thank you for all the feedback!
I have now fixed a few things including the 'shouting' part :-)
As onimike pointed out - the game does freeze when equipping the shield. In case this might help anybody - if you use a sound and say that the sound needs to complete before carrying on, it will freeze in any browser. I do not think it is supported.
might be doing a few changes, like how the storage in the backpack woks and some dying description.
If you are interested or would like some changes to the game (like 4 player capability) - PM me or leave a comment.
Other than that I pretty much believe this game is complete and happy that there are no known bugs at this stage.

17 Nov 2014, 16:41
I went and test played my game online again - The capital words are still there - sorry - I honestly thought it was taken out. I'll update it again asap.

Sorry - it was at 2 places (One for 1 player and one for 2 players) I have neglected to update 1 Player - it is now updating as I speak.
When attacking a creature and using Chrome, please press 'Enter' on your keyboard if you do not see a menu popping up.
Again - best would be to download the .quest file.

17 Nov 2014, 21:57
I'm sure there's a good game lurking under all this but it seems very broken presently. I managed to buy myself a wooden shield and then as I still had lots of money left (I decided to start with 100 coins) I decided to get some training which led to a dead end with both no offer of training or any visible means to exit. So I started again and this time missed out the training but still bought the shield. I managed to roll my dice and take my first move (which ended up injuring me) but then it wouldn't let me roll the dice again saying 'you have already rolled the dice this move'. So I decided to browse another shop and my skills etc then tried to roll the dice again only to be told 'you need to return to the playing area'. But where is that and how do I get back there?

18 Nov 2014, 06:45
Thank you for playing, Silver. Much appreciated. I am sorry for the struggle.
Playing it online is not the best bet, but when you draw an enemy card a menu is suppose to popup with choices: "Attack and Flee" If it doesn't, press 'Enter' on your keyboard making sure 'Dice' is not selected at that moment.(This only happens online) The dice is only being rolled to move and you can throw it only once per turn. When done for the round, click on 'End Round' (A option under the dice. So click on 'Dice' and then 'End Round') Now you are ready to roll the dice again.
For the training, just speak to the trainer.
When going to any of the shops or trainer you are actually leaving the play area - To return to the play area, you can click on any shop and click on 'Return' to return to the play area.

So the sequence will be: If you need to purchase equipment go to a shop, return from the shop to the play area by clicking on 'Return', roll the dice to move to another square. You can again go and do more shopping if so wished; otherwise click on 'End Round'
If it was a two player game, it will now be player 2's turn. If one player, it will be your second turn of play and therefore rinse and repeat.

Gain enough experience to open the doorways to the 4 Guardians that each hold a key that open the chests on the blue squares that contain special items that will help you defeat the big guy in the middle.

Important: Have fun!

Forgot to mention: As you level up, you will unlock better armor and weapons at the shops. (Level 3 will be the first unlock) There will also be new encounters and different enemies. Level 0 to Level 2, you will encounter rats, Hobgoblin and a Hobgoblin captain. Level 3-4 it will be a skeleton, Bugbear and Asabi Stingtail.
*Remember to equip your weapons and preferably before combat*
At any time, you can click on 'Options' and 'Help' if you get stuck