Oh Dear!!!

25 Oct 2014, 10:49
It has come to this then, has it?


Time to change the way games are seen before a moderator looks at them.

25 Oct 2014, 11:44
I hope they don't start spamming these.

25 Oct 2014, 11:52
I wish I had more power than just to categorize a "game" (like, maybe, delete it). I'm not a prude in any way, but this doesn't even belong in sandpit. This is just gratuitous nothing.

25 Oct 2014, 15:32
Now deleted. Just email me about this kind of thing and I'll delete it swiftly.

25 Oct 2014, 18:14
Thanks, Alex!

25 Oct 2014, 19:31
it even linked to a porn site in game. So it was porn spam.

25 Oct 2014, 19:40
Damn I missed it! :shock: Next time PM me first and then I will inform, after doing an extensive play through and review to deem it's inappropriateness only of course..., 8) Alex. :wink: That is all... chive on... :lol: